Ninja Garden Trilogy Headed to the Switch and PS4.
It looks like it is the new trilogy.
Ubisoft Announces Prince of Persia: Sands of Time remake
Probably based off that really bad Jake Gyllenhaal movie news
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What do they mean by ‘active’?
The original Xbox One has been off the market for a long time and the Xbox One X has been discontinued for awhile now. The only real active systems will be the Xbox One S, Xbox Series S, and the Xbox Series X. It sounds like they are really reaching with that article.
All systems have code names when in prototype. Why do you have an issue with this one?
The Series S has a weaker GPU but overall it is a more capable system then the One X.
Microsoft did a 360.
When I first played THPS2 it was on the N64. Ive missed out on 2-3 levels so it's almost like DLC.
Series X and S are codenames? I thought those were the proper names. I guess I was mistaken?
You were right, GG. The code name would've been better. Why didn't they release a Doritos and Dew console?
This weekend, I was grinding the rails at school in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. I've also swung from ropes to land on opponents in Uncharted multiplayer. You guys?
What? No. Project Scorpio was the code name for Xbox One X. I thought you were having problems with figuring out it’s link to the One X. Series X and S are the proper names. Their code names were Anaconda and Lockhart respectively.
I’ve been playing the usual. More Gears 5 online multiplayer, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Dragon Quest XI: S Definitive Edition.
Still grinding in AC?
Fuck, my head hurts
Yeah, pretty much. Took a bit of a break for awhile there but the new Sept. fish, bugs, and sea creatures got me back in. Wanted to add those to my lists and museum.
And they were both Project Scarlet, weren't they?
So even the concept names are confusing...
I've been playing Hollow Knight during the weekend. Or more precisely: I've been stuck on the same boss. How Robio manages this, but fails to press 'B' in time with an on screen prompt in Xenoblade Chronicles is beyond me.
Should have called them 'Smoke' and 'mirrors'.
I finished Vampyr and Night in the Woods, and started Halo 3 and Kentucky Route Zero. Also just rescued Olimar in Pikmin 3 but the motherfucker ran off with the fruit stash.
Yeah I think so. Now I’m getting a headache.
Watched the first three episodes of High Score on Netflix. Quite enjoyable so far. I really get a kick out of seeing stuff from the ‘80’s and early ‘90’s. Those sure were the days. Got a chuckle on that bit where that woman, who’s name escapes me right now, went to Japan to setup the American launch of Nintendo Power and was so determined to have it look how she wanted. The Japanese in those meetings getting so frustrated and Howard Philips trying to calm them by saying that she was just a “dragon lady”.
I could listen to Roberta Williams talk all day. She is just so adorable.