"I know a couple of devs that got NX dev kits months ago"
"So yes, they are out there. If you look at development times vs release, if they haven't been out for 6+ months there will be precious little content at launch." - Semi-Accurrate Guy says
XB1, Windows 10, more, notably below expectations
Kotaku UK Rumor: Halo 5, & Minecraft below expectations too
NPD - Top 10 software sales for May 2016, analysis and more
hardware sales decreased by 10 percent overall - current generation hardware unit sales were stable, but dollar sales decreased by 2 percent
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That's nice that they're still making Yooka Laylee for the Wii U. Now, where is my PS4 version? LOL
There was a GAF thread the other day saying this was the most boring generation so far.
Its because they waited on it too long, the consoles aren't a big enough jump, and half the games are just PC versions "remastered" to what they would have been if the fucking PS4 and XBone came out in like 2010 like they should have.
Speaking of...Skyrim remastered? With the amazing mods it has on the PC, there's no way a remastered version could even come close to what you can just do for years now already.
I really don't get all these remasters of last-gen games. A remaster from a PS2 era game? Sure, but as you say, the technical jump between PS3/PS4 just isn't big enough to be able to improve much on the original, other than maybe resolution and framerate. It's just a way for publishers to make more easy money from beloved franchises.
Its basically like saying "here, this is what the PS4 would have got back in 2011 but it wasn't out yet". Its cool for people who missed out on the games the first time around but for everyone else its a little crazy.
Eh... I checked the list. Child of light is the only one I'd be interested in, but not enough to actually purchase it.
Aren't MS allowing XB1 mods on Fallout 4? Maybe they are going to enable it with Skyrim too?
SMB 3 or the Zelda GB games for like £1.30 is cool.
So it's Skyrim: PC 2011 Edition. I love Skyrim but it doesn't look too much of a jump for me to bite, though a better frame rate would be nice. I'll wait on the discount.
Watch Dogs 2: meh! It looks very generic.
Yes but Skyrim's mods....the best ones, are way too much for the X1 to handle. The simple stuff sure.
Nothing I don't already own on the original hardware.
But you bought plenty of other remasters. Uncharted and more?
Live-Action Fullmetal Alchemist Film's On-Set Photos Show Yamada in Costume as Ed
OMG this is going to suck.
True, at discounted prices. I've already put in over a hundred hours and done a ton of quests in Skyrim, so I don't feel the need to jump back in.
I thought it was a pretty weak sale myself. Almost everything on that list has been on sale a few times before already or even given away in some cases.
The Gear System uses RPG-like mechanics to reward you with loot drops every time you play the game. With each loot drop, you will earn character-specific gear to outfit and power up your roster
Gear and stat changing in fighting games is just irritating. Didn't like it in Tekken X Street Fighter. Didn't like it in Pokken. Won't like it in this.
Beat my first 'real' monster in Monster Hunter 4 yesterday. The game looks fine, but this first monster was visually underwhelming, it was very angular with a low-poly look to it. Although this might have been because it was a huge bug. I've decided to focus on 2 weapon classes, charge blades (huge kick-ass mighty morphin' axes!) and hammers (huge kick-ass bludgeoning sticks!), so I can get both horn and tail carves.
I can see me really getting into this all over again. The only thing that might get in the way is a lack of spare time. Then again, who needs sleep anyway?