Trailer and date for Red Faction Guerilla ReMarsTered
It smells like Ur-anus media
Details About Square Enix's AVENGERS PROJECT
And Other Marvel Games Possibly Revealed
Digital Foundry Takes Issue With Hyrule Warriors'
Portable Performance On Switch
The Pokémon Company finally shows its hand
but for the first time we don't know what to expect
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon - Switch owners
account for 56% of the game's sales so far
Pokemon Co. says their core Pokemon RPG for Switch
is completely new, and includes many new Pokemon
Destiny 2 is changing the way you pay for content
In fact, if you want everything, it'll be charging you MORE. whowuddathunk? news
Review Sushi Striker: The Way Of Sushido
"The game feels incredibly polished, with a mostly satisfying battle system that gets surprisingly deep, and beautifully presented cutscenes" impressions
Valve's new content policy is a gutless attempt
to dodge responsibility
Ubisoft CEO: 'There will be one more console generation
... after that, we will be streaming'
Sushi Striker review: a fantastic puzzler
proves that not everything's better on Switch - writer seems to forget that Switch has a touchscreen... impressions
XSEED reveals E3 2018 plans, Gal Metal playable
and Tak Fujii attending, Freedom Planet confirmed for Switch
Capcom reveals E3 2018 lineup, live-stream schedule
events, autograph sessions, and more
Anker releases officially licensed Switch power banks
portable chargers
This week's North American downloads - June 7
(Sushi Striker, BLAZBLUE and more)
Mario Tennis Aces - wireless multiplayer being added
to Swing Mode in September
Sony kicks off Days of Play sale
features God of War and Shadow of the Colossus
Castlevania getting a third season on Netflix
new details on the upcoming second season
Jump Force Reveal Trailer
GG You might like this it is a Shonen Jump crossover game! media
Foolz Breaks Down Braid
One ideal of puzzle game design dictates that a game’s puzzles must follow a consistent logic, but that does not mean that the puzzles themselves must be based on logical thinking. editorial
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SupremeAC (9m)
Good to know. Genesis wasn't one of my favorite libraries, but there were a lot of games I enjoyed all the same. And despite the dozens of times Sega has re-released these games, other than Sonic one and two, I really haven't touched any of them since they were released on the Dreamcast. Might be time to give them another look.
Also, my phone just auto corrected a typo in 'Nintendo'. Not sure if that's cool or creepy.
ESWAT was always one of my favorites. Glad they included it. No Castlevania though....fuckin' insulting.
Konami tends to forget about their past games. They probably don't know it exist anymore.
Ugh, Konami are a pack of cunts.
I mostly play Salmon Run so I don't notice any netcode problems bar the odd disconnection.
Godamn though, I swear there are so many people who are bad at Salmon Run.
No one takes out the Stingers, I'm chased up and down the map by at least 2 or more Stingers at once. I have to travel the whole way across the map to take them out myself, sometimes whilst holding a sniper rifle.
No one takes out the Flyfish, meanwhile I'm double throw killing multiple flyfish while everyone else just runs for the basket. If I ever step away from the main action to take out a side boss, by the time I'm done I turn around to see everyones littered corpses. At which point I have to save the whole team by myself and save the match by doing so.
Great way to highjack my reply for your own dastardy agenda GG I think my main gripe with Salmon Run is that too often 2 of the 4 guns in rotation are crap. It's tough enough having to fight off boss after boss after boss, let alone when you've been dealt a crappy gun. I do enjoy Salmon Run though, the few times I play Splatoon2 I often find myself gravitating towards it too.
The new Xbox boss is called Mr Booty.
Matt Booty that is. I suggest he change it to M-ass Booty
Max Booty would also work.
Two of the four are bad? LOLOLOLOL.
There was a day when they gave us all blasters it was hilarious. And for some reason they take all the sucky weapons and group them together on some days. Dynamo roller with a couple of Cherry Nosslenose's and sniper rifles. No machine guns.
I hit a new record yesterday, I saved 15 people.
Apart from me, there are only 3 people on the team. So each person died and was revived by me 5 times EACH.
The Splatoon community can not sufficiently express it's gratitude for the good work you do.
But here's a Splatoon/Mercy mashup nontheless:
I just read that a 'the new Xbox is called Mr. Booty' which made it even more funny
As did I. Wasn't even hard to believe after the Xbone.
I started playing The Witness on Xbox, as it was an Xbox Live Gold free game last month, and I'd like to play it during my first -cheap- 3 months of XBL. I'm enjoying it, I think. It's soothing to complete the maze like puzzles, even if so far they've all ben relatively easy, bar for one set where I have no clue what I'm doing wrong in the 4th or 5th puzzle. I've unlocked the first laser beam. Started playing this after watching a series of thrillers, and I experienced the calm setting as tense and threathening, as I was expecting unseen horrors to jump up from behind the scenery.
So I'm enjoying it, although I don't see the genius of it yet. Reminds me a lot of 'Englisch Country Tune', which is also an astract puzzler that keeps on building on it's base ideas to keep challenging your understanding of its concepts.
Off topic, but urgent and concerning news nontheless:
The Miss America shows will no longer require participants to show themselves in bikini. What has the world come to, when people are no longer allowed to voluntarily show themselves in bikini during a beauty contest? It's not like anyone is want for options to see titilating nudity these days. Metoo was mentionned as a reason why this was being cut, but that is so besides the point as to be laughable. These women aren't asked for sexual favors in exchange for a promotion, they've voluntarily entered a contest in which they are fully aware of, and consent to, that they will be required to show themselves in bikini on TV.
I can happily confirm that the Miss Belgium organization already confirmed that bikini's aren't getting the boot.
When a beauty pagent is about inner beauty.
Another ancient Judeo-Christian Western tradition is destroyed by political correctness. Isaac Newton must be rolling in his grave, and the heretical William Blake rejoicing.
That said, wasn't the bikini section the only reason anyone cared about the thing, anyway? Pretty amazing, though not surprising if you think about it, that sex is now so simultaneously public and yet revolting, that the commercial interest of scandalising sex once again outweighs the commercial interest of using it for titillation.
Anyway, the whole thing is a dinosaur that's just waiting to die. I don't know of anyone under the age of 60 that even watches it.