NSider review Splatoon 9/10
"Nintendo have done it again. Splatoon feels incredibly different to anything that you’ve played before, and is all the more refreshing for it"
nintendo-insider.com impressions
10-year-old girl explains the Nintendo bias
" I feel like if I told the other kids that I was playing Splatoon they might not think it was all that great. Because it’s Nintendo, and they think Nintendo is for kids. And it doesn’t have blood
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The speed at which Capcom keeps making MH games for the 3DS is ridiculous. If they keep this up they'll achieve a Rockband like level of burnout even before they hit mainstream gold in the west.
Your situation is different in that this is something that you grew up in and had no choice over. Morever it is something you are fighting against and trying to escape whereas he (yes he) largely invites this upon himself as it satisfies a bloated ego and sense of self-importance even if he will complain about it most of the time. In any case, I'm not a needy person. I give way more than I take. I demand nothing and have no sense of entitlement. That's why I find it hard to stomach that I was lumped in with the causes of the problem.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Are they making a new one? I've just been reading all about how they're constantly releasing free DLC for MH4U.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm like this, but in my case I was brought up to believe I should never ask for anything because I didn't deserve it. Everybody else did though, of course.
They are making a new MH X and then a version of the Sony ?PSP/Vita? Monster hunter diary game by From Software.
Well, kids are subjected through a lot of BS which can fuck them up badly and bring them up to have low self esteem or even issues of self-loathing ... but you are not a kid anymore and you can see and understand the problem clearly so you cannot allow it to affect you anymore. You know the problem does not lie with you.
My advice (even though you haven't asked for it) is to get away from the problem. Distance yourself. Draw a line from the past, and move on with your life. You have everything going for you, don't let anyone hold you back and make you miserable. Not even family.
Nothing good will come out of any further confrontation. They will not see it your way. Never. You will only keep hurting yourself and letting them hurt you further.
You deserve a lot of good. If your family is only giving you pain and bad things, there are others who love you and will love you and give you what you deserve. Don't punish yourself further.
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Atlus will release Trauma Team on JP Wii U eShop
In Japan.... naturally.
Well if there's one thing the Japanese like it's repetition, so I wouldn't worry about them burning out. And I say this as someone who considered getting a minor in Asian studies in college 20 years ago, so clearly I'm an expert.
And in other news.... DAMMIT!!! Can we please have a console version again?????
It's coming
On PS4
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You know, I would be okay with that. I just don't want to play it on a tiny screen.
Project Treasure made me go WOAH. FIrst I was like, fuck another online focused game, screw you, then I read it was F2P so doesnt cost me anything, sweet!. I dont know what was going on, samurai chicks in pyramids fighting zombies, sure why not.
Oh and Yoshi may have some of the best graphics ever.
One million 3DS games and I think I only want one. So much weird shit.
My long overdue MKX review is up.
Got to admit, the Monster Hunter X trailer looks glorious.
Sony uk website sucks, slow, useless and the service center search page doesn't even work
Those were my exact words to my brother "I'm not a kid anymore and I don't need you in my life so if you're going to be an asshole to me, you can get fucked."
At the moment it's a painful aggravating attempt at redrawing the power lines with my parents, like Game of Thrones with less stabbing. Obviously I'm coming up against ingrained resistance that can be extremely distressing, but thankfully the whole process has somewhat hardened my resilience. I'm too old for bullshit anymore and I won't tolerate it, or take the blame and suck it in like I've been taught to from birth. I'm in the middle of a career change so at the moment I have to rely on them for a place to live, I don't really have much choice in the matter at the moment so I can't literally just get away from it.
Word is Konami's booth is going to be all MGS5 kiosks, with a lone Sillent Hills kiosk in the back with nothing in it but a giant middle finger.
Its been renamed Project Tomb Raiders.
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