NGamer hands on with the new Wii RPG
Instead of button-mashing clichés, Pandora’s Tower champions strategic finesse.
1up: Is Halo 4 Trying Too Hard to Be Call of Duty?
1UP got a glimpse of developer 343 Industries' new vision for the Halo franchise.
1Up Reviews Mass Effect 3
"A" "great blend of shooting-and-talking that the first game strived for". editorial impressions
GDC: Unreal Engine 4 Planned for Wii U
GDC: Epic to show UE4 demo behind closed doors?
Force Feedback Sticks in Next Gen?
University project hopes so, but lets be realistic. news
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You guys won't believe this shit, my Newegg Mass Effect package arrived just now and I tear it open OMG it's Freaking fucking Madden 12 WTF!!!! These assholes screwed up.
I'd like to go ahead and nominate this moment for 2012's Most Disappointing Moment of the Year. That utterly sucks man. Who did you order from?
Newegg they have become the worst, I used to love them. They are shipping me one next day air and a pre paid shipping label but what a pain in my ass.
Nevermind. Just realized Newegg is the name of a company.
iPad HD should be announced today and tonight at 10:30pm GMT Eurogamer is showing off the new Quantic Dream game.
Online retailer has seemingly outed four major upcoming Vita games.
As spotted by users on, Play posted Vita product listings for Monster Hunter Portable 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights, Tales Of Innocence R and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, although it has started removing them. The Monster Hunter one is still live at the time of writing.
Presumably these are the games Sony's planning to announce this Friday as part of its PlayStation Vita Game Heaven webcast. Good news for Vita fans if so
Oh and now my schedule gets busy, they couldn't do this in feb when I had nothing to play. I will be gone for most of next week.
I'm trying anything to summon anyone.
Yeah Miami sure could use Manning huh? Oh man you should have heard the anger in my voice at the Newegg rep, I felt her fear. Hopefully I should have it tomorrow and be sending them their Madden back too.
Is it the CE? if not why not just get it at a store
Its too late they already shipped the replacement, I would still have to send it back anyway.
Oh and I only paid 48 shipped for it in store would cost me $66 here I'm not paying 18 dollars more for it.
You guys are nuts.
I actually have always thought Anthrax was overrated and there was many many better bands in their genre who never got as big, but that said, the new album is awesome. Maybe their best one ever, songwriting-wise. But I like more "Classic Metal" than the heavier more aggressive stuff.
Don't knock Newegg though...they are normally great. I've never had any problems with them at all. I buy all my PC components and many games through them. really sucks that I have to play through ME2 with ME3 sitting here, calling to me.
I love ME2 to death, but obviously I want to be playing the new game.
No it really sucks looking at a Madden 12 knowing it should be an ME3. Thats TOTAL SUCKAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I have played several Bioware games and didn't really like any of them enough to complete them. Not that they were bad or anything, I just didn't feel the urge to follow through.
Some one eyed, evil bastard at Newegg read the order as MADDEN EFFECT and just shipped it.
New iPad shown, retina display. To power this super pixel display:
To produce enough power for the Retina Display, the iPad will have a new Apple A5X processing chip inside featuring quad core graphics for four times the performance.
The new iPad will also feature an improved five megapixel camera on the back using the same optical technology as found in the iPhone 4S. It will also be able to shoot video in 1080p high definition.
Heads up: 40 minutes till the quantic dream game reveal at
Oh for fuck's sake really????? Another Vice City game going to a handheld? Cut that shit out and just put it on a console allready!