Mario Tennis Ultra Smash - video review
Are you a Ballboy or an Assman? impressions
Resident Evil 6 Remaster coming to Xbone and PS4
Just when you think Capcom has pulled their head out of their ass news
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No but I have pictures
Well so much for the "Pics or it didn't happen." argument.
Good luck, Travo['s mother]!
Fast Racing Neo Wii U
Saw on the news this morning that one of the Paris attackers was from Syria and he had come to Europe as a refugee. His fingerprint was scanned at Lesbos, Greece for processing. So the story about I.S smuggling in terrorists for European attacks seems plausible.
But most are home grown 2nd or 3rd generation terrorists.
After watching the video(s) in the updates today I can finally say: It's time to get excited about Starfox Zero.
For anyone interested: Affordable Space Adventure is currenlty on sale at €15 over at the eShop. There has also been some free DLC in the form of 5 more challenging levels I still have yet to play. It's a cool game with some great use of the Gamepad. Also fun when with 3, although one will end up with the short straw as he has control over the light.
So apparently in Zelda TP HD Link holds the sword in the left hand like the GC version. The Wii version mirrored the entire world for right hand play. So if you played the Wii version everything will be reversed when you play the HD Wii U version.
Valkyria: Azure Revolution confirmed
Well, well, well... I think Sega may have actually extracted their head from their ass. It's really happening. PS4 is getting a remake of the original and a new installment. Not that the original needs a remake mind you. But if it comes with all the DLC and the scoring system is tweaked then it should be worth it. Guess I'll be a PS4 owner after all.
Pachter says third party support is key to NX success
That's a brilliant deduction. This is why he makes around a half million dollars a year.
Is this also coming to Steam? Great news regardless.
Why is this strange? The Gamecube version was superior and the new version controls like the Cube version.
They haven't said. It was announced through Famitsu so they likely wouldn't address it there. I suspect it will eventually, given it was more successful on the PC during it's recent rerelease than it ever was one console.
I think in an alternate universe where the Wii U was the top selling console, this would have killed on that. This is one of the games where having the map available to look at the entire time could have made a difference.
That's right I said Wat.
How is it strange? Well for a start it's going to completely fuck up my brain muscle memory with everything flipped around. Like Mirror Mode in Mario Kart I don't particularly want to play it that way.
The man is a genius! Remember back in either 2009 or 2010 he said that Nintendo would release a HD system in a few years? Who fucking knew?
But its the way it was supposed to be played in the first place. The Wii version was the one that was flipped. I've played a bit of the Gamecube version and it wasn't that big of a deal at all for me because I've forgotten most of the layout anyway....I remember specific areas but not the way they were designed. So playing it flipped isn't an issue like it would be if I had just recently played the Wii version.
That's fucked up....Dragon Age 3 came out November 18th of last year and I just beat it today, almost exactly a year later. Weird timing.