Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is a re-release
worthy of a true genre classic
My Nintendo Store (EU) - Splatoon 2, Animal Crossing
iPhone cases available
President of Sony's Worldwide Studio has preordered
the Nintendo Labo VR Kit
Super Mario Odyssey's Nintendo Labo VR content
Nintendo shares more screens and info media
Sony is finally letting you change your PSN ID from today
Nab BoobsandButts nao!
Telltale co-founder says the studio's closure was
"unthinkable, unfathomable"
Suda51 says Switch is great, and 'really wants'
to do something more with it
Review Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - A Dazzling Port
That Sacrifices Very Little impressions
Rage 2's latest trailer throws everything the wasteland
has at Walker media
Horizon Zero Dawn 2 reportedly teased
by Star Wars Battlefront 2 voice actress
Nintendo Labo: Toy-Con 04 - VR Kit - preview footage
Tons of videos impressions media
This week's North American downloads - April 11
(Final Fantasy X/X-2, Hellblade and more)
This week's European downloads - April 11
(Phoenix Wright, Hellblade and more)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice gameplay round-up
including Photo Mode footage media
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Recently Spotted:
I bought Word Editor for Windows 10 from the MS Store and paid for the add on (otherwise you cannot save the document)
I used it for a couple of weeks, typing up some very important work. And now it has just wiped clean my saved documents and displays blank pages.
Tried to get a refund from Microsoft but the process is damned near impossible to work out when bought digitally. Left a scathing review on the store page.
^Fucking lame.
^^^ So true.
I've never understood matching gear. It's so boring.
Matching armor usually gives bonus stats. That's how it works in a civilized game.
Yes, but there's never any gear that accomodates my personal play style and preferences. All I ever asked for is wind res and earplugs so that I don't get interrupted while swatting huge monsters with my hammer. If you want to call that barbaric, so be it.
Maaaaaaaaan. F$£$ Microsoft.
I'm slowly moving away from their products. My Android phone is simpler to use and tons better than my flagship Windows phone. After a year I couldn't even buy music via Xbox Music.
Now MS wants to charge £75 a year and force you to buy a yearly subscription at that price just to use Microsoft Word? It's so restrictive even the MS Store on Windows 10 has only 9 reviews for MSWord.
Meanwhile I use the mic on my phone to dictate verbally in voice to text to get back all my work. Then I find I can use Google Docs, which is basically free MSWord that instantly saves all changes, and can be accessed from any device.
FU Microsoft
Also I'm going to start using voice to text to post here, so if you see some messed up grammer, that's why.
This is what my character in Nioh looks like right now. Leo was right about this game, it's badass.
;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:1px;border-left-color:rgb(208,208,20;border-left-style:solid;border-left-width:1px;border-right-color:rgb(208,208,20;border-right-style:solid;border-right-width:1px;border-top-color:rgb(208,208,20;border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:1px;" />
Jesus that's how Nintendo's VR is going to work? You hold it against your head and control it that way? Fuck that.
Watch Dogs 3 will be set in London - report
Out of curiosity, was anyone hoping for a new Watch Dogs game?
Me I love the watch dogs games.
It's an expensive cardbard Viewmaster.
One of the current theories is also that it will be water cooled, will have a seperate button for ordering pizza and will come with sturdy silicon sleeves for the JoyCon as to allow for even more varieties of HD rumble play for the whole family (well, maybe not all of them).
Don't you just love speculation?
I'm glad the theory about you being a jerk were proved true.
Einstein is said to have predicted it. That man was so much ahead of his time.