NGamer hands on with the new Wii RPG
Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse.
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?
1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3
"A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 Planned for Wii U
GDC: Epic to show UE4 demo behind closed doors?
Force Feedback Sticks in Next Gen?
University project hopes so, but lets be realistic. news
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The videos are even better. Dat suspension.
Famitsu reviews
Mass Effect 3 (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 10 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (37/40)
Shining Blade (PSP, Sega): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Pokemon + Nobunaga no Yabou (NDS, Nintendo): 9 / 9 / 8 / 8 - (34/40)
Winning Post 7 2012 (PSP, Koei Tecmo): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)
Winning Post 7 2012 (PS3, Koei Tecmo): 7 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (30/40)
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Premium: 3rd Story (PSP, Konami): 9 / 9 / 9 / 8 - (35/40)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable (PSP, Bandai Namco): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)
FIFA (PS Vita, EA): 8 / 9 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)
Onna no Ko to Misshitsu ni Itara Shichau Kamoshirenai (3DS, D3): 7 / 8 / 7 / 6 - (28/40)
SSX (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 8 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (33/40)
Meikyuu Touro Legasista (PS3, Nippon Ichi): 7 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (30/40)
For some reason I keep getting this game mixed up with The Last Of Us.
What the fuck is the point of these people giving Mass Effect 3 bad user reviews? Don't tell me its because of the DLC thing....
"Nintendo did already unveil Wii U's details (I assume details means here "specs") but it is a handful developers that will show more of it in the upcoming days as Epic Games plans on showing off a demo of its next-gen piece of tech: the Unreal Engine 4, which is planned for this newcomer."
It also says that Xbox 3 will use Direct X 11
"Since the opening of GDC Monday morning, It's the Nintendo Wii U which is usually in the heart of conversations, notes the media monitoring agency Clara, which closely follows the show in order to see from it the main trends. "Of all the subjects analyzed, it's Nintendo and the next Wii that generate the most interest of the developers attendees", noted the agency in a statement.
Also a confirmed dev on GAF says that he's seen an "interesting bit of data concerning their development process on this new support, some of their ideas concerning the padlet, etc.), good impression & anticipation building in the professional circle."
I think it's because of the gay thing. Very petty thing to do.
Is this what PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 games will look like?
Latest issue of PSM3 shows off tech rumoured to be powering Sony's next gen console
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The new issues of Xbox World and PSM3 are on sale now.
These are the eye-watering visuals Sony and Microsoft's next gen consoles will be capable of. At least, that's what PSM3 and Xbox World magazines are saying in their latest issues.
In collaboration with Codemasters' lead artist Mike Smith and Dead End Thrills techmaster Duncan Harris, both magazines present a glimpse of the future: what PS4 and Xbox 720 will be capable of in terms of visuals - but also what they'll be capable of in terms of scale, lighting, landscapes, AI and procedural generation.
With developers harnessing what the magazines claim will be "six times the power", Codemasters' Smith says: "If you look at the amount of effort that goes into lighting at companies like Pixar, we're quite some way away from being able to leverage that control. (But) once we have a toolset to do that, art directors can go crazy."
What's interesting, particularly for PlayStation owners, is that the screenshots running in PSM3 are from tech that echoes the reported specs of PS4, with recent rumours suggesting Sony are ditching PS3's controversial Cell chip, and working with AMD to provide PS4's graphics chips. (In effect, PS4 will be "essentially a PC" according to sources close to tech specialist Richard Leadbetter, of Digital Foundry.)
Could this stunningly rendered ladybird be the norm in a few years time?
The goodness doesn't stop there in the latest issues either: PSM3 has an eight-page Medal of Honor exclusive, Xbox World delivers six pages of impressions from The Witcher 2, while both have reviews of Mass Effect 3, an exclusive interview with DMC development chief Tameem Antoniades (sample quote: "I've nothing against big tits - I'd rather have my head resting on a pair right now") and a feature on the future of retail that's essential reading.
Wait, that ladybird is "stunning"?
For the lazy.
I think its kind of comical that all the sudden all these news stories are coming out and talking about these new consoles as if they are going to offer the same kind of graphical leap we have always gotten up to now...and its just not the case. They will look awesome, sure...but awesome as in current high end PC awesome. I also find it funny that these stories keep focusing on Sony and Microsoft and excluding Nintendo, when its already known Nintendo's new machine is more than capable to chill with the others.
So I guess Lionhead Studios is going to be yet another developer to fall from grace. Didn't a bunch of dudes leave last week too? Pretty safe to say Fable has probably seen its best days.
For all the metalheads on the site (I think that's Myself, Steel, Archie, and Robio) the new Anthrax album is shockingly awesome. I just picked it up the other day. Easily the best stuff they have done in a long time. Up there with the 80's material. Another case of me hearing a new CD from an old band and thinking "Now why couldn't they have sounded like this for the past 15 to 20 years?"
I think I would rather have anthrax than listen to Aanthrax. Speed and thrash metal were just never my thing I'm afraid. Plus Scott Ian's beard pisses me off.
I think that Epic said that 10x 360 power could run Samaritan at 1080p, but 3x the power could run it at 720p. I think that the new consoles will be at least 3x power, maybe 4-5x power. I find it funny when the stories come out saying that these consoles will be using 2010 GPUs and stuff.
It's obvious that PCs will always be a notch above if the latest tech is always used and cost isn't a factor.
Oh yeah? Good thing you don't work with me then. You'd be hearing tons of it.
Why did I think you liked metal?
This 100%^
I do like metal. I just don't think Anthrax is worth a damn. I just prefer more old school stuff like Dio, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest, etc. And with some degree of shame I'll also admit to liking some hair metal like Poison, though i squarely blame my wife for that.
Bear gets it. He knows Scott Ian isn't worth the cheap ass dye he uses in his beard.