New Game + Expo today at 11AM Eastern
Sega and smaller publishers hosting a conference today news
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I think it’s just Nintendo’s online infrastructure. Try running it without a game running in the background, probably won’t make much of a difference though. Perhaps a wired connection would be better then Wi-Fi.
Oh, oh.
1. The series actually peaked with the first entry.
2. God damn are they hard.
3. There are no save states in this! I'm reasonably sure I won't get through most of these because of it.
Oh how true this is. Pretty much the same conclusions I came to as well. Mega Man X is my favourite. Made it through the first two games but got stuck at the final boss of the third and after a LOT of attempts I just kind of gave up on it. May go and try again later on down the road. The thing that pisses me off the most though is that the password saves don’t actually save you at the part just before the final boss if you make there. If you go back again to it later on after a failed attempt and input the password you have to redo all the stages of the final boss areas. This means you need to redo all three final areas, their bosses, the eight maverick refights, and the final boss and his multiple forms. Ugh.
You motherfu........!
That part underwater in Octopus’ stage in Mega Man X where those sub creatures come up from the ground and you have to shoot them a hundred times while they push and pull you with the current while you try not to touch the spikes always makes me want to eat my controller.
I don't have time to get gud. Just let everyone be a pushover.
Save states for everyone!
You get a save state! And you get a save state! And you get a save state!!!