Pachter thinks Nintendo should continue making hardware
comments on amiibo success
Super Smash Bros. - King K. Rool's Kostume
Tournament Mode, & New Stages Discussion video
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So cute.
It also looks like Mommy is doing "Smell my finger!" though too...
Is splatoon cheap anywhete yet? At least most of the game is out now. But no way I am paying full price for a game that's been out for months.
Two steps forward, one step back...
Cathedral where my boo worked helped pass the rule that the Episcopalian Church will allow for Gay Marriages in the United States, but then the Bishop of the same Cathedral said in a long and drawn out way: "In any Church but ours... Marriage = Man + Woman!" My British Lord, whom I am infinitely proud of, promptly resigned and walked out.
I'm only worried because he was sooo active there; he's a bit devastated and lost at the moment and I can't be there with him right now!
So I think you guys can see my new sig and click through to the threads?
I would like to start a 1 hour session per week for Mario Kart and a 1 hour session per week for Splatoon, with the aim for it to be at the same time every week. There will be some hiccups at first, till we can work out the best times and I'll need your input on all that. For instance I'm more free to play MK8 because it has offscreen play, Splatoon doesn't.
And perhaps we need to arrange two - one hour slots on the same day for Europe/Austrailia and for Canada/Mexico/USA?
Give me your input in the threads.
Might be tough now but there are a ton of churches, I am sure the lord will be fine. Your lord not lord lord, you know what I mean.
Well then I will start the smash bros is better than MK8 and splatoon weekly event!
This is really great though.
Oh lord. I am so confused now!
I was thinking of it, but I can only handle so much at a time. And my thinking was that you can have 8 player Splatfests, 12 player? MK8 matches but only 4 player online in Smash? Also I'm not as into Smash, personally.
Anyone else can do a Smash one too or we can expand and do one later, it depends on how successful these two are first.
The tester for Mario Kart will be on Wednesday. I hope at least the Euro's show up.
I was reading Bugs and Gagan talking about MK and it struck me that there are a lot of people who own it but I've only ever played against 1 or 2 VGPressers at a time. It would be cool to have a mass race.
Wtf I have a stiff neck, I'm not used to this I never have a stiff anything. Well besides...
I hope it goes well, I would love to join. Maybe I buy splatoon on a whim, probably not but who knows.
In the event that you guys decide to have a tropical Florida wedding, I might be able to dig up my license as an ordained minister that can provide legally binding weddings. I can't offer a chapel mind you, but I know of a nice pub... Just throwing it out there.
I would go to this.
Wii U:
Online Gaming Page: Events, codes and hookups - Updated 2015
This all correct? Anyone I missed? Add friends, accept requests in preparation for the events guys. Gagan, Coopersville, accept my friend requests.
GG doing work, good man. Support this if you have the games and the time.
Thanks, I would love to see you on this map:
I don't have Splatoon but I may join up for some Mario Kart 8 racing every now and then.