"I know a couple of devs that got NX dev kits months ago"
"So yes, they are out there. If you look at development times vs release, if they haven't been out for 6+ months there will be precious little content at launch." - Semi-Accurrate Guy says
XB1, Windows 10, more, notably below expectations
Kotaku UK Rumor: Halo 5, & Minecraft below expectations too
NPD - Top 10 software sales for May 2016, analysis and more
hardware sales decreased by 10 percent overall - current generation hardware unit sales were stable, but dollar sales decreased by 2 percent
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Snap out of it! E3 is around the corner!
Eh, I'll be working the summer program during E3 week. 😕
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I want to drill each and every one of these women for oil!!!
Yooka Laylee looks fucking fantastic!
With one game, these guys have managed to make a much more Rare style game than Rare has made in the past 15 years.
So sad that booth babes are a thing of the past. Curse you political correctness!
Looks incredible! It looks way better than any banjo game which was very much a 3D exploration platformer. This has mine cart levels, looks like very focused pure platforming sections too. Perfect mix, like everything great from banjo mixed with some Mario Galaxy.
I'm shocked there's a Wii U version. That's the one I'll get.
It's the main version. The devs said it just felt right and with the nostalgia. They said they could make it for PS4/XB1 and PC and that would make it easy to cross port, but then that would make the U version difficult. So they focused on Wii U and let Team 17 port the other versions.
Shit my backs is hurting today. Heads up for anyone with any kind of muscular pain, try an accupressure mat, get a cheap one. They help. Really digs into the flesh.
Also the fans really wanted it to be on the Wii U.
I will probably be interested in Zelda once I see more.
Other years I had a lot of games I was looking forward to playing.
I only played one game this year Yoshi's Wooly World which I didn't even purchase my nephew left it at my house.
^^^ Pretty much.
This generation is so boring outside of niche games.
One of the site's forefathers.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir came out today and OMG! what a nice Collector's Edition it has!!
Nice, big, colorful box, comes with an art print, an art book, a t-shirt, a slip-in, metal case...
Box aside, the game is eye-blisteringly beautiful and runs FLAWLESSLY now... I'm sure I'll have more to say on THAT later!!
I'd love to see a remastered Skyrim and The Evil Within 2 from Bethesda.
Another crazy news day: Watch Dogs 2 Nov 15th set in SAn Francisco. Skyrim remastered. THe enemy within 2! Wolfenstein 2! Injustice 2!
Xcom 2 on consoles! September!