Most 8th Gen Gamers Have Previously Owned Consoles
"No Stranger to the (Video) Game"
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Ugh, it could snow here tomorrow.
Persona 4 Dancing All Night : trailer
I feel like I just ended up on some FBI pedophile watchlist for watching this...
I did not know that Sega/Sony story. So the two big Japanese companies both dropped the ball with Sony?
This is the first I've ever heard of it as well. I wonder how serious this proposal really was though if it was just the American branches developing the idea. I know Sega of America had a little more autonomy than most Western divisions, but I can't imagine that they'd ever be in a position to broker a deal like that.
Sony was such a whore, trying to get in bed with nintendo or sega, anyone. Eventually they just masturbated to victory.
I clicked on the link for Axiom Verge expecting it to be a new gaming mouse from Razer.
I hope those of you whom listen to podcast enjoy the latest Game Under Podcast. I was silent here for a couple of days while editing it.
I'll get around to it in a month or so, as per usual.
At that rate you'll soon run out of episodes to listen to!
I appreciate the effort and I will think about that as I listen to this in the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Robio?
Well yes, that is where I masturbate.
I fear what GOTY awards foolz hands out but I will listen.
Binding of Isaac?
I don't want to play anything.
I start out stuff and then I get bored/uninstall within the hour. All I can play for short bursts of time is Rocksmith. But that's more interactive educational software than game.
Maybe I'm stressed or mildly depressed? >_<