GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Crysis 3 In Development According to employment listing. news aspro
[] Valve: "If We Have to Sell Hardware We Will" Steam on your TV? news aspro
[] Eurogamer Alan Wake Review 7/10 "shorter, punchier, less laboured" editorial impressions aspro
1UP Reviews Alan Wake "B" "solid shooting married to an even-odder-than-usual story" impressions aspro
22 Wii U games we know are in development editorial gamingeek
Seaman cumming to 3DS, says Nikkei gamingeek
[] Gravity Daze PSVita Eurogamer Review 9/10 - Forget Uncharted impressions gamingeek
[] Street Fighter X Tekken: An Unlikely Love Affair...? A Match made in Heaven! impressions phantom_leo
[] EGM review Rhythm Heaven Fever A perfect example of the care and consideration Nintendo puts into all of their gaming projects, big and small. impressions gamingeek
UGO review Rhythm Heaven Fever A - Charming, bizarre and hilarious; you'll laugh your way through most levels because of the ridiculous visuals and animation. impressions gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 3: Stunning CGI trailer gamingeek
[] GR: PS Vita or 3DS? Which is better? editorial gamingeek
[] 9 pics of Ninja Gaiden Sigma plus gamingeek
[] EDGE -MGS 3D the best looking version of the game "even the HD update doesn’t look as good as this portable treatment.” gamingeek
[] Nintendo Power: Snake Eater 3D review details "A phenomenal game. Almost nothing was sacrificed in bringing the title to the Nintendo 3DS" impressions gamingeek
[] Activision blacklisting journos was a misunderstanding They say... gamingeek
[] The Last Story - German trailer 1 and 2 Yah! I see him! media gamingeek
3DS Fastest System to 5 Million Ever. news aspro
[] US New Releases. Week of Feb 19, 2012 Asura, Snake Eater, Alan Wake, Vita. news aspro
[] Japanese Sales (Last Week) 3DS leads, PSP game in #1. news aspro
[] BAFTA Nominees for GOTY Arkham City, L.A. Noire, FIFA 12,Portal 2, Skyrim, Skyward Sword news aspro
[] Binary Domain (7.5) Good Review Enjoyable albeit Derivative Shooter. phantom_leo
[] Persona 4 Arena Coming to North America 360 and PS3. news aspro
[] MechWarrior Tactics deploys on PC in North America Later in 2012. news aspro
[] Second Saint's Row DLC Launches Today "Gangstas in Space" news aspro
[] Diablo III Beta Preview "The latest update then adds onto an already great game." editorial impressions aspro
[] Cancelled Third Person Call of Duty Detailed Vivendi/Blizzard merger iced the game. news aspro
Uncharted 3 Wins Writers Guild Award "Outstanding Achievement in Videogame Writing" news aspro
[] Nintendo Making Some Announcements Tomorrow 6:00 a.m. PST / 9:00 a.m. EST at news aspro
[] Eurogamer Syndicate Review 7/10 "highly enjoyable co-op, but just don't expect it to outlast its FPS rivals" editorial impressions aspro
[] SSX Demo Hits Today 360 and PS3. news aspro
[] Giant Bomb Syndicate Review 5/5 "a terrific and fun spin on first-person shooting" editorial impressions aspro
[] 30 minutes of the Last Story video gamingeek
14 Delicious looking Nintendo cakes gamingeek
Assasins Creed 3 Confirmed for Wii U in conference Due out October this year on multiple platforms gamingeek
[] Witcher 2 sells 1.1 million Witcher 1 sold 400k gamingeek
[] Pulled Pokémon app scam makes a fortune The fake Pokémon iOS app, which Apple approved before it scammed customers across at least 15 countries, is likely to have made more than $10,000 in revenue. gamingeek
[] Young Justice game coming to all current platforms Except 3DS news gamingeek
[] A third of PS3 owners 'seriously considering' Vita p gamingeek
Nintendo Killing Wii no Ma Service Wii no more gamingeek
1UP Reviews Syndicate C+ "a damn good cooperative game saddled with a weak story campaign" editorial impressions aspro
[] Mass Effect / Final Fantasy Mashup? Rumor: Mass Effect-Themed Costume DLC Coming To Final Fantasy XIII-2. news aspro
Penny Arcade Tours Valve Interview and photos. editorial news aspro
[] New Co-Op Mode Coming to Uncharted 3 "Shade Survival Mode" news aspro
[] Giant Bomb Reviews Rhythm Heaven 5/5 "a game that demands your attention" editorial impressions aspro
[] Giant Bomb Reviews Alan Wake 3/5 "just enough story to justify a download for players invested in the fiction" editorial impressions aspro
Guild Wars 2 Open Beta Sign Ups Available Is now... open. news aspro
[] Japanese Charts Show 3DS Strength Love Plus helps a hand. news aspro
[] Mass Effect 3 Available on PSN Now (Preorder) Usually games are only available months after release. news aspro
[] USA Nintendo Direct video presentation Reggie, Reggie, Reggie gamingeek
[] Borderlands 2 trailer gamingeek
[] The Last Story Coming to the USA gamingeek
[] DQ Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D footage gamingeek
[] Rune Factory 4 trailer gamingeek
[] New Fire Emblem: Awakening screenshots gamingeek
[] Tretton: U.S Vita sales data is very positivie Is scared if people think Japan Vita sales are struggling gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Ridge Racer Vita 3/10 - Yes you read that right impressions gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame Wii remake coming to Europe Nintendo Europe +1 gamingeek
Nintendo Courting Media Partners for New Wii U Japanese game company looking to take page out of Xbox's strategy gamingeek
The Vita's Challenge: A History of Portable Competition Sony's new handheld must escape the long shadow cast by two decades of Nintendo's domination. editorial gamingeek
[] 3DS : Capcom X Sega X Namco ! Mystery project coming for 3DS gamingeek
[] New Lollipop Chainsaw video gamingeek
[] Silent Hill 2 HD video gamingeek
[] Brain Training 3DS confirmed gamingeek
[] Fire Emblem 3DS trailer gamingeek
[] Project Zero 2 Wii video gamingeek
[] The Last Story reviewed by Nintendo Life - 8/10 "Gameplay that is both simplified and complex, solid controls, attractive presentation, online multiplayer and a touching, well-paced plot" impressions gamingeek
[] The Last Story - 'editions' trailer Steelbook and more media gamingeek
Report says Nintendo looking to make Wii U a media hub Pachter doubts game publishers will support platform gamingeek
[] GI review Snake Eater 3DS 7.5 Gamers with the Circle Pad attachment are granted a reprieve from many of the pervasive control issues that plague this version. editorial impressions gamingeek
Kojima wants developers - Awesome job ads shown Big Boss wants YOU! gamingeek
Etrian Odyssey 4: First scans gamingeek
[] Sony Defends Vita Price, Launch and Games Says bigger memory cards on the way. news aspro
Game Gear Virtual Console Coming to 3DS March 14, about $3 per game (Japan). news aspro
Feature: The Decline of UK Game Retailers The UK market has fallen over 37% since 2008. editorial news aspro
Yakuza Black Panther 2 Screens For PSP. media news aspro
Etrian Odyssey IV Coming to 3DS An early copy of Famitsu reveals. news aspro
[] SCEE and SCEA Helping on Last Guardian All hands on deck. news aspro
[] Killzone Boss Moves to Dead Space Studio Good? news aspro
[] EA To Re-Enter NBA Sim Genre They have taken their skills to Orlando (Tiburon is handling). news aspro
Get in the Counter Strike Beta Fill out a survey. news aspro
[] New Medal of Honor Coming October Danger Close making, not DICE. news aspro
[] ONM Review the Last Story 86% The Last Story is a robust release in the Wii's twilight months, mostly matching its pedigree with a compelling, wistful tale of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. impressions gamingeek
[] CVG review The Last Story 8.5 impressions gamingeek
[] Last Week's XBLA Activity & Sales Charts Gotham CIty #1 in sales. news aspro
[] Jet Set Radio Coming to PSN/XBLA But will the music be intact? news aspro
[] Bungie Co-Founder Starts Over, Again. Wideload, then Disney, now mobile/social. news aspro
[] Feature: uDraw We Hardly Knew You A look at people who really, really got into THQ's drawing pad. editorial aspro
[] Battlefield 3 Getting Huge Patch LOTS of weapon changes. news aspro
[] First Art of Balance Touch! info - including new worlds/levels - graphics will be improved - new music included gamingeek
[]  Eurogamer review The Last Story 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Ninja Gaiden Sigma Vita 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Starcraft II tourney this weekend For our founder Yoda _Bear
[] God of War 4 out Feb 2013? gamingeek
[] Nagoshi: 'I'm committed to Sony hardware." gamingeek
[] Taco Bell apologises for rejected Vita winners Dozens of customers received codes saying they’d won PS Vitas but failed to receive their prizes. gamingeek
[] Sony hire Playboy models to pretend to play Vita Is this the real Golden Abyss? gamingeek
[] Kingdom Hearts 3D images from Famitsu Excellent new pics here media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer reviews Asura's Wrath "Asura's Wrath is part rollercoaster, part anime blockbuster and part stress-ball. " impressions gamingeek
Dragon Quest X Beta Starts Today In Japan. news aspro
Why is a Fatal Frame 2 remake being released now? Nintendo Gamer asks gamingeek
[] Third-party games give a big boost to 3DS sales in Japan While PS Vita's hardware sales continues to reach new lows in Japan, the Nintendo 3DS saw a surge in system sales gamingeek
[] Videogamer reviews Binary Domain " It's redolent of the late Dreamcast/early PS2 era, when games were edgier and more interesting" impressions gamingeek
[] UK tries to ISP Block Pirate Bay Pirate Bay says it will move to "Magnets" technology gamingeek
[] Forbes: Sony building PS4 with AMD gamingeek
[] Analyst predicts Vita sales of 12.4m in 2012 As long as Sony cuts the price of the hardware. gamingeek
1up: Kid Icarus Uprising Multiplayer Pulls From Both Smash Bros. And Halo gamingeek
[] Mario Tennis Open trailer gamingeek
[] Streetfighter vs Tekken trailer gamingeek
Sony - Vita is a 'true next-gen successor' Compared to all other gaming devices gamingeek
[] Last Story Gameplay footage gamingeek
[] Gametrailers review Rhythm Heaven Fever gamingeek
[] Iwata Asks Part 1 summary: Kid Icarus gamingeek
Game Gear on 3DS: Screens gamingeek
[] Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D Gamespot Review Faithfully recreates the original and introduces many exclusive improvements, making this the best version of the game available. gamingeek
Monolith Hiring for 3DS Game Xenosaga and Baten Kaitos developer. news aspro
New Tokyo Jungle Screens Bear versus kangaroo. Just like real life. media aspro
The Press Room Episode #102 Hands-on with Binary Domain and much, much more. editorial impressions news aspro
[] Killzone 3 Multiplayer Going Free to Download You don't need to have a copy of the game at all. news aspro
[] World of Warplanes Free Alpha Open They are looking for testers. news aspro
[] Max Payne 3 PC Screens Even more detailed Hawaiian shirt. media aspro
[] Free Xenoblade artbook IF you preorder at Gamestop For every order gamingeek
[] Sonic Episode 2 gameplay trailer! Rayman who? I kid... media Dvader
Michael Pachter Says Nintendo Is in Disarray "I think they’re dead anyway because Xbox with Kinect will be priced below Wii U" news gamingeek
[] RapidShare slows download speeds To deter Megaupload pirates gamingeek
[] Dev predicts average start for hardcore Vita "No casual gamer will buy a £280 device with £40 games." gamingeek
[] Eurogamer reviews Binary Domain 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Déjà Vita: Have we seen it all before? Why does the Vita still feel uncannily like playing a PSP with its graphics chip gone nuclear? editorial gamingeek
[] California foots hefty bill for Arnie's anti-games suit Arnie terminated Californias tax money gamingeek
[] EDGE mag reviews Syndicate 6/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Nomura talks story, The World Ends With You and choice of 3DS for Kingdom Hearts: DDD gamingeek
[] IGN Review The Last Story 8.5 "The quality of the localisation is superb, and that great combat makes it more exciting to play on a minute-to-minute basis than any other game of its sort. It’s a game worthy of its pedigree" impressions gamingeek
[] MGS Wine: The Cyborg Ninja Bottle If you drink this, you might become a drunk ninja gamingeek
[] Blizzard Re: Diablo 3: Everything is Not F*cked Blizzard has moved to reassure gamers. news aspro
[] FIFA Vita Review from Eurogamer 7/10 "rushing players by holding X and square, now feels rather simplistic" editorial impressions aspro
[] PSN Down For Maintenance March 1 for quite a few hours. news aspro
Final Fantasy Teatrhythm Selling Out FF themede rhythm game is big in Japan. news aspro
Square Having a Festival for 10th Anniversary of FF11. Feel old? news aspro
[] Screens: Suda 51's Kinect game, Diabolical Pitch Baseball pitching in a twisted circus media gamingeek
[] Crimson Dragon screens Formely known as Project Draco media gamingeek
RUMOR - Xenoblade available only through preorder? We're hearing that Xenoblade Chronicles is only going to be available at GameStop for those that preorder. gamingeek
[] Giant Bomb's Asura's Wrath Review 4/5 "strong art design, passionate storytelling, and a decades-long tradition of high-flying action" editorial impressions aspro
[] Double Fine Adventure will be 2D and "Old School" No polygons here. news aspro
[] Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon White 2 Coming this Summer Because, you know, something NEW would be BAD! news phantom_leo
Dead Space, Overstrike, TimeSplitters 4 coming to Wii U? Rumor: Frostbite 2 has been seen running on the Wii U with very smooth results that are superior to any PS3/360 game running Frostbite 2 gamingeek
Asura's Wrath (D+) Review Destined to join the ranks of Herzog Zwei, God Hand and Deadly Premonition as a mis-understood game. impressions phantom_leo
[] SSX (9.0) Amazing! Review Apparently, it's tricky to rock a rhyme that's right on time. Who knew? impressions phantom_leo
[] Heroes of Ruin screenshots gamingeek
[] MOH Warfighter: First images gamingeek
[] Kotaku hands onThe  Last Story "I would say that The Last Story is the best JRPG I have played in a good ten years," impressions gamingeek
Cats dressed as Nintendo characters Hover your paw over these gamingeek
1up review Snake Eater 3D B impressions gamingeek
[] IGN review Snake Eater 3D 8.5 impressions gamingeek
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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:08:38
Iga_Bobovic said:

I knew you would say that. Getting a bit predictable there Foolz.

I just want to make sure Vader doesn't poke out an eye.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:41:31
phantom_leo said:
... I have put 26 hours into the game... ...

I am starting to worry/wonder if I am going to be ABLE to finish this game before Mass Effect ..


Okay. That's what I've been doing? What about you Denizens of Destiny?

The critical consensus is the game drops off considerably at the 30 hour mark, so you should be okay.

I've been playing nothing but Final Fantasy 7. I did play some Hot Shots Golf 2, Wipeout, Wipeout XL, Wipeout 3 and Twisted Metal III, but that was just in passing. Mostly it's been FF7 -- I am four levels from the end. This is my first playthrough.  About 30 hours in.

Bonus Content:


Edited: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:43:10

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:52:11

Sorry, man, but I don't see that happening just yet! I just updated my |OT| a little while ago after playing quite a bit more. I just crossed the 30 hour mark and finished my FIRST Faction's Quests! That was 7 Faction Quests, 5 Story Missions and 24 Side-Quests. The end of the Faction's story got me really psyched for some reason. It was almost akin to finishing a game for me! It hasn't lessened the appeal of the game to me at all, rather, it's gotten me completely eager to start the NEXT Faction's Quests! I admit I've spent a LOT of time tinkering with my character, trying out differing weapons and Spell sets. On one hand, I liked the idea of having a Minion to follow me around, fight with me and distract my foes, but on the other, putting more Points into my elemental Spells (instead of my Familiar) has yielded some pretty spectacular and DESTRUCTIVE magic! I LOOOVE the freedom this game gives you!

Edited: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:53:46
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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 01:57:09

^I'm not ragging on your cord, at all, I will be getting this game.  But I've heard from more than one person that in the last 20 hours of a 50 hour playthrough they were not picking up any new items that outclassed their original ones.

Edited: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 02:00:23

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 02:06:38

I think that depends entirely on how you play. If you rely on stuff you can pick up and buy alone, I think you will eventually run out of options. (Though I have seen weapons and armors with OBSCENE price tags in a few towns!) If you're going to play the game as an action game and want to challenge yourself to FIGHT better, rather than craft your own stuff, I think that was the philosophy behind limiting the common gear. Rare gear has slots to put in Gems which you can create via Sage Craft which yields all sorts of effects you probably aren't going to find laying around the field. If you are into component gathering, you can also Blacksmith stuff that far surpasses the common stuff too! I think it all depends on how much of a devotion you have to the obscure skills, rather than just trying to Melee your way thru the game!

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 02:32:55

For some reason I've been playing Killzone 2 instead of Yakuza 2.

And this:

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 04:17:59

I drove up the penis of the US. I am now in Gainsville, ewww gator country.

Not much gaming till I get back tuesday, then I finish up ME2 for the second time and I will be all refreshed and ready to go for ME3.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 05:10:17
I've been mostly playing Gears of War 3 with a little Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Skyrim lately. Have also been plugging away at Resident Evil: Revelations and it's turning out to be a bigger game then I was expecting. It doesn't really add anything to the overall story of RE but it is a great game. I'm currently at the beginning of Episode 9.


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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 06:28:13

This is what happened outside my house this afternoon:

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:08:50
aspro said:

This is what happened outside my house this afternoon:

Replace the fog with polution and it's not so different to Melbourne!

Edited: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:09:00

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:30:14

My imagination or did the site wig out yesterday?

I've been playing raid mode on RE Revelations. It's getting better, you can level up and sell and buy weapons, customise everything too. Happy

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 09:37:41
gamingeek said:

My imagination or did the site wig out yesterday?

I've been playing raid mode on RE Revelations. It's getting better, you can level up and sell and buy weapons, customise everything too. Happy

Not your imagination.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:11:02

I spent the last few days setting up my PC to my new 60 inch Sharp Aquos...goddamn does it look amazing playing Mass Effect 3 multi-player on this. I can't go back to my 27 inch monitor now...just no way.

Gaming-wise, as I said, been playing alot of the ME3 demo, which is splendid. Also dicking around with Mass Effect 1, and I need to get back to L.A. Noire and FF 13.5 soon.


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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 14:14:52
edgecrusher said:

I spent the last few days setting up my PC to my new 60 inch Sharp Aquos...goddamn does it look amazing playing Mass Effect 3 multi-player on this.

Why does it take so long to hook it up?

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 14:54:00

It didn't take long to set up really...I just had some trouble getting digital sound from my pc to my reciever so i had to tinker with updates and shit, plus having to set everything up in a different spot.


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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 17:06:10
gamingeek said:

My imagination or did the site wig out yesterday?

I've been playing raid mode on RE Revelations. It's getting better, you can level up and sell and buy weapons, customise everything too. Happy

So when are we going to play together.
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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 17:37:20
Dvader said:

So when are we going to play together.

I didn't even think about that. I forgot it was online.

No voicechat though? Do you compete or co-operate? What level are you? Can you swap items or give ammo or anything?

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 19:00:31

Rayman Origins is really fun. The graphics are weird and awesome, the music is funky and it has great variety in themes and level design. If you found NSMBWii to be a bit boring in visual design and theme design (grass, desert, lava, you know the drill) Rayman will come like a breath of fresh air. It does not control nearly as tight as Mario, but no game ever does. The power-up system is a lot more rigid, you learn a new move in the first level of the each world. And the variety is great but not as great as the Galaxy games, but no games are.

Overall I am having fun and it really belongs in the list of the great 2D platforming games this gen: DKCR, NSMBWii, Super Meat Boy and now Rayman Origins.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2012 20:53:10
Wait you were talking a bunch of crap about how we need Rayman and you had never played it?
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