GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Microsoft: Home is a nice chat room news gamingeek
[] Lost in Shadow trailer: Pre-launch secrets media gamingeek
[] Capcom: Don't look forward to Darkstalkers 4 news gamingeek
[] Kotaku review Epic Mickey "Epic Mickey is a heftier, more intellectually intriguing game than one might gather from any initial impression " impressions gamingeek
MS Developer: Quality Approval Process "Censorship" As it relates to Kinect shovelware. news aspro
Aussie Gamers Get Early Xmas Present Government fully supports R+18 for games. news aspro
[] Grab a heart-warming winter gift in Animal Crossing Time to boot up City Folk again news gamingeek
[] New Dead Space 2 Videos Includes interviews with develpoment staff. media news aspro
[] Unbound Saga - First 15 Minutes 3D side-scrolling brawler based on the upcoming comic book of the same name. media aspro
Sony Does Something Original! New rewards program adds "quests". news aspro
[] Square Details The Process of Fixing FF14 China-centric MMO has been failing in the west. news aspro
[] Unboxing Cataclysm CE $80 USD - A lot of stuff included. news aspro
[] Pachter Goes Wild: Activision 'Betraying Shareholders He really wants pay-for-play for COD multiplayer. news aspro
[] Patent shows how Crazy the PS Move could have been news gamingeek
[] CVG on Halo remake: Is there any point? editorial gamingeek
[] CVG: Why is Call of Duty so successful? editorial gamingeek
[] MCV Opinion on BBC documentary insinuations editorial gamingeek
[] MCV have seen BBC Gaming Documentary Here is what to expect news gamingeek
Rune Factory Oceans site open media news gamingeek
Level 5 donates 20'000 footballs to 3rd world news gamingeek
Kinect has Burger King tie up in Japan From a burger sized controller to no controller - but still burgers are involved news gamingeek
[] Video: Witcher 2 devs talk new engine media gamingeek
[] Gamekyo review Epic Mickey "Mon dieu, zee camer-a!" impressions gamingeek
[] Ghost Recon Shadow Wars for 3DS launch news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey trailer breaks the 4th wall Probably spoilers but you can risk it? media gamingeek
[] Destructoid Fluidity preview impressions gamingeek
NPD: Year-to-Date and Lifetime Hardware Sales US numbers only. news aspro
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Hits 2 Million Sold In first week! news aspro
New Square Enix Game Revealed By Conference Map Or it could just be where they'll have the foodcourt. news aspro
[] Capcom: No Demo For Marvel V Capcom 3 "'zero percent' chance of a demo" news aspro
[] Pachter: Future Grim for Handheld Gaming Systems "I think the PSP2 is going to be dead on arrival.” editorial aspro
[] How does Michael Jackson: The Experience Fight  Piracy? Here's a hint - think about the 2010 World Cup news robio
[] Kinect or Move? Which is Better? Washington Post provides the definitive conclusion. :lol: editorial aspro
[] EA Sceptical About OnLive "anything < a response time of 30 or 40 milliseconds is unacceptable". news aspro
Capcom Making Mega Man Legends By Survey Since Inafune left, maybe you can make their game? news aspro
Watch Dreamcast Magazine's Shenmue trailer ALL OVER MY FACE gamingeek
[] GI Reviews Golden Sun DS "a lot of fun" But, "combat system has been dumbed down from the already simple style" editorial impressions aspro
[] Interview with Blizzard Co-Founder Talks mostly about Cataclysm. news aspro
[] Codemasters Sues Developer for Missing Benchmarks They paid over a million for vaporware. news aspro
Samurai Warriors 3Z Pushed Back Wii/PS3 release needs more polish. news aspro
[] PSP Breaks Single Week Sales Record In Japan (Thanks Monster Hunter). news aspro
Game Developer Strikes Back At Bad Reviews Blames hardware for problems. impressions news aspro
[] Ghost Trick Phantom Detective trailer From the Phoenix Wright guy media gamingeek
[] iPad 2 coming as soon as February 2011 Rumours, juicy rumours. news gamingeek
[] UK retailers downbeat on 3DTVs in 2011 "No way are people going to sit in their living rooms watching TV in 3D glasses, not a chance," news gamingeek
[] New Bond game video from Singularity dev media gamingeek
[] Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime media media gamingeek
PS3 and PSP get Neo Geo games 22nd December Via emulator service news gamingeek
[] Developer: PS Move can do exactly what Kinect does Eye Toy FTW? news gamingeek
[] The era of Big Gaming sites is coming to an end editorial news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey accolades trailer 5/5 etc media gamingeek
[] What Is The Truth About Gaming Addiction? Yes, they mad editorial Foolz
[] Panorama – Addicted To Games? U mad? editorial Foolz
[] Are pre-owned sales killing gaming? "It's not suprising that a nation with famously small homes, and a notoriously throwaway approach to perfectly functional items, would cultivate a thriving second-hand market." editorial Foolz
[] Dead Nation eurogamer review 6/10 "Dead Nation is guilty only of being a decent game with few pretensions and even fewer ambitions, never attempting to improve or advance the clichés it so readily deploys." impressions Foolz
[] Just one more go... (just one more news update!) Eurogamer quizzes Panorama on addiction special. editorial Foolz
[] Fluidity Steam Cloud Trailer Looks awesome media Foolz
[] Brendan O'Connor answers your R18+ questions Federal Minister of Home Affairs answers five questions from GameSpot AU readers in this special R18+ Q&A. editorial news Foolz
[] Tasmania throws its support behind R18+ New poll of Australian censorship ministers shows growing support for adult game rating. editorial news Foolz
Microsoft: Kinect Shortages Not Fake "It's absolutely not a strategy" news aspro
[] IGN and GameStop Form Partnership They will integrate their online commerce and content. news aspro
[] Take-Two Looking to Diversify Through DLC Also looking for DLC to keep games off secondary market. news aspro
[] OnLive to Have Movie Streaming Subscription-based movie streaming. news aspro
[] Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 is going to be really easy And Nathan "Radd" Spencer gets a porno mustache news robio
[] Cliffy-B Wants Gears/Mortal Kombat Crossover Cole Train pulling into Earthrealm? news aspro
[] Gamasutra: Top 5 Events of 2010 Bungie -> Activision, Infinity Ward, 3DS, Motion Fad and at #1... editorial aspro
PSP Tales of Grace Sold over 200,000 in First Week Along with Monster Hunter, helped PSP sales. news aspro
[] Creator: No Future Smash Bros. Will Be Difficult Says games need to be easy for new audience. news aspro
[] Dead Space 2 demo confirmed news gamingeek
Ninokuni gets largest ever Level 5 pre-orders news gamingeek
Marvelous' Balance Board Horror game trailer And more media news gamingeek
The concept for Shenmue 3 exists 'There are four animals; a monkey, cat, dog and bird. You are crossing the river but you need to leave one behind. Which one will you leave behind?" news gamingeek
[] X-men Arcade a 2 month XBLA exclusive Rage PS3 owners. Rage. news gamingeek
[] New Batman Arkham City Trailer Shouldn't it be Gotham City? Godamnit. media gamingeek
[] Miyamoto wanted original Donkey Kong to scroll And play like a mario game, but.... news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Bulletstorm preview Its high score arcade ethos has been tried before - notably with love-'em-or-hate-'em oddities like The Club impressions gamingeek
[] Panorama fallout continues ITV morning show asks for "troubled gaming teenagers" to step foward news gamingeek
[] New art and screens of Resistance 3 media gamingeek
Famitsu RE Revelations details impressions gamingeek
RE Mercenaries 3DS features co-op More details here news gamingeek
Sakurai reflects on Super Smash Bros news gamingeek
Wii Balance Board horror game in development Lose some pounds or an axe man will get you? news gamingeek
[] Shenmue changed Final Fantasy - Suzuki news gamingeek
[] Spector: Reviewers misunderstood Epic Mickey impressions gamingeek
[] Resident Evil Revelations is a true survival horror news gamingeek
[] Tony Hawk is still remarkably relevant Says activision news gamingeek
[] Games that lack an online multiplayer are finished Say EA news gamingeek
[] Spector defends Epic Mickey camera news gamingeek
[] New SSX takes series back to its roots news gamingeek
[] 3DS Mercenaries lets you move and shoot news gamingeek
EEDAR Analyst on Nintendo and Apple Wii lifespan not an issue, Apple not a gaming contender? news gamingeek
[] IGN: Nintendo keeping devs quiet on 3DS Until end of January news gamingeek
[] IGN rumour: PSP 2 to Rival PS3 Graphics  IGN rumours are never big news! Punk Rebel Ecks
Camelot: The first 2 Golden Suns were a prologue Shit gets real in the third game impressions gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 trailer media gamingeek
MTV review Fluidity "it's a great puzzle game to get your brain juices flowing no matter what kind of gamer you are." impressions gamingeek
[] New Blizzard Game "Titan"? Product timeline indicates 2014 release. news aspro
[] New Civ 5 DLC Spain and Inca will be available on 16th December. news aspro
Activision: Old Media Are Hypocrites Take the money for our ads, but then criticize our ads. news aspro
[] Uncharted 3 live demo on Fallon on Monday! Late Night to have the first gameplay demo, monday at 12:30am EST media news Dvader
[] Storm and C.Viper confirmed for MVC3 news gamingeek
[] Uncharted 3 trailer dissected Where is Joe Pesci?! media news gamingeek
[] Deus EX HR longer trailer media gamingeek
[] Uncharted 3 details emerge news gamingeek
[] Dead Space 2 trailer media gamingeek
[] Strong Bad's Cool Game coming to PSN news gamingeek
[]  ITV responds to anger over games violence show news gamingeek
Resident Evil Mercenaries 3DS pics media gamingeek
Resident Evil Revelations pics media gamingeek
Resident Evil 3DS Sites Open with Lots of Screens  Even more screens media news gamingeek
[] THQ Sees Licensing Potential For uDraw Teases Saints Row Deal news gamingeek
[] Cyprus Hill singer sues R* for $250 million news gamingeek
[] Jaffe: Kratos shouldn't rape MK victims news gamingeek
[] Broken Sword 2 iOS video news gamingeek
[] Broken Sword 2 remastered announced iPhone and PC, no Wii :( gamingeek
[] Crytek's Codename Kingdom art media gamingeek
[] New Bulletstorm images media gamingeek
[] Mindjack Screens - Square Enix game media gamingeek
More Epic Mickey concept art media gamingeek
[] Gamesradar Conduit 2 hands on " we hope we get another chance to explore its giant list of improvements" impressions gamingeek
[] Earth Seeker opening video media gamingeek
[]  IGN: Everything We Know About Wii 2 news gamingeek
Last Story Developer Finally Revealed It's not Slant Six. news aspro
[] Activision Talks on Direction of Guitar Hero And their positive feelings for Harmonix. news aspro
[] Ars technica Editorial on Hype "I'm exhausted in advance." editorial news aspro
17 Million Use Sony Home & Stay Average 70 mins Why? Explained here. news aspro
Browser Based Sakura Wars Detailed Takes place in a school (story for Yoda). news aspro
[] GT5 shipped 5.5 million copies worldwide Breakdown at link news Dvader
[] New Journey trailer and screens! I want now. media Dvader
Super Monkey Ball 3DS trailer Balls bursting through your screen - in 3D media gamingeek
Mario Party 2 Heading to the Virtual Console Party like it's 1999! news robio
[] Force Unleashed 2 Ewok abuse trailer Sad face gamingeek
[] PSP Phone video shows off 3D graphics "As you can see, the device managed 24.4 frames per second on average" media news gamingeek
[] More iPad 2 rumours leak news gamingeek
[] 'Inaccurate motion control is harmful' - dev Shows video of Kinect Joy Ride player placing third without moving media gamingeek
[] Metro Prince of Persia HD trilogy review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] 50 Disney references in Epic Mickey media news gamingeek
[] Stand up Comic does videogames VIDEO here media gamingeek
[] IGN reviews Fluidity 8.5 "The production values and depth on display here are greater than most WiiWare games, so don't hesitate to dive on in." impressions gamingeek
[] IGN: Paint the Town Red in de Blob 2 impressions gamingeek
[] THQ happy with uDraw sales But might be hit by supply constraint problems news gamingeek
[] Kim Jong Il's Gamer Son a Disgrace to Father Kim Jong-chol is 'more interested in videogames' than governing. news aspro
[] Killzone 3 Getting Gun Peripheral From Sony Just make the game. news aspro
[] Making Dragon Age 2 A look behind the scenes. impressions news aspro
MGS Peacewalker Announcement Coming at VGAs Home console port? news aspro
PS3 Final Fantasy 14 Delayed Producer stands down. news aspro
[] US Releases for Week of Dec. 12 Quake Arena, SMB All-Stars, Sackboy, X-men Arcade... news aspro
The Day MAME Saved My Ass A developer's publisher struggles editorial Ellyoda
[] Forza Motorsport 4 debut trailer Who cares, we've got GT5! media Foolz
[] Portal 2 VGA trailer Aperture Science is alive and booming! See what's new with GLaD0S and friends in this trailer from the Spike Video Game Awards 2010! media Foolz
[] Mass Effect 3 VGA trailer The Reapers' vengeance threatens Earth. The third chapter of the epic Mass Effect series debuts at the Spike Video Game Awards 2010! media Foolz
[] Batman: Arkham "Prison" City to feature Hugo Stran Needs more joker news Foolz
[] Resistance 3 Gets a Date Battle the Chimera next September. news Foolz
[] Prototype 2 confirmed news Foolz
[] Guillermo del Toro goes Insane lol@them using Hellboy as an example of his films news Foolz
[] Resistance 3 gameplay trailer Chimera on a boat media Foolz
[] Ys: The Oath in Felghana Review 7.5 "Adol the Red has some trouble finding his footing, but his sword remains true in this remake of an Ys classic." impressions Foolz
[] Lord of Arcana Updated Impressions We wander around dungeons and find out why multiplayer is more fun when you get to battle with friends. impressions Foolz
[] The 3rd Birthday Updated Impressions We hijack some bodies and shoot some twisted with an updated look at one of the most gorgeous games coming to the PSP. impressions news Foolz
[] Aussie R18+ postmortem Q&A with Brendan O'Con T'was all a waste of time! news Foolz
[] VGA 2010 Post Show Recap Awards, and more importantly, what was announced. news aspro
[] Elder Scrolls 5 Gets a Name, Trailer "Skyrim" is the new name. media news aspro
Uncharted Trailer and Release Date November 1, 2011 media news aspro
[] SSX Returns "doesn't appear to be the fun-loving, trick-focused snowboarding title" news aspro
[] Black Ops for 360 in US Sold 5 Million Copies Gamasutra has exclusive access to some NPD numbers. news aspro
[] Minecraft Entering Beta, Price Going Up "more polish, more content, a narrative, and the ability to create mods." news aspro
[] Epic: No Gears of War Announcement Tonight So now we get announcements of NO announcements. Slow Clap. news aspro
[] Quake Arena Coming to XBLA "frag up to 15 of your friends in six game modes" news aspro
Metal Gear Solid Rising Dated by Gamestop? 360 & PS3 June 3rd, 2011 news aspro
[] UFC Sues Ubisoft for Use of Phrase in Marketing Game Only THQ's game will make you "the ultimate fighting weapon". news aspro
EA Store Accidentally Confirms Mass Effect 3 Was to be announced at tonight's VGAs. aspro
[] R18+ Rating in Australia Hits a Delay "decision to delay the ruling followed a Standing Committee of Attorneys General meeting" news aspro
[] Kinect bundles outsell Move bundles 5-1 news gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 Wii and DS pics media gamingeek
[] Gamespot De Blob 2 hands on impressions gamingeek
[]  Nintendo Life reviews Fluidity 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Fall of Duty A TEEN fan of hit game Call Of Duty was last night under arrest for deliberately bringing its online version crashing down - to boost his SCORE. news Foolz
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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:15:34

Epic Mickey has had most of my time, but I've also been playing a good bit of Brawl with the kids to break of the Epic Mickey gameplay. I'd forgotten how much fun that game was.  We actually deleted the old save file and now together the 3 of us are trying to unlock the trophies again. Last time around I got about 90% of them, so now I'm out to get all of them.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:56:27
I've been playing Reach and Black Ops. In fact I just finished BO on Regular. Awesome game. I'll probably jump right to Veteran difficulty. Played quite a bit of it online and as usual it's a blast. Mostly been playing Ground War as I love big team battles. Tried some Zombies and Wager matches which were a lot of fun as well.


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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 03:48:05

Capcom: No Demo For Marvel V Capcom 3 "'zero percent' chance of a demo"

Smart Move on Capcom's part. I am sure many people would have their appetites sated by just playing the demo.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 06:38:45

Been playing Golden Sun Dark Dawn.

Screw Gamespot's review. This game is NOT a 7.5! I'm having a blast so far!

Also playing Cave Story on my DSi. I never really got into the Wii one but since this is a portable, it's easier to just pick up and play it. It still amazes me that this guy spent 4 years making this game. Amazing accomplishment! He even did the music which is mind-blowing!

I'm loving it! Happy


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 12:39:41

Larger Versions of the Catherine Packaging

The closest look you'll get until February!

Rune Factory Oceans Official Site Opens

Meet the heroines. Plus, the relationship between the male and female main character becomes even more bizarre.

The 3rd Birthday's Take on Joy to the World

Square Enix's sound team readies a cover of the classic Christmas carol. Hear it for yourself.

portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 12:42:56
Agnates said:

Larger Versions of the Catherine Packaging

The closest look you'll get until February!

Rune Factory Oceans Official Site Opens

Meet the heroines. Plus, the relationship between the male and female main character becomes even more bizarre.

The 3rd Birthday's Take on Joy to the World

Square Enix's sound team readies a cover of the classic Christmas carol. Hear it for yourself.

i think i prefer the 360 cover


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 13:24:11

I think Patcher is batting 0 for 2 (according to our new posts)

Pachter: Epic Mickey Will Be on PS3 - No it won't. If it were a better game then sure, but most of the hardcore gaming reviews have been kind of harsh on the game or at least its gameplay.  I don't think there's a big enough number of PS3 owners who want it..  Plus it would require Move, so that shrinks down the potential audience even further.

Pachter: Future Grim for Handheld Gaming Systems - This may be on of the dumbest things I've ever seen him say. I'd see home consoles disappearing first. Hell just look at the Year-to-date and Lifetime hardware sales article that was posted. The number of DS' sold is just about equal to all the Wii's and PS3's combined.  If Japan the number of PSP and DS's sold more than doubles the home consoles. There just aren't the same quality of games on iPods and smart phones that even enter and unless phones ever start coming with controll pads they'll never be able to do what handhelds do.

Edited: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 13:25:03
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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:09:45

2nd playthrough on Epic Mickey, found much more stuff, breaking down the levels more. Also encountering more camera trouble than I did on my first run through. I guess because I'm trying to cram my ass into every damned corner of the game looking for stuff.

Managed to get only 2 out of 4 of Goofy's parts in Tomorrow Land, I officially dislike this level. Got 3 out of 4 of Daisy's robot parts in Ventureland and facing off with Hook now. I can't work out how to kill him, I saved Tinkerbell before.

I think by the end of my 2nd playthrough I might bump my provisional score down from a 9.0 to somewhere between 8.5 - 8.7

Not being able to revisit levels and the auto saving hurts things a bit. Still very enjoyable though and I had forgotten some of the nice set pieces here.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:24:40

Fuck, rally cars are fucking expensive. 850,000 credits? Fuck that shit. Fortunately I have a Lancia Delta Integrale Evoluzione that performs beautifully in either dirt or snow.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:28:36

I don't mind the Epic Mickey auto-save. It really makes you consider your decisions before you make them. It holds you to a certain level of responsibility in how you play.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:40:07

I don't know what this game is, but I love the super deformed boxart.

Below is a Deca Sports 3DS scan

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:41:18

Someone has hacked Smash Bros

More here

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:43:33

New Tomb raider

A New Game from Crystal Dynamics

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Square Enix, Inc., is excited today to announce TOMB RAIDER®, the new game from Redwood City based studio Crystal Dynamics®.




'After a brutal storm destroys the boat she was travelling on, a frightened young woman is left washed ashore on an unknown beach. On her own but not alone she has only one goal, to survive'

Here begins the first adventure for a young and inexperienced Lara Croft in a story which charts the journey of an ordinary woman who finds out just how far she must go in order to stay alive.

"Forget everything you knew about TOMB RAIDER, we are exploring things that have never been done before in this game," said Darrell Gallagher, Head of Studio, Crystal Dynamics. "This is an origins story that creates Lara Croft and takes her on a character defining journey like no other."

TOMB RAIDER makes its worldwide debut in the January issue of Game Informer® magazine. The cover story features 10 pages of exclusive content and is available beginning today for subscribers and on newsstands December 11. Follow Game Informer on Twitter @GameInformer.

Follow TOMB RAIDER on Twitter @TombRaider. For more information on TOMB RAIDER please visit

About Square Enix, Inc.

Square Enix, Inc. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content throughout the Americas as part of the Square Enix Group. The Square Enix Group operates a global network of leading development studios and boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property, including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 97 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 54 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 35 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix, Inc. is a U.S.-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

More information on Square Enix, Inc. can be found at

TOMB RAIDER ©2010 SQUARE ENIX LTD. EIDOS, IO INTERACTIVE, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. DRAGON QUEST, FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. "PlayStation" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft.

SOURCE Square Enix, Inc.

Edited: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:47:37

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:53:09

Love the new Lara looks.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:00:11
SteelAttack said:

Love the new Lara looks.

Really?  I thought she looked like the prince of persia


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:05:44
bugsonglass said:

Really?  I thought she looked like the prince of persia

Great, now I see boy in her face.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:07:28

Oh god this is going to be the GAF thread all over again.

I guess I'm gay. I like the way she looks. LOL

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:13:31

It looks like she has a mullet.

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:28:14
SteelAttack said:

Oh god this is going to be the GAF thread all over again.

I guess I'm gay. I like the way she looks. LOL

Now to seriously mess with you




Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:28:34
SteelAttack said:

Oh god this is going to be the GAF thread all over again.

I guess I'm gay. I like the way she looks. LOL

I did like the way she looked, but then Bugs ruined it. angry

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