Steam Survey Results: April 2021
Spoiler alert Windows 10 is at 92% of users. Surpiise: only 38% speak english. news
MLB Pitcher Disabled by a Video Game
Luzardo has apologized to his teammates. Rage quit ends bad. news
Nintendo Switch passes 84m sold, as company records record profits
But forecasts quieter 2021 news
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Some pretty crazy numbers in that Nintendo financial report.
I also played Arkham City through the mclassic on wii u. It scaled it to 1080p (on a 4ktv) and the results were very good, less jaggy and a lot cleaner.
So basically, Mclassic is not going to make any old 480p content look good on an 4ktv-it's just too big of a bridge to cross. If you want to play gc/wii/ps2 or dvds, best to use the Mclassic on a 1080p or even 720p TV.
However for consoles 720p and up (including 1080p Bluray) it's going to improve and clean up the picture on 4Ktvs. Mclassic could upscale switch to 1440p, but you need a TV that supports it, or monitor. And given how older gamecube games can look, I'd probably get a 1080p monitor rather than a 1440p monitor. I still have a 720p TV so may try wii through mclassic on that and it should be the best quality - I think.
Ended up playing Tetris99.
What's worse? I was planned on playing virtual consoles games on wii via mclassic. There's no image, just a blank screen. So the only option is to keep my crt or transfer everything to wii u and play... on a 4ktv where everything looks like ass. Im wondering if mclassic will even work with n64 now as it doesn't output a decent resolution image. I already ordered a hyperkin cable set for n64/Gamecube which it says outputs to 720p. So maybe that will work with GC through the mclassic. But who knows at this point. I'm starting to think my collection of old games and dvds are becoming a useless burden and more hassle than it's worth (thanks to TV resolutions) and I should just get rid of them. We'll, at least I can play Wii in HD with a fairly good standard picture quality.
So Ghost of Tsushima is a lot of fun. It looks like your basic Ubisoft open world game. What makes it unique is the robust combat mechanics and the setting. It's gorgeous. The wind plays a part in this game so flowers and grass are constantly swaying. It's just great to look at. I don't really care for photo mode, but I found myself spending a bit of time on it today.
The story is great and intriguing. I couldn't help but wonder if the game would introduce a supernatural element. It hasn't and I'm grateful for that.
That's what the big companies want us to do. I'm keeping my 1080p TV until it dies. Fuck 4K.
I kept games for years, but I no longer do that because of lack of room and I sell those games to buy newer games.
Yep, I always remember the great fairy slaughter of '96.