Why did Dreams take Media Molecule seven years to make?
They were asleep on the job
Lots of Kingdom Hearts games launch on XB1 tomorrow
But still no Kingdom Farts
Sonic the Hedgehog movie concept art shows Chris Evans
back-to-back with Sonic, and an unused lizard villain
Diablo and Overwatch animated TV series'
in development, according to Activision Blizzard president
Digital Foundry Switch's Witcher 3 patch 3.6
is an excellent upgrade to a superb game
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a much more
structured take on the series
Digital Foundry - The Witcher 3 Switch Patch 3.6
a comprehensive upgrade that transforms The Witcher 3 on Switch from a great port into a superb companion experience for the PC version
Pop'n TwinBee, Smash Tennis, Shadow of the Ninja
Eliminator Boat Duel added to SNES Online on Switch
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robio (5m)
Sonic was good fun! Its a good kids movie, go in especting that and you will have a great time. Jim Carrey is awesome, PG so not as good as he can be but still great. Marsden is incredibly good at talking to cartoons. Credits scene is so good, cant wait for the next.
That movie is all my daughter talked about Friday and Saturday, especially the credits scene.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega Genesis 1991
29 years ago.
Or Sonic Colours.
Sonic Adventure. Two years after the classic film it was based on, making it one of the best film-to-game adaptations.
Sonic Mania just came out like two years ago and it's arguably the best sonic game ever and one of the best platformers this gen.
That's right. I knew a good one had been snuck in there, but after Generations I couldn't remember any.
So did anyone play Shenmue 3? Why has no one posted impressions. Kinda pisses me off that I can't play it.
I haven’t played Shenmue 3. I only ever played the first game back when it came out. I thought that it was an ok game for its time. I’m not a big Shenmue fan myself though so I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to playing the other two.
In it, Nintendo will go in depth in how they will implement microtransactions into the game. The premium currency for these will be called 'balls'. Furthermore, a credit card system will be implemented, in which it is possible to only pay balls for the interest of your debt. Should you fail to comply however, Nintendo will confiscate your switch by 'locking' it through software untill you pay off your debt.
I'll get around to it one day.
Also, if that AC switch releases in Europe I'd be mighty tempted to get it.
Which brings us to the question: since you can install your downloaded games on multiple systems with the same account, are those too then doomed to sharing a single town?
I haven't played an AC game since the GC original (in the West, Japan got it already on the 64DD) but I'd be interested in playing this with my son. IF it gets localised that is, he doesn't speak English yet, so that would be a deal braker. Anyhow, I like the idea of us both sharing a town, where I could see what he's been up to and I could change things and hide stuff for him to find next time he plays. Sounds wholesome.
Watching the direct nao