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[] Shenmue 3: an Unreal take on a classic Dreamcast ​ experience gamingeek
[] Bully 2 "never got off the ground" says Rockstar source ​ gamingeek
[] Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint review ​ - a limp and lifeless spin on the Ubisoft formula impressions gamingeek
[] Link’s Awakening is the fastest-selling Switch game in Europe right now gamingeek
[] House of the Dead 1 and 2 get remakes but clarifies the 2020 release window gamingeek
[] Randy Pitchford settles that super weird lawsuit ​ with former Gearbox employee gamingeek
[] Project Resistance uses Resident Evil 3 theme hinting at a RE3 remake gamingeek
[] EA accidentally leaks the personal information ​ of thousands of FIFA 20 players gamingeek
Streets of Rage 4 dev discusses the challenge ​ of reviving a classic IP, confirms post-launch content gamingeek
[] WGA drops games writing category from its 2020 awards "The category will be reinstated when there is a critical mass of video games covered by the Writers Guild of America." SupremeAC
[] Sony confirms PS5 naming and christmas 2020 release also haptic feedback and triggers with programmable resistance. news SupremeAC
[] Blizzard pulls pro-gamer from tournament over Hong Kong support Also took his prize money, banned him for a year, and fired the interviewers news robio
[] The new Atari console may never launch, hasn’t paid ​ its developers for over six months gamingeek
[] Sony laid off ‘dozens’ of PlayStation EU employees ​ after official PS5 reveal gamingeek
[] IO Interactive and Warner Bros are collaborating ​ on a big game in a ‘new universe’ gamingeek
[] Cyberpunk 2077 demo shows off two strange ​ and skilful stealth abilities gamingeek
[] Gay World of WarCraft guild forced to change name creator’s account suspended gamingeek
[] Digital Foundry - Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible Lair ​ video analysis, "spotless on Switch" gamingeek
Enchanted Portals devs discuss the "Cuphead ripoff" ​ backlash to their reveal trailer media gamingeek
[] Sonic the Hedgehog full-body movie costume ​ spotted at Walmart - buy it now! gamingeek
[] This week's North American downloads - October 10 The Witcher 3, Little Town Hero and more gamingeek
[] ​Rayman animated series in the works gamingeek
[] Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo Switch ​ - screenshots, art and boxart media gamingeek
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Country: US
Comments: 18465
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Fri, 11 Oct 2019 23:30:11

I highly recommend the game 'Reventure' on the Switch. It's only $10 and it answers the al-important question: "What if heroes like Link were assholes?"

I'll say no more! Give it a try. It's a blast!  WinkWink

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Joined: 2008-07-03
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 00:02:53
No time.  Borderlands now.  Luigi’s Mansion later.
Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 01:01:27
I always thought Link was an asshole. He barges into people's house uninvited, smashes their pots and steals their money.

The VG Press

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Sat, 12 Oct 2019 01:07:08

Not to mention the pure hell that he gives the chickens of the village.

Country: FR
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Joined: 2013-06-11
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 14:26:44
Ravenprose said:
I always thought Link was an asshole. He barges into people's house uninvited, smashes their pots and steals their money.

No, it's a cultural thing. Everybody does those things in Japan. True story.
Country: US
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Joined: 2009-02-25
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 16:02:56
Well that was rather naive of me...

I finally have gotten to a point where I'm ready to finish Breath of the Wild. Love the game, but I think I'm ready to move on. Got my master sword, freed all the divine beasts, lots of stamina, and lots of hearts. so I think myself all right let's just finish this and go fight Ganon. So I run into the entrance of the castle, and then realize oh.... I'm going to have to work my way through the castle. I don't just get the challenge him do I?

And then I died by one of those guardian laser shooter thingies.  
Country: FR
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Joined: 2013-06-11
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 16:48:39
^ good times. I didn't care for the actual fight though. It relies heavily on dodging attacks to go in to slow motion and I never really used that during the game.

It's a great game, but with piss poor boss battles.
Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 12 Oct 2019 19:30:51
Tried the RE5 and 6 demos on Switch. RE5 hasn't aged well, the opening area is still a bad re4 copy/paste. Controls are tank like. Playing re6 afterwards is something of a revelation. You can run without holding down a button. You can run in the opposite direction without slowly rotating or quick turning. You can hide behind cover, punch instantaneously. Dodge and jump roll on the floor and shoot. So much better. The visuals look amazing in 1080p, if it was a new game releasing today I couldn't tell the difference. Unfortunately after I completed the Chris Red field demo I was left feeling a touch empty, it was like a 3rd person call of duty. Very linear too. Too far off the crowd control concept. But I played the Leon sections of re6 already. RE5 though, sheva blocking your view, getting killed off screen. Having to ammo swap in real time wtf is this shit? It feels like gyro aiming would make both games must haves for me.

Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-07-03
Sun, 13 Oct 2019 22:47:40

This weekend I’ve played a ton of Borderlands 3 inching closer to the finish.  What about you, badass fanatics?

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