Eurogamer reviews Xenoblade 2
"The true sequel to the best-loved contemporary JRPG is unrestrained in its ambition, and the result is a chaotic kind of brilliance. " impressions gamingeek
Sorry about your shit sandwich of a week Edge. Doesn't matter how they go when it comes to pets. It's losing a family member, case closed. Here's to a better week.
Played nearly 4 hrs of xenoblade 2. It's definitely a new world, new thing. It has xeno flavour but its completely separate from xenoblade 1 and x. The voice acting is so bad and yet so good at the same time. There are a lot of American characters, some cast as bad guys. One thing I don't like is the game interupts you to teach you things it expects you to remember in a fairly short amount of time. Also I'm playing on a shitty tv but even then graphically this game feels like it's somewhere between xeno wii and xcx wii u. I was wondering why it didn't look better but after reading new GAF aka resetera it appears most of the work was outsourced and it had the smallest number of monolithsoft staffers. Apparently Nintendo raided the staff and had them working on BOTW. On the switch screen the low resolution its rendering at makes it look worse than xcx on the wii u gamepad screen. Still, being able to play on the toilet, that's golden. Music is sooo good. Combat system is xeno, not as fun as xcx or xeno so far.
I was throwing up last night over food my father said he defrosted properly but which was probably gone off before he froze it. Now a day later as I type this I am shitting my guts out, sweating. 😠
Played nearly 4 hrs of xenoblade 2. It's definitely a new world, new thing. It has xeno flavour but its completely separate from xenoblade 1 and x. The voice acting is so bad and yet so good at the same time. There are a lot of American characters, some cast as bad guys. One thing I don't like is the game interupts you to teach you things it expects you to remember in a fairly short amount of time. Also I'm playing on a shitty tv but even then graphically this game feels like it's somewhere between xeno wii and xcx wii u. I was wondering why it didn't look better but after reading new GAF aka resetera it appears most of the work was outsourced and it had the smallest number of monolithsoft staffers. Apparently Nintendo raided the staff and had them working on BOTW. On the switch screen the low resolution its rendering at makes it look worse than xcx on the wii u gamepad screen. Still, being able to play on the toilet, that's golden. Music is sooo good. Combat system is xeno, not as fun as xcx or xeno so far.
I was thinking that this would be a nice game to play during the Christmas Holiday. Then again, I really want to get DOOM as well. I might just end up playing my son's copy of Mario+Rabbids, or pick up where I left off in Bravely Second. 'Tis not the time for spendin'.
The missus and son caught a Mewtwo today in Pokémon Go. It was a big deal, as you had to receive an invite to a raid. When they announced you needed an invite, she despaired that she'd never get a turn because she spends no money on the game. That all changed a week ago, when an invite turned up in her game. Since then excitement has been rising up to the time the raid would take place today. I'm happy for them they managed to catch one, as defeating the Raid is no guarantee for a succesfull catch.. Now all that is left of the original gen for them to catch is a Tauros (region specific) and a Mew (no word on when or how those will show up)
Sorry about your shit sandwich of a week Edge. Doesn't matter how they go when it comes to pets. It's losing a family member, case closed. Here's to a better week.
My condolences Edge. It’s always sad to lose a pet.
You have my condolences as well, Edge. Hopefully, things will start looking up.
I was thinking that this would be a nice game to play during the Christmas Holiday. Then again, I really want to get DOOM as well. I might just end up playing my son's copy of Mario+Rabbids, or pick up where I left off in Bravely Second. 'Tis not the time for spendin'.
The missus and son caught a Mewtwo today in Pokémon Go. It was a big deal, as you had to receive an invite to a raid. When they announced you needed an invite, she despaired that she'd never get a turn because she spends no money on the game. That all changed a week ago, when an invite turned up in her game. Since then excitement has been rising up to the time the raid would take place today. I'm happy for them they managed to catch one, as defeating the Raid is no guarantee for a succesfull catch.. Now all that is left of the original gen for them to catch is a Tauros (region specific) and a Mew (no word on when or how those will show up)