1up Final Fantasy XIII-2 Review - B
A Series in the Throes of Awkward Adolescence
1up.com impressions
GE Rhythm Heaven Fever preview
"I really can’t stress enough how charming Rhythm Heaven Fever is."
gamexplain.com impressions
Celebrate Ace Attorney Movie Release With Toilet Paper
Among other awesome stuff
1up preview Rhythm Heaven Fever
"everything I see in this "WarioWare meets music mashup" works on many levels, and has me excited to finally play the final game"
1up.com impressions
GAME UK: "Won't have stock of new titles" 
Oh shit son - biggest and near only game chain in the country
nowgamer.com news
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FUUUUUU Nintendo make this!!!!!
My Zelda review is finally up. Its pretty long.
Mind blown
I saw that on the documentary channels. It's pretty awesome. There's also the cuttlefish which is the master of quick change disguise. Try out some youtube vids.
Now I want to know how the Batman vs Zelda battle goes.
Team Ninja - Nintendo asked for our input on Wii U, hardware constantly changing, Dead or Alive 5 possible
The following comments come from Team Ninja's Fumihiko Yasuda and Yosuke Hayashi...
- Wii U development is very easy
- development is very close to what it's like on PS3/360
- Hayashi: "Nintendo asked us what we would want from the hardware. And when we gave them our feedback, we could see that they really listened and made changes. The hardware is currently changing constantly."
- Hayashi also feels the controller is very unique
- Yasuda: "The control via a touch screen is like the Nintendo DS, we worked on the NDS with Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, and we would like to take some elements from it and install them in the U Wii version of Ninja Gaiden 3."
- Hayashi says their main Wii u focus right now is Ninja Gaiden 3
- When asked about the possibility of Dead or Alive 5 hitting Wii U, Team Ninja said they keep the request for the title on other platforms in mind
I know. The mind blown part is for the readers, I already knew about this active camouflage. They do not only change colours they change their texture too. I will soon make my long awaited awesome creature thread and it will be the best thread ever.
New game from Pokemon dev. Looks too cute.
Involves Miis
Denpa Ningen (literally "electric wave person"), in the game's vernacular, are little critters which exist alongside the electric waves that float around you every day. Your goal is to use your 3DS to capture the Denpa Ningen and create a team to rescue an important person from the demon king.
View a first trailer here.
It uses augmented reality and resembles parts of Pokemon Snap. You capture your team, but then the game becomes an RPG.
It's an EShop game and there are many more videos here
I've been playing No One Lives Forever 2: a Spy in H.A.R.M.'s way. It holds up very well for a 10 year old game. The gameplay is fun and varied with its mix of stealth, action and very different settings and objectives, it's basically GoldenEye 007 meets Austin Powers. It has some funny moments, though the acting/directing/writing/etc aren't quite there to make it a genuine comedy. A new sequel with decent production values and the same sort of gameplay intentions could be pretty amazing. Cate Archer rocks.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Aussies, check the prices for Dennou Coil Part 1 and 2 for me.
I can only find them for $45 Aussie dollars for each 2 disc set.
That is the coolest shit ever.
Hmmm I can't really tell what they're talking about with NG3 from just watching. The controls look very similar to the old games, and the way he moves. They were complaining about him not running at some points and just walking with his sword drawn...that happens in the old games too. The only differences I see, are that the enemies appear dumber, and there's no limbs flying off.
I will never forget spending $50 on Zone of The Enders, just to get the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo. And I still say it was worth it.