Pachter: Microsoft/Sony are 'destroying' Nintendo
"Iwata oblivious - The things I say aren’t hateful"
Borderlands 2 Creature Slaughter and Pre-Order Packs now Available news
Love it or Hate it, Crimson Shroud takes RPGs back to their Roots
"B" Review from 1Up.Com impressions
Capcom says Street Fighter X Mega Man is part apology
Part proof of series' life
Level-5 Responds to Sega's Lawuit Over Inazuma Elevent
"Hey Sega, Go F Yourself!" news
Metro Did Not Drop Wii U Due to System Faults
Says they only saw very early hardware
Face-Off friday: 3 Generations of Warriors
Which Mishima reigns supreme, Heihachi, Kazuya, or Jin?
The Press Room Episode #135
Vita Hardware, Wii U hardware, Nintendoland Blackops 2, Halo 4, ZombiU, Dota 2, NPD and VGAs! editorial impressions news
Borderlands 2 (360) Patch Notes
A TON of stuff fixed and tweaked. Funny how I didn't run into ANY of this while playing! news
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Been waiting for this Rayman demo since the day I bought the system.... which sounds really dramatic, but I guess that was really only about 3 1/2 weeks ago.
Dragon Quest X is an MMORPG because of FF XI's success
And I'd like to take a moment and remind S-E that if they release the game here they can expect to get my $60 plus up to a $12 a month subscription fee from me. That $487 million dollar figure is impressive, but wouldn't $487,000,100 be even more impressive?
Definitely feels like it since it was announced for the Wii in 2009. But the reality is the series has been on a 4 to 5 year cycle since DQ6. DQ9 only came out 2 and a half years ago. Sadly we may have a while to go
Yeah now we have to change the video to embed to fix it now.
I cannot wait to go home and download this tonight. This is the game I bought the system for.
I played the Rayman demo in September. It was a lot of fun. It was my favorite game of the show.
They need more software now! Limiting software was a very bad idea, they are going to strangle themselfs.
After perseveering with Castlevania: Lord of Shadow for something like five days I have come to the conclusion that to me the game is shit and I will not be playing it anymore. This was the second attempt I made at it and I really tried to like it. I love the gothic setting, the atmosphere ... it's just a really shitty game, no two ways about it.
The one and only thing I'm happy about is that the 3DS one will be a sidescrawler. Please just never make another shitty 3D Castlevania. It's a good thing Uncharted 3 arrived in the meantime. I'll be playing that during the next week before I leave for the US.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Question who runs Nintendo's Eshop? A moron? How hard is it to have a demo section, a retail game section and a downloaded game section? Why is everything Wii U so shitty? Seriously I had to go through every item on the shop to find the Rayman demo. Thats going to get really bad when they start having some stuff.
Get me one, Vader! I'll pay shipping!
So glad that I'm not alone in my opinion of that game. It was horrible. Yet another failed attempt to take Castlevania into the 3-D realm.
Worst case scenario just do a search by game. I know it doesn't necessarily help when you're just browsing, but when you know what you're looking for, just type the game title in the search bar and boom you're there.
I feel less bad about not playing LoS now.