Game Under Podcast Episode 127
Sludge Life, Beat Cop, Death and Taxes, Metro Exodus and the new season of Sky: Children of Light. editorial impressions news
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Wow the button placement would drive me nuts.
Yeah. I didn’t see them hyping it before hand but I did watch some reaction videos and it seems like there were quite a few people disappointed in this.
Yeah, very unfortunate. Wish they’d hurry up and start letting us know what they’ve got planned for the rest of this year. There’s got to be some big holiday title they’ve got planned, hopefully.
So Far Cry 6 has been teased and it has Giancarlo Esposito, the guy who played Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, as the antagonist. This is the most hyped I’ve ever been for a Far Cry game. I think the game is scheduled for a February 2021 release.
Those two are the best ones, but really, it's more of the same.
I’ve only played Far Cry 4 myself but yeah I here the games are very much alike, well at least 3, 4, and 5 were, and they do have the notorious reputation of having that Ubisoft “formula” and a lot of busywork. Still though I enjoyed FC 4 and really dug the colour palette in that game.
I told you, it's September! (Almost October)
Vblank has released a Wii (you read that right) version of Shakedown Hawaii.
i'm interested in getting a copy just for the novelty factor (and to keep it sealed). Has anyone here played the game? Is it actually any good?
Yeah I heard that as well. Will be interesting to see how well it sells, will probably all be collectors buying it. Never played the game myself though so have no idea what it’s like.
I thought you were a regular listener!