Reggie Fils-Aime on the Wii U's failure
Iwata against Wii Sports being bundled with Wii in U.S., the Activision Blizzard Hong Kong controversy, and more
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I finally bought a USB 3.0 ethernet adapter for Switch ($15) that was suggested by Spawnwave a while back. I've been buying and downloading more games on my Switch lately, and the Switch's WIFI is either pathetically awful or it doesn't work well with my router for some reason. My router is in the same room as my Swtch and I was getting 1.5 Mbps download with frequent dropped connections; with the USB ethernet adapter I'm now getting 26.6Mpbs, no drops. In comparision, my PC via ethernet is getting 207.91Mbps. Sucks I'm not getting anywhere close to that speed on my Switch, but at least its usable now.
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The Wonderful 116?
Suda 51 And Swery65 Will Talk About A Secret Project
Strange tha tyou'd be having that issue. Have you tried hotspoting it your phone or other wifi as a troubleshoot?
No. I've downloaded very little until recently, so I didn't know it was having issues. I should try it at work to see if it works better there.
Killer 7 was by far Suda's best game. This should be by far his second best.
Yeah I’m definitely interested in it myself. I love Fallout and I love space so this sounds like a great matchup. The great reviews that it has been getting has also helped fuel my interest.
I am interested but want to read a few reviews. Looks very similar to Fallout to me. Maybe I'll get it later since Luigi's Mansion 3 is out next week.
Welcome to the club.
I bought The Outer Worlds today for PS4. I didn't get a chance to play it yet. I also bought Persona 5 and didn't get a chance to play it either.
I will give my opinion once I finished it.
Been playing the Outer Worlds, finished the opening world, lots of great choices, its space fallout. It all feels great, gunplay is strategic enough, lots of dialogue choices. I'm very much into it so far. Thank you game pass!
Just beat Red Dead Redemption 2. This game definitely takes the crown for the most boring game I ever had to slog through that had a 97 average Pro rating on Metacritic.
Some games you have such a great time with & are so fun & well paced that you literally don't want them to end, & you feel saddened when they do end. Then there's games that you wish had ended about halfway through...which is a problem when the game is 60-ish hours long. This for me was one of those games.
The story itself is the main star, & it's solid. But the gameplay itself is nothing new. It feels like a last gen Rockstar game, but with slower controls. I feel like there's too many games going this route of putting such an emphasis on the story that the actual gameplay is secondary. But my main complaint is definitely the amount of time it takes just get get around. It may be realistic, but it's not fun.
I hope these developers tone down the whole giant world thing next gen. Resident Evil 2 remake is a strong reminder of how much fun a more focused experience can be, & I would much rather have more of that than another generation of open world games telling me to "go to this blip" then "kill all these guys" over and over and over again. Just because we CAN make a world map the size of Earth, is it really needed for an incredible experience? Or is it a hindrance?
This weekend I returned to Uncharted lands for some multiplayer fun. I had a really cool, lucky game with a good eighteen kills. Really fun stuff and the saved video played for laughs. Next week, I'll return to sucking with Luigi.
This weekend played some Gears 5, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, and Dead Rising for that Halloween vibe.