Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry review
"Subversive, sardonic, brimming with wit and a merciless satire of 21st century dating culture. This is the heart and soul of Leisure Suit Larry, updated for the digital age"
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It's much faster paced than something like the Walking dead and if you're a monster movie fan you'll also enjoy the creative and great looking variety of monsters in the series.
Oh man that sucks. Hopefully it’s not Covid but if it is then hopefully you don’t get hit too badly with it and wishing you a speedy recovery either way.
That's a long wait for results. My sister got hers (negative) the next day.
Hope your results come back negative, too!
I've had that for 3 weeks now, but it's just a chest infection I figure. I get them every year as Foolz knows as I often have to cancel a show a year because of a persisent cough. The fatigue is new this year, but I guess that is age related.
Watching 9/11 doc on Netflix. Brings back that day too vividly.
I have no idea, what response time is preferable for gaming? Its not for online games, just older consoles through Mclassic (360/wii/switch?) and dvds as 4ktvs make me want to use my dvds as dog Frisbees.
I've just connected my old DVD player into my new monitor through HDMI and it works. It looks like I left A Bit of Fry & Laurie in there.
By Miu Watanabe.
Anyhow, unlocked a B level Porsche and Lamborgini. I was not expecting that. Now that I'm playing all game modes, daily events, multilayer, special events and career mode; its getting much easier to unlock stuff and upgrade my cars. You tend to get to a sticking point where its like, impossible to win a race and you can't upgrade your car. Then you go somewhere else, a new GP. Dip in and out, fit a few import parts, use your game credit to unlock a precious few blueprints. Then you have a breakthrough and start winning again. This game is like my new Splatoon, I play it everyday and can do so for hours.
One problem I have is in online multiplayer, you hit a ramp at what seems like an acceptable speed and angle, for some unknown reason you can flip over like a turtle, respawn at the back of the queue and essentially it becomes impossible to mount any sort of combat. In single player the rubber banding let's you make a comeback. In multiplayer it feels frustrating to be randomly flipped and have no chance to recover the race.
Only other problem I have with the game is that you do huge jumps off ramps and with some your view is completely blocked of where you are landing. Which can lead to crashing. You pretty much have to remember these parts from memory to make sure you don't end up landing in a river or on top of a barrier.
Still, for a free game, this is excellent. Even for a paid one it'd be great.
You guys heard of Spiritfarer? Everyone who plays it loves it. It's a full price game but it's 50% today for 1 day. Honestly I'd buy it right now if I didn't have so many other games to play. Also there's this 2019 game called Indivisible which around £6.34 now on sale. Really good platformer/turn based battles game with full voice acting. It's supposed to be good and is 30 hrs long.
Too many games to play and not enough time.
Yep, trying to stick to The ascent at the moment.
I’ve been bouncing around with a bunch of different games recently. Started playing Recore yesterday and it’s not too bad really. Probably going to stick with that for a bit until I beat it.
I tested postive for Covid-19. I found out this morning. Being fully vaccinated obviously didn't prevent it, but it may have helped ease my symptoms. Feels like a severe sinus cold with headaches and dry cough. Daily headaches started 11 days before the sinus and cough symptoms began. I never had a fever; I checked daily. All of my symptoms are fairly mild so far today, so maybe I'm near the end of it.
Anyhow I ordered a well reviewed 27" 1080p Monitor with 1ms response time 75hz refresh IPS display. It won't be in stock till end of this month so I could swap it for the 144hz model but I don't see a point as its just for Switch level consoles or older. PC monitors are a lot cheaper than tvs of the same size.
I also ordered a 5 input to one output hdmi switcher. I can run everything through Mclassic.
So Switch, 360, Wii U, Bluray/dvd player, Wii. Then eventually I will get a retrotink scart, plug in GC, Dreamcast, N64, Xbox - run it all through Mclassic too.