Eurogamer adding a paywall
not much hiding behind the paywall, for the time being news
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Read my upcoming review and find out!
It's an "action-adventure" indie game, made by Melburnians, apparently.
No petrol, no work cause no petrol.
Should've downloaded. You could've afforded the higher price since you're not paying for petrol.
Should have just gone outside and experienced GTA irl.
Fucks sake.
Smart pickup on Sony's part. They'll eventuallyl have a gamepass library of their back catalog.
The best bosses of the series.
Filtered through the eyes of Terry Gilliam, director of films like Time Bandit and 12 Monkeys.
There's also a sequel I might grab.
Got this graphic adventure hybrid platformer which has great reviews
Also bought Lost Grimoires, another Artifex Mundi game. Must have close to 30 games from them. Might buy more stuff tommorow, mulling over a few potential buys. Anyhow there's this Ninja type platformer demo on the eshop, it's in the most recent demos page - OkinawaRush . It's pretty fun, feels like a lost arcade game, controls are decent, you can hack and slash people up and you get various breakable weapons like swords, nunchuk and staffs. It's made to feel like a 90s arcade game. If it ever goes cheap enough I'll buy.
Horace has become a shit show with ball bustingly difficult bosses and sections with one hit kills. Only play this if you like "precision" platformer.
Edit - so I'm halfway into Horace. I'm 8 hrs in and it's approx 15 hrs or longer. It feels extraordinarily long for a retro platformer. And they've ramped up the difficult so everything kills you in one hit now. You have infinite lives and instant respawns but that's still not enough to avoid frustration.
There are tortuous bosses who will endlessly kill you with one hit. They have stages which will checkpoint for you, but that still means playing stage after stage of a boss with ball crushing difficultly. And if you rage quit you will restart at the very start of a boss fight. So your only hope is sleep mode.
Now they're throwing more and more 1 hit kill platforming sections and I don't think the switch controller is even up to the task, no dpad and tiny face buttons.
The game knows its hard, after you die enough it gives you a free hit and then another. But you have to intentionally die MANY times in a row to get them.
And there are sections where you don't get anything. So you let yourself die waiting for extra shields and receive nothing.
Now I'm inside the mansion and suddenly the game has become a rock hard Metroidvania out of nowhere. It's so schizophrenic.
It's such a shame as there's oodles of charm, bags of character. And at its heart an enjoyable platformer - when and IF it's not choosing to bust your balls.
Games got a great sense of humour, it has characters like Lord Arthwipe and Lord Woodcock.
I just drugged Sherlock Holmes and found a decapitated head in a bag. Now I'm hunting famous London killer Jack the rip.. I mean Jeff the Murderer 😄