GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Getting 2 New Modes Update coming soon. news aspro
[] Design Interview: How to Balance Weapons Interview with Insomniac's Cameron Christian. aspro
The Examiner: Nintendo belongs in the toy aisle  Wii is merely a pathetic attempt to gain recognition and increase their net worth editorial gamingeek
New Rune Factory 4 pics media gamingeek
[] Sony: Xperia Play 'not another N-Gage' news gamingeek
[] Steam Summer sale day: AC3 and more gamingeek
[] In Theory: PlayStation 4 in 2012 DigiTimes is citing Taiwanese manufacturing sources that suggest that Sony is actively working on PlayStation 4 news gamingeek
[] Crytek discussed going MS first-party Has "fallen in love" with Kinect. news gamingeek
[] Capcom acknowledges Mercenaries controversy Says it's unlikely to utilise save system again in future titles gamingeek
[] Xenoblade Chronicles video shows off secret area This area isn't called Divine Sanctuary for nothing. It looks absolutely lush - like Niagara Falls only without the casinos and tourists. media gamingeek
[] Super Mario 3DS to feature more familiar suits news gamingeek
[] Sony to start production of PS4 at end of 2011, say Taiwan **it just got real? gamingeek
[] Darksiders 2 artwork 21 pics media gamingeek
[] 12 Dragon's Dogma pics in one click gamingeek
[] Two Dragon's Dogma videos gamingeek
Tales Producer wants more Tales on 3DS Needs to hit 250 k for that to happen news gamingeek
[] Zumba Still Atop UK Charts Outsells the games ranked 2-5 combined. news aspro
[] Sony: Welcome Back Again Extended through until July 5, 9 am. news aspro
[] Japan Finally Gets PSN Store Back In a few days. news aspro
[] Infamous Cole in SF x Tekken What does Cole have to do with either? news aspro
[] CAPCOM Pushing for More PSP to PS3 Conversions Decision for re-releases is up to Sony. news aspro
[] Sony: You Are No Longer Welcome PSN free period ends. news aspro
[] Duke Sold (Projected) 1.5 Million Take 2 wanted 3 million. news aspro
[] Catherine Demo Hitting PSN and XBLA Watch the pre-orders get cancelled. news aspro
New Details on Skyrim Fan interview with Bethesda. news aspro
Is a new NIGHTS game in development? Let's hope not gamingeek
[] No Mod Tools for Battlefield 3 DICE says their engine is too complicated for mere mortals. news aspro
[] US New Releases Week of July 3 (Late Again) EDF, Resistance Dual Pack, Mafia 2 (again), Ape Escape Move ... news aspro
[] Rocksteady Explains Boss Battles in Arkham Suggest combat should be "intellectual". news aspro
[] Nintendo Game (Pokemon) Heading to iOS Pokemon game going to Apple and Android! news aspro
[] Report: PSN Getting a Makeover Looking to de-clutter the interface. news aspro
Full OXM Aliens preview here Grab it now before its gone impressions media gamingeek
Guide to Japanese Game Distribution Interesting look at who distributes whoms games. news aspro
[] Game Informer's Darksiders 2 Podcast The origins of the series, and what's new in the next one. media aspro
[] Suspected Anonymous leaders arrested in Italy gamingeek
[] Kojima praises LA Noire tech - but won't use it news gamingeek
[] Capcom sign up to Gaikai news gamingeek
[] Europe - Next round of 3D trailers hit the eShop Animal Crossing Kid Icarus: Uprising Luigi's Mansion 2, MGS, Paper Mario media gamingeek
[] Koizumi dreamed up Majora's Mask - literally news gamingeek
[] 3D pics of Pilotwings resort to view on 3DS news gamingeek
[] Ubisoft launches Ubicollectibles A collection of premium, limited-edition merchandise for fans of the company’s popular brands news gamingeek
[] Forbes magazine Reggie interview Decent interview - Watch Netflix on Wii U controller too news gamingeek
[] Rhythm Heaven Wii screens Punch, kick, lightbulb, barrel media gamingeek
[] RE Revelations will "blow people away, graphically" Says producer news gamingeek
Wiiware Ark of Sinners details and media Trailer here for a Castlevania like platformer media gamingeek
1up explains how 3D gaming works editorial gamingeek
[] Test Drive Unlimited devs done with AAA games news gamingeek
Galaga Legions DX Review: 4.5 out of 5 "Galaga Legions DX is like a John Woo movie, and you're Chow Yun-fat." impressions robio
[] Latest Sly Cooper PS3 screens media gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden 3 'not trying to be Metal Gear' Ryu? Ryuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! gamingeek
[] Xbox 360 Cloud Storage now online Store all your porn in the clou.. wait you can't do that news gamingeek
[] 6 dev studios working on Assassin's Creed Revelations Preview impressions media gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review EDF Insect Armageddon 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] "Noisy" PS3 ads get Channel 5 in trouble After an investigation Ofcom found the PS3 ads to be "excessively noisy" and in breach of its guidelines. news gamingeek
Level-5 3DS Hostess Sim Renamed "Girls' RPG" media news gamingeek
[] Sony is most valued Asian brand news gamingeek
[] Black Rock: Disney shafted us gamingeek
[] No Localised Tales of Graces For Wii Yet PS3 gets western release news gamingeek
[] ICO. Shadow of the Colossus HD Videos "simply amazing" media aspro
Nomura on Final Fantasy Type-0 Reason or the game's delay, multiplayer and more. news aspro
[] Report: Rockstar Has "Disdain" for LA Noire Maker And they won't publishing Team Bondi's next game. news aspro
Australian Qualifiers for COD XP Announced Not posted because I totally am involved in it. news darthhomer
[] Halo 4 Details "Halo 4 is going back to what made it amazing" news aspro
[] (Preview) Beyond the Labyrinth A Dungeon Crawler being called: "The Most Striking 3DS Game in Development." impressions media phantom_leo
[] Bethesda Addresses Mixed Response to Brink "Better than being in the middle." news aspro
[] Feature: The History of Donkey Kong Stuff that even I did not know. news aspro
New SoulCalibur 5 Screens media aspro
[] Crystal D Working on More Than Tomb Raider They are working on new IP. news aspro
[] Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Dated West will get it before Japan. news aspro
[] Harmonix Trademarks "Vidrhythm" Is this their new project they are working on? news aspro
[] iPhone Users Spend 15 Hours a Month Gaming They should get a real hand-held. news aspro
[] Sony's Adopting Online Passes for Multiplayer Like EA, Activision and THQ. news aspro
[] Kinect Fun Labs Will Be Regular Series MS's collection of Kinect minigames will be distributed regularly. news aspro
[] Microsoft Splits Off Japanese Xbox  Division Like a Yakuza cutting off a finger - well no but it sounds cool news gamingeek
[] Wii U 'will be open to networks like Steam' news gamingeek
[] EA confirms work on new Mirror's Edge project gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 3 images gamingeek
1up: Play Mario and Zelda in HD Today editorial gamingeek
[] Sonic Generations 3DS footage media gamingeek
[] 3D-capable Wii U can 'satisfy core gamers' - Iwata If you are going to connect Wii U with a home TV capable of displaying 3D images, technologically, yes, it is going to be possible media news gamingeek
[] Ubisoft 'extremely limited' by PS3 and 360 It's a challenge for the engineers to provide nice graphics and nice AI and nice sound with a very small amount of memory and computation time news gamingeek
[] Video Games are making big moolah! How's $74 billiion sound? news travo
[] Sega planning more exclusive games for Kinect news gamingeek
Sega vintage collection screens media gamingeek
[] Earth Defense Force Critical Reception Two 8's and a 6.5 so far... news aspro
[] Square Suing Italians Over Deus Ex Leak Mamma Mia! news aspro
Iwata Asks Vol 3 - Xenoblade development I’d say that some players might cry up to ten times! news gamingeek
No More Heroes Red Zone pushes sexual content NSFW video may result in the game being AO rated in the U.S? news gamingeek
[] Far Cry 3 is 10 Times larger than FC2 Didn't people complain that FC2 was too big? gamingeek
Tri Ace's Frontier Gate - media gamingeek
[] Uncharted 3 scans gamingeek
Disney's Epic Mickey getting a graphic novel collection This graphic novel collects all of the Disney: Epic Mickey comics together for the first time! news gamingeek
[] Survey:Minors Shouldn't Be Able To Buy Violent Games Say 67 % of U.S. adults. news gamingeek
[] 6 minutes of Xenoblade footage news gamingeek
[] Operation Rainfall Increases Pressure on Nintendo of America With Mail Campaign to Bring Already Translated Game to America news gamingeek
New Final Fantasy game announced for 3DS And it's not what you think it would be... news gamingeek
[] Twelve Minutes of Deus Ex Gameplay media aspro
1Up Reviews Back to the Future: The Game "B"Now that all the chapters are out, here is the review. impressions aspro
[] Rumor: Resistance 3 Will Require Online Code Boxart indicates - looks legit. news aspro
Some Translated Famitsu Reviews Including StarFox 64 3DS. impressions aspro
[] Iwata: No Additional Nintendo IP Going Mobile Says they only own 32% of Pokemon company and were not part of iOS decision. news aspro
[] Final DLC for LA Noire "Reefer Madness" Trailer. media aspro
[] Last Week's Japanese Charts Tales of the Abyss brings 3DS to #1. news aspro
[] Mad Catz Enters Publishing Deal With Microsoft Probably to do with their flight sim. news aspro
[] EA Confirms Burnout Crash Calling all cars... top down racer. news aspro
Kojima Announcement Coming Today I'm guessing Policenauts-related. news aspro
Likely hardware partners for Next Gen Consoles? Guess-timates made here, NVIDIA cries editorial gamingeek
[] Uncharted movie has its director! news gamingeek
[] Lovefilm bans RE The Mercenaries rentals Over save situatuin news gamingeek
3DS Tales of the Abyss Tops the Charts Major RPG port pushes 3DS back into the top hardware spot. news gamingeek
[] Automatic Demo Downloads For 3DS, Wii U? Iwata Suggests Possibility Of news gamingeek
[] Witcher 2 dev face legal action over 360 publisher gamingeek
[] Rage behind-the-scenes video focuses on story gamingeek
[] Europe getting Kid Icarus in 2012? Indifferent smiley news gamingeek
[] Anima: Ark of Sinners - official WiiWare details Ark of Sinners is an exploration and adventure game with linear movement in a 3D environment impressions gamingeek
Xenoblade releasing early?  19th August rumoured news gamingeek
[] 3D Pixel Racing Wii screens Like 3D Dot Game Heroes but with racing media gamingeek
[] Bethesda announces Dishonored Made by Arkane studio news gamingeek
[] Kinect's Second Wave preview Rise of Nightmares and more impressions gamingeek
[] Halo Anniversary has 'completely new' orchestration gamingeek
Starfox 3DS: Lots of videos here media gamingeek
[] The Cult of Deadly Premonition - Article The word 'cult' is used to describe many games, but rarely has it seemed so appropriate as when applied to Deadly Premonition. editorial gamingeek
[] Microsoft warns against Kinect Zoom news gamingeek
[] Epic: Infinity Blade's Kinect roots were too risky Game was originally for Kinect, then moved to iOS news gamingeek
[] Wii U a "really cool stop-gap" – Gearbox "Right now we're still finding out what kind of final tech specs the Wii U is going to have," news gamingeek
[] 2K: Move and Kinect are testing the waters for PS4 & MS "It’s not been a case of just jumping on the Wii wagon – it’s been a case of learning about what Wii did and trying to take it somewhere." gamingeek
[] Video: Soul Calibur 5 dev diary gamingeek
[] Halo soundtrack coming for anniversary news gamingeek
[] Renegade Ops images gamingeek
[] CVG Preview Luigi's Mansion 2 gamingeek
[] The story behind Wii U and Darksiders 2 video Interview here media gamingeek
[] IGN: Nintendo's Divided Divisions How Europe has caught up to, matched and surpassed North America. Is it time to start importing again? news gamingeek
[] Iwata talks using the 3DS as a Wii U controller news gamingeek
[] Nintendo explains why their 3DS games look better Will help 3rd parties more with the stereoscopic effect news gamingeek
[] Nintendo investing in 3rd party collaborations Developing games with publishers but cannot talk in detail about the names of the titles news gamingeek
[] Rhythm Heaven Japanese trailer Peck your beak, 1,2,3 media news gamingeek
[] Atari Suing Bootleg 2600 Makers Their Flashback 2 system was being copied. news aspro
[] Sony Shuts Down PSP Comics Glad I didn't get into that. news aspro
[] Take 2 Getting Into Movies? They trademark "Rockstar Films" news aspro
[] Nintendo Getting Sued Over 3DS Patents Some company has a patent on glasses-free 3D. news aspro
EA CEO - Wii U 'transcends anything I've done before news gamingeek
[] HD Metroid Prime 3 screens media gamingeek
[] GoNintendo link to our Go Vacation thread Iga, no man ass please news gamingeek
Massive bunch of new Go Vacation videos Gameplay of Horseriding, White Water rafting and more media gamingeek
Cliffy B on gamers and Wii U "They'll talk sh** but..." news gamingeek
[] EA Hiring for new Dead Space game gamingeek
[] 3DS Need For Speed features no free running No QTEs? Where will the epic come from? media gamingeek
'R2-D2 Xbox 360' planned for Kinect Star Wars? news gamingeek
[] Retailers praise PS Vita Euro price point 249 Euros news gamingeek
[] Sony working on sci-fi Bollywood PS3 tie-in Day One news gamingeek
[] Early release for Xenoblade in Europe confirmed It was down for 2nd September. It now releases 19th August. news gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Surfing gameplay media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Ski Gameplay media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Jetski gameplay It's like Wave Race media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Dog Sledging gameplay media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Tennis gameplay Looks like Wii Tennis media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Scuba Diving gameplay Chibi Endless Ocean Ahoy media gamingeek
[] Go Vacation Car Racing gameplay It's Ridge Racer. Riiiiiidge Racer media gamingeek
Carmack: Mobile tech to overtake PS3/360 soon Mobile phones will in two years be more powerful than the current generation of consoles, programming legend John Carmack has said. gamingeek
[] Vita: Sony won't repeat PSP mistakes They say gamingeek
Xenoblade dev forms new Kyoto studio In an effort to forge better relations with Nintendo news gamingeek
Kojima announces a Snatcher radio play He and SUDA need to stop f****** about news gamingeek
XBL Castlevania headed to PS3 news gamingeek
[] Tales of Xillia trailer news gamingeek
[] 15 minutes of Bioshock Infinite gamingeek
[] Rumour: Xenoblade and Last Story U.S localisation done This information was disclosed to Operation Rainfall today from a source within Nintendo who wishes to remain anonymous. news gamingeek
[] New Bond Game Will Be Revealed at Comicon Activision says. news aspro
[] Interview with XSEED Boss Niche publisher/ localizer. news aspro
[] Steam Omitted from Battlefield 3 Retailer List Other digital DL outlets were listed. news aspro
IO Talks About New Hitman Development Also addresses multiplayer. news aspro
[] Best Buy - Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal Mix & match 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii, 3DS, DS, or PC titles" news Ravenprose
[] Mario 3DS: Out with the new and in with the old... This is the Mario of Super Mario Bros: stumpy of jump, plodding of pace. He has a dash button. impressions gamingeek
[] Wii U: How it will change gaming as you know it In the beginning was the word. And the word was "huh?". Closely followed by "wha...?" and rounded out with a "hmmm" editorial gamingeek
[] CVG Pandora's Tower Review The game is a simple combination of exploration and fighting, marred by some dreadful camera angles and ultimately redeemed by a combat system impressions gamingeek
High Res Xenoblade art media gamingeek
Retailer outs Brain Training 3D news gamingeek
[] New US Releases Week of July 10, 2011 LA Noire expansion pack, NCAA football and that's about it. news aspro
[] Uncharted 3 Beta Getting Co-Op Yemen map drops on July 10. news aspro
[] Space Invaders Movie Getting Closer to Reality Producer of transformers and GI JOE is on it. news aspro
[] Aussie Ratings Board Reveals Ubi's Next 3DS Games Puppiez, Babiez and Horzzes. Enjoy. news aspro
[] Bungie Thanks Fans, Says Goodbye to Halo Officially hands over reins to MS. Hints of future. news aspro
[] Katamari Creator Working on MMO Self identified casual game called "Glitch". news aspro
[] Ignition Concedes El Shaddai Will Be "Divisive" Art vs. gameplay crowds likely to emerge. news aspro
[] Rein: PC gaming has "shot by" consoles "We're at the stage in the life of the consoles where the PC has shot by them in terms of capabilities." news gamingeek
[] 12 Dragons Dogma pics gamingeek
[] Dark Souls images gamingeek
[] Limbo PS3 video gamingeek
[] IGN Finding Wii's RPGs Looking back on all the console's opportunities for role-playing through the past five years. editorial gamingeek
[] Imagining Batman: Arkham City on Wii U editorial gamingeek
[] Final Dragon Quest 9 DLC Available For North America. news aspro
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Country: UN
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Mon, 04 Jul 2011 21:08:45
Dvader said:
robio said:

With the lack of news today, here's something to read and likely frustrate you. IGN wrote an article about why boss fights are reclics of the past and that we don't need them now.... It comes close to make a valid point, but not quite -

OMG its like IGN wants to be hated.

Nothing like some controversy to get traffic.

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Mon, 04 Jul 2011 21:10:09

"Of course, there are hundreds of games on sale which can be found by browsing Steam‘s categories, but the daily deals are where the real savings begin. Here is what’s on offer today:

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Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:13:31

That ThunderCats thing doesn't look too bad. I'm sad for several of the changes (Snarf is just a pet, Tygra is Lion-O's brother, there's no plot device for Lion-O being a boy in a man's body, etc) but the new setting, where they're actually on Thundera, should make for more involved character interactions than the mostly barren and monster infested lands of whatever planet the old cartoon was on, where new characters popped up randomly with little reason and development, then disappeared just as abruptly. That will hopefully be handled well. Also, I guess there's no technology either this time? It looks like standard fantasy with furries.

Edited: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:15:07
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 04 Jul 2011 23:43:47
Iga_Bobovic said:

6. You will be able to play Xenoblade, Last Story and Pandora's Tower.


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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 00:32:17

Beyond the Labyrinth

Pretty, eh? Now imagine these screens in 3D!


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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 02:21:57

NOA has already stated: "You're NOT getting it! Don't even START to get excited!"


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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 02:37:37

Kojima (I think that he's right if he's talking about Japanese gaem develpoment, but I feel like the rest of the development community has made the jump already, and clearly very sucessfully.) :

"When asked about cultural expression in games, Kojima said that developers now have "more capability for expression" than ever, likening the situation to a similar story-telling crossroad that challenged silent-film giant Charlie Chaplin. "He didn't need words to express himself in his movies but suddenly he had to include words in order to stay relevant. With this increased capability of expression through games, I think it's a matter of learning how to use it."

This enhanced ability to express ideas also causes problems for Japanese directors, according to Kojima. "There was no cultural barrier to the rest of the world because the technology meant that you couldn't tell whether it was Japan or anywhere else. Now it is possible, so it becomes more difficult." He maintains that "creating something is about turning impossible things into possible things," and that as technology continues to improve, game design could potentially lose its luster."

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 02:47:50

Anyone Picking up the Resistance Greatest Hits Dual Pack tomorrow?

Online Co-Op is calling my name!

It's supposed to have Loot Game elements!  blush

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 02:49:51

That sounds tempting sinvce I've never played either of those games.  What's the retail for the disc?

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 02:57:00
travo said:

That sounds tempting sinvce I've never played either of those games.  What's the retail for the disc?


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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:01:51
phantom_leo said:
travo said:

That sounds tempting sinvce I've never played either of those games.  What's the retail for the disc?


That is tempting!  Must use RESISTANCE!   My backlog is big enough.  Finishing LIMBO has made me want to go finish others.....Infamous,  Spirit Tracks, LBP, Portal, Battlefield.

Edited: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:02:55
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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:03:29

Now he gets willpower...



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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:05:25

I have been on a crazy spree this year. Nyaa  I made a vow not to get any new games in July and I have to stick to it.

I hope I can stick to it.

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:26:52

Hey Travo!

Can you keep an eye on these pics for me until I get back from the store tomorrow with my copy of the games? Thanks!

Much Love,


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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:28:14

Damn you! Nyaa  How is the online? co-op?

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:29:36
SteelAttack said:

GTA 4+ iCEnhancer mod:

Looks great, but does it make the game any good?

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:32:28
aspro said:

"Of course, there are hundreds of games on sale which can be found by browsing Steam‘s categories, but the daily deals are where the real savings begin. Here is what’s on offer today:

Which Mount and Blade is worth getting?

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:32:49
travo said:

Damn you! Nyaa  How is the online? co-op?

"While the single-player experience is a great tale with an epic scope, it is equaled, and perhaps surpassed, by the multiplayer modes, which are perhaps some of the best I've ever played, and I'm particularly picky about my multiplayer. The first mode that's included is a cooperative mode, which allows up to 8 players to leap into a game and explore the world of Resistance 2. However, you're not playing as Nathan Hale or as one of his Sentinels. Instead, you're part of the Spectres, a separate military faction tasked with tracking down and finding Gray Tech, items held by the Chimera around the world. The co-op mode missions run parallel to the action of the single-player campaign, and help to point out that Nathan isn't the only one that's fighting this war against the Chimera; other humans are risking their lives trying to defeat the invaders as well. (Incidentally, Gray Tech is also vital because you'll be able to use these items to unlock additional missions as well as gear that can be used to outfit your characters.)

Players are given a choice between three different classes, each with their own abilities and traits. However, players aren't restricted to a particular class, and can switch at any time they wish, including during a match. The Soldier is the tank of the squad, equipped with a chain gun that projects an energy shield and packs more health than any other class. Spec Ops are the damage dealers of the group, and while they have less health than others, their Marksman is particularly effective in wiping enemies out. They are also the only class that can resupply soldiers by throwing out ammo packs. Medics are the final class, using their Phoenix weapons to drain the health from enemies and convert it to healing blasts from their weapon. They can also resuscitate party members faster than any other squad. Based on the class chosen, players receive experience points depending on how well they perform the functions of their class. This means that while everyone can receive XP for damaging enemies, soldiers will gain more for protecting troops, spec ops will gain more for resupplying troops and medics will gain more for reviving fallen troops. These points are important, because points will eventually translate to higher rankings as well as unlocking new weapons and Berserk powers.

Berserks are specialized abilities that are tied to a particular class, and can be triggered when a player has gained enough experience points to fill a meter, which will slowly drain when the power is active. For instance, Soldiers can trigger Ironheart, which will reduce the amount of damage taken as long as the Berserk is active. The Ring of Life, by contrast, allows Medics to set down an area that will constantly regenerate health of any allies in its proximity. If a player frequently performs their job, they'll continually refill this meter, allowing them to try to swing the tide of the battle in their favor. That is an extremely important factor when it comes to the co-op mode, because the game takes a dynamic approach to play. Initially, you'll be given an objective and based on how you're doing, the levels of each class in your party and the number of players in a match, the game will scale the action accordingly.

For example, if you find yourself playing a split-screen co-op game with one friend, fights will be easier than if you move in with seven other players and are surrounded by sixty enemies or more at the same point. But on top of this, you'll also discover that the objectives will dynamically change as well, making each situation play out in a different manner every time. What's more, as you blast through each checkpoint, you'll inevitably go up against some elite versions of these creatures, each of which hold more health than a standard Chimera and can inflict more damage as well. But even outside of the scaling action of the cooperative play, the mode truly embeds a sense of working together with the other players in your squad, because it's not possible to survive this mode by going commando. Each player is forced to rely on the other skills of their party mates to survive, but the one thing that I've found in playing a number of multiplayer matches is that anyone, from a newcomer to a seasoned veteran of the mode easily falls into a specific role and gets a hang of the gameplay, making it one of the most accessible multiplayer modes around.

The competitive mode is also just as solid. Sure, Resistance 2 features many of the classic game modes that you've come to know and love in multiplayer matches, such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag (known as Core Control in the game). However, it's Skirmish mode where the mode sets itself apart, because the game will feature up to sixty players on scalable maps without any noticeable lag or technical hitches. Skirmish mode is objective based just like the co-op mode, with dynamic goals assigned to the six squads of five players each for the Human and Chimeran sides. These will cover a number of objectives such as controlling a particular node, protecting a specific location or eliminating a priority target on the other side. Rival squads on the other side will be tasked with stopping you, so you'll always have some kind of opponent attacking you and your allies. As time starts to run out in a round, you'll find that the objectives will start to funnel everyone towards a central point for overall domination of the map. This is where the largest battles break out, and also where the action gets most intense, which only serves to boost the level of fun to huge levels. Toss in leaderboards and lots of other multiplayer features, including the functionality that will track stats in real time while also giving a number of social networking features, and you have a title that will expand both replayability and community."  

Now who left that here? Hmmm...

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:33:07
travo said:

I have been on a crazy spree this year. Nyaa  I made a vow not to get any new games in July and I have to stick to it.

I hope I can stick to it.

Wat?! No new games in July, muthafucka! You dig?

Pulp Fiction Sam Jackson

I know you don't want me to bust a cap in yo sorry game-playin' ass!


The VG Press

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Tue, 05 Jul 2011 03:35:44

LOL Sorry dude...medical expenses. Sad   It does sound tempting, especially since I want a mp fix with you guys.   Maybe I have enough Glyde credit....

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