Wii releases confirmed for launch on Nvidia Shield in China
it was confirmed that New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Punch-Out!!, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes and Super Mario Galaxy are on the way. These games will be optimized for the platform. reddit.com gamingeek
Eurogamers writers really love Arms
" Arms is about energy and joy and watching the world erupt around you as you lunge and duck and spring about. At times, this game is vitality itself"eurogamer.net gamingeek
Game Under Podcast Ep. 101
Tom and Gagan examine some of the most iconic games of the last 20 years. And Wonderful 101.gameunder.net editorial impressions media aspro
Holy shit...I never realized Shenmue modeled real areas in Japan this closely until now. I mean the first area in this vid is instantly recognizable to me from the game. And that they could make that happen on the Dreamcast is pretty impressive.
A sad state of affairs. So will the game itself require PSN+ too then?
To play online, absolutely. That's actually the reason I don't play a lot of Street Fighter anymore. I had PSN+ for several months when I first got the PS4, but the free games during that time were.... I don't want to say they were junk, but I had very little interest in them. And they were junk. And since I didn't play too many online games anyway I was happy to disgard it. While I am happy to play Monster Hunter solo, I will probably break down and get a three month subscription or so when it comes out on the off-chance I have other PS4 owner friends that want to play it together. And if nothing else, I can't show off my mad skills just playing by myself on the couch.
Been playing the Zelda dlc. Found the horse gear which is good. So far it's more shrines, about 16 from what I can tell so far and a new dungeon too. It's all so seamlessly integrated it doesn't really feel like a separate content pack. It just enriches the gameworld. Also the Lost Sphere demo is shit.
Whoa! There’s a Street Fighter 30 year anniversary collection coming in May that has EVERY game from Street Fighter 1 to all the SF2’s, all the Alphas and all the SF3’s!! 😗
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Holy shit...I never realized Shenmue modeled real areas in Japan this closely until now. I mean the first area in this vid is instantly recognizable to me from the game. And that they could make that happen on the Dreamcast is pretty impressive.
To play online, absolutely. That's actually the reason I don't play a lot of Street Fighter anymore. I had PSN+ for several months when I first got the PS4, but the free games during that time were.... I don't want to say they were junk, but I had very little interest in them. And they were junk. And since I didn't play too many online games anyway I was happy to disgard it. While I am happy to play Monster Hunter solo, I will probably break down and get a three month subscription or so when it comes out on the off-chance I have other PS4 owner friends that want to play it together. And if nothing else, I can't show off my mad skills just playing by myself on the couch.
Well I'd probably need a new PC first, as our family PC is about 2 years old, and it was a 2 year old model when we bought it.
My pc's 4 years old as well, but I'm pretty sure it'll cope. It's not too flashy, but still about as powerfull as a PS4 or Xbone.
My PC was built in 2012. It's still better than the consoles.
Whoa! There’s a Street Fighter 30 year anniversary collection coming in May that has EVERY game from Street Fighter 1 to all the SF2’s, all the Alphas and all the SF3’s!! 😗
That sounds cool! For the Switch too?