Read lots of Mordor reviews, seems like a bigger sequel. Probably a better game but not by a significant margin.
I tried the Star Wars BF2 beta, it's a game where the best players get rewarded for playing best by getting access to super killing machine s to continue to be the best. It feels ok, not great.
Lol fifa 18 switch sales in Japan are more than the previous 13 fifas combined. Also shovel knight switch sales are better than any other platform and the game is 3 years old.
The Switch's eshop is a horrible mess. I don't get how Nintendo could have gone from something as relatively easy to navigate as the WiiU eshop to this. It's just an endless list you can search. No highlighting, you can't even seem to search which games have demo's.
Read lots of Mordor reviews, seems like a bigger sequel. Probably a better game but not by a significant margin.
I tried the Star Wars BF2 beta, it's a game where the best players get rewarded for playing best by getting access to super killing machine s to continue to be the best. It feels ok, not great.
The Switch's eshop is a horrible mess. I don't get how Nintendo could have gone from something as relatively easy to navigate as the WiiU eshop to this. It's just an endless list you can search. No highlighting, you can't even seem to search which games have demo's.
Still no one tried the Octopath traveler demo?
Splatoon 2 - version 1.4.0 incoming next week
Can't believe they couldn't have said inkcoming. It's just begging for it.
Don't know which to choose
Probably Stardew.
GG, are you Digitalrelic?
Who what why?
So Knack 2 is a bomb in Japan? There might not be a Knack 3?
There shouldn't have been a Knack 1.
Happy Frigay, guys!
Mama Mia! Mario, you’ve.....changed.
New Star Wars Trailer tomorrow, plus tickets go on sale!