Nintendo showcases BOTW Hyrule Castle in Minecraft
(available to buy in Minecraft store)
Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers
coming to Nintendo Switch - Warriors game
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Are you going to buy Cuphead, GG?
Only if and when it's cheap enough. That goes for everything on the eshop.
I haven't played much of anything since Octopath. Just Splatoon. I really want to play Xenoblade 2 portably but the resolution is so low it's horrific.
"Next Xbox more powerful than PS5"
I don't know about anyone else, but I was hugely disappointed in the PS360 generation, with the exception of the Wii. Didn't feel like significant progression. The PS41 (lol) generation, on the other hand, feels like literally no progression and makes me look on the PS360 gen slightly more kindly. Other than marketing gimmicks, what is the point of console generations at this point?
Forcing everyone to pay for online gaming.
Do they need console generations for that?
I thought the PS3/360 gen was pretty good, especially if you include the Wii.
I loved the Wii U, haven't been that interested in PS4 or XB1 and even Switch which I initially liked but I'm souring on a bit. In retrospect I think something like VR, proper VR not cardboard VR would have been the new thing to get me reinvigorated with gaming. But I'm not prepared to throw down hundreds of extra pounds for the privaledge.
Anyhow I was sick all night, diahrea is back. I feel like a zombie.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4/Xbox One, Activision): 9
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (PS4/Xbox One, Ubisoft): 8
Yoshi's Crafted World (Switch, Nintendo): 8
Generation Zero (PS4/Xbox One, THQ Nordic): 5
The Walking Dead: The Final Season (PS4/Xbox One/Switch, Skybound): 7
Dangerous Driving (PS4/Xbox One, Maximum Games): 6
Heaven's Vault (PS4, Inkle): 8
Baba Is You (Switch, MP2 Games): 9
Jupiter & Mars (PS4, Tigertron): 6
I think Foolz' feeling of disappointment stems more from unrealistic expectation than from the industry underdelivering. Despite Hawking's theory that there are a total of 11 dimensions, I don't think we'll ever see as big a leap as we did from 3D to crude 3D and from crude 3D to reasonably acceptable 3D. Not even VR will be a similar leap, because the industry has already botched it's grand entrance.
I think that the next gen might surprise us with their vastly improved CPU's. It'll allow for more immersive games than what has been possible on the last 2 generations of consoles. If anything, it'll reduce loading times, which is highly overdue as well.
It sounds like the implementation of SSDs is going to drastically reduce loading times.
As well as better CPU's. There's no point in being able to load lots of data if your CPU is too slow to unpack it all.
I was always under the impression that load times were due to things like RAM size and the speed of access to that RAM as well as access speed to the storage and the strength of the GPU.
True, but due to the size of games everything needs to be compressed for it to be workable, which means that the CPU will need to unpack it again before loading it into the RAM. So a faster CPU leaves more overhead for unpacking while dealing with all the other computational stuff.
Oh, ok. Well that certainly makes sense.
PSA: Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen has released for the Switch today.
Eurogamer re-posted a good article on it. It's as close to a templete fantasy setting as you'll get, but the character customization allows for some neat alterations to how you experience the game, as the height you set will alter what you can do in the game. I wish more games allowed for this, as it seems an amusing idea.
Hmm. Interesting, I should check it out. I already have this game on the 360 and Xbox One and really loved it but I don’t know if I’ll triple dip on it but the thought of playing it in portable mode is pretty tempting.
PSA #2: Update for Kingdom Hearts III drops today. Included are:
I don't know much about it, other than that it had a peculiar AI teammate system. What's the game like?
It's unrealistic to expect a console that costs half a grand or more to play games materially better than games on the previous console? Nonsense. I don't expect a jump as massive as 2D to 3D, but I do expect people to be doing more than making PS3 games on PS4 in full HD rather than 720P.
That said, it is the fault of the development practices necessitated by the massive cost of making triple A games today, that has caused this stagnancy. And that's actually caused by the greater power of modern consoles. Wii games did not suffer from these creative deficiencies, nor do indie games.