Pachter on NX expectations
if Nintendo should go 3rd party, Nintendo staying in the console business
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travo (5m)
Ok getting on now
Yikes, I just played a few matches and got off. The family will want to leave soon so maybe in an hour and a half?
Why is it only PSN US that gets a flash sale? There's so much on there that I'd hit at such discounted prices. Though it's probably a good thing. I shouldn't be buying more before I make a bigger dent on the old backlog.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You want a flash sale, eh? This is free.
I'mleveling up for lorathia.
You really should have played this game on Dolphin.
You poor soul.
One of the site's forefathers.
It's been 4 years since I put it down. I don't remember the camera being this janky.
My job is pissing everyone off. Essentially I work in a Resident Treatment Facility. The job involves me working with disadvantaged youth who often came from impovershed communities and were all too often abused (usually physically, emotionally, and sexually). It is a pretty good job. Doesn't pay the best but I have fun being around the kids. Well most of them at least. The thing is is that there are two houses. One of them is for the little kids where I usually work, and the other is for teenagers (13 through 1
where I work once a week. While the little kid house is under control, the teenager house is insane. A group of kids constantly cuss staff out, intimidate staff, run off campus, steal, etc. What's more shocking is that they are only 14 years old, they can just do whatever they want because they are like 6'2 and over 200 lbs. There is a mandatory staff meeting every week, but the second shift staff (the staff that works after the kids get home from schools to when they go to sleep, you know the staff that actually does all the work) isn't present. During these meetings people just talk down to them all the time about "how they can't make things work" or "they don't really care." The sad thing is that they can't make the meeting because it is in the morning and since they are all single mothers they have to take their kids to school. Yeah you read that right, single MOTHERS, all the people who work during the 2nd shift with the 6 foot + 200lbs + teenage boys are WOMEN. Despite that they do their absolute best to discipline the boys but they can only do so much since they are bigger than them and there are only two of them the whole day that work a 12 hour shift that involves looking after ten of these boys. Did I mention the fact that almost everyone who works in the little kid house are big males to add salt into the wound?
So yeah everyone is frusrated as fuck and trying to find a different job. I always defend them during the meetings because I remember how hard it was as I too was often paired with only one or two other people trying to run that house. The supervisor is suppose to be there but he NEVER shows up or when he does he comes in, doesn't say anything, and leaves after an hour. Now in my defense the reason w hy I am not in second shift anymore is because they moved me to third shift on the account that at the time third shift needed more people and I wasn't "cut out" for second shift. I told them maybe I wasn't "cut out" for it as I had received ZERO TRAINING what-so-ever for the position, but they say it is a position you "get a feel for."
The teenagers who cause the problems don't stop continuing to disgust me. They once left the campus and walked all the way to the town next over and had stole BB guns from Walmart. They were sitting in front of a coffee shop and planning to rob it. Police saw them acting sketchy and picked them up and put them back at the house. What did they get? Slap on the wrist. The next week they actually carried some other BB guns around the surrounding upscale suburbs the facility is around. They were planinng to rob people (this is a group of two 14 year olds and one 13 year old mind you). They eventually found themselves in front of a house where a teenage girl was playing with her friend or something. They began making rape "jokes" to her. It was then that her father came out, who was drunk, and put a knife against one of the kid's kneck. The police were called and they were found in police custody. What was the result of this? Slap on the wrist. Oh they also "stole" a bunch of gift cards too. They were too dumb to understand that they needed to be ACTIVATED prior to using them. But it is the intent that matters. Anyway one day one of the kids freaked out in the house. He smashed kicked a window out, threw plates around, broke furniture, etc. It all happened because he wasn't allowed to go on activity because of his behavior. A staff stood up to him (this is when we had a big male staff on job...he got moved to the other house due to him causing too much "chaos") as he was causing problems and bullying kids. The result of this? Slap on the wr-NO! He actually went to jail. Everything was perfect he was going to have a strict judge and was in jail. The problem is that the facility didn't want to lose him. One less head in the bed = less $s for them. They did their best to court and advocate the kids to come back. They even got him to right a sobby letter of how he wanted to come back. It was hilarious because while the kid was "hot shit" in the house, in jail he was a bitch. He made some enemies and he was too paranoid to leave his cell to go to school. But despite causing trouble there the facility still managed to convince the judge that he should come back because he was "doing treatment" and this event doesn't encapsulate his behavior. So he went back to the house. What does he do the first night he is back? Well doesn't follow instructions and goes on run again of course. At least he didn't seem to steal anything. So yeah this has been going on constantly. The one kid I was just referring to went on run recently again when he was on home visit, when he was caught he was suppose to go back to prison. Unfortunately the manager went to his house to pick him up and talked with him. She talked himself to turn himself in to the less strict city jail. Because he did this he was able to return to the house a few days later. What does he do the first day he is back from the house? Refuses to go to school, he's been doing this ever since. And he isn't even the worst kid. The other one I refer to constantly curses at staff and steals all the time. He recently went on a field trip to school (why he is allowed to I don't know why) and stole a purse. He got the lady's credit card, money, and ID. Luckily he was caught but to not pin it all on him he gave money to everyone else so he didn't get singled out. Staff told the police the situation, including the threatening, and he told the staff to call him whenever the kids are threatening them and he will take them to jail as that is the law whether or not the facility says.
I only scratched the surface too. I didn't even talk about the kid who has assaulted three people, including a staff member, in the span on three months and hasn't been charged anything.
One of the site's forefathers.
Dorkly picked the official video games for each state.
My state is New Super Mario Bros.
That's crazy. Maybe y'all need an extra house to separate them. And those judges need to grow some balls and quit feeling sorry for them.
I think it more so has to do with the jail seeing the kids as more mouths to feed as they just add to their budget, whilet he facility sees them as more kids to get more billings on and make more income off of them.
One of the site's forefathers.
Oy that's a rough one. Teenage boys are pretty much assholes under the best circumstances. Throw in some abuse and poverty and you get nightmares (i.e. my cousin Alex who I believe is in jail for smuggling illegals into the country from Mexico). It always boggles my mind when group homes or even regular facilities like schools won't weed out the one really bad influence. So often, if you get rid of that one kid the others mellow out in turn, as they stop trying to impress and outdo one another without the ringleader. I don't know, maybe it's cold hearted, and some people would call it giving up, but when it can help save the others and make life easier for everyone else, I think sometimes it has to be done.
I agree, especially in a school setting. I'm so tired of catering to the constant troublemaker while the other twenty-six students suffer.
Wooooo!!!!!! Peyton going to the super bowl!!
Where in all likelihood he will burn in flames once again.
So true.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu