Sony Doesn't Rule Out PlayStation VR Improvements
But Those Won't Come At Higher Prices
Nintendo Switch reviews start appearing on Amazon
despite the game console being unreleased impressions
An oral history of FFVII. Amazing article on the making.
Insight to one of the biggest games of all time. Must read. editorial media
Youtuber got to play RE7 and is in love. Not an amnesia clone.
More proof that this is the RE so many wanted. news
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No. Personally I found that to be one of the better elements.
Bah Zelde LE doesn't come with the pouch, map or coin in Europe, according to an image on nintendo's official site.
Seems like the Joycon grip thing is just a piece of plastic, but you can also purchase a transparent, bound to show finger prints version that can charge your Joycons while playing (presumably through a cable)
I placed my pre-order at a place that doesn't ask for a predeposit. Still not sure if I'll want one day one, but it would be sweet to take Zelda with me when we leave for our skiing vacation the 4th.
Treehouse time.
Why would you update before you watch. Watch it man!
One of us... One of us... One of us...
There's two conversations going on. One is a guy trying to challenge everyone in line to come up with a bad game made by Blizzard. That spawned from a conversation about Overwatch being the game of the year.
Then there's another one about No Man Sky and the guy who started it can't go three syllables without saying "fuck."
I am so going to get that Zelda BotW Master Edition.
This is still the biggest megaton for me. 4chan rumour is right?? Fucking hell.
That movie was so depressing.
Steep is just behind these other Ubisoft games in terms of trash they are bringing to Switch:
I just read this about Wii U in the UK:
The cheaper model is being sold for £250 in the UK. It does not include an infrared sensor bar or nunchuck controller. Customers who did not buy these along with the original edition of the Wii will have to purchase them separately with the exception of the US where a sensor bar is included.
The premium edition is being sold for £300, has 32GB of storage, a sensor bar and the firm's new Nintendo Land game.
So it's actually cheaper than the Wii U was here. Crazy. Although no Nintendoland.
I have a responsibility.
Thank you GG. Treehouse is live!
Showing arms, it's a new punchout. Not bad
Lol, poor Robio.
I would try an ARMs demo. Looks kinda fun but I worry it will get old. Fast.
So this is Wii Boxing redux?
Yeah it need some a huge campaign like punch out, I don't see that.
Show Mario or splatoon you heathens!