SF4: Hakan's Moves Detailed
Turkish oil wrestler is also CEO of cooking company.
andriasang.com news
Gamepro review Final Fantasy 13
4 stars/5 - XIII ignored me to try and seduce someone else with user-friendly tutorials and a Leona Lewis theme song.
gamepro.com impressions
Gamespy review Final Fantasy 13
4.5/5 - Thank goodness for the battle system, then, because it saves the game while you're wincing through the saccharine banter and waiting for the training wheels to spin off.
gamespy.com impressions
Totalvideogamers review FFXIII
you're left with a feeling of playing for the sake of it, rather than savoring it.
totalvideogames.com impressions
Ace Attorney Investigations Review
8.0 - the reviewer got it spot on.
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
First Modern Warfare 2 map pack will be 1,200 pts.
3 new maps, and 2 old ones from MW1 for $15! OUCH!
1up.com news
God of War 3 1up review
It's not quite as focused as GOW1, nor is it as lengthy and moment-packed as GOW2, but it's the most consistent.
1up.com impressions
Fragile Dreams Examiner review
Its themes of friendship and time with others is often delivered elegiacally and can bring the user to states of reflection.
examiner.com impressions
Bioware Founders Interviewed
Talk about EA, Dragon Age and Mass Effect.
gamespy.com editorial news
Aussie Gamers Dress As Zombies For R18+
Sydney is zombie territory
computerworld.com.au media news
Professor scraps grades, uses EXP instead
Complete assignments, level up.
itnews.com.au editorial news
PS3 DVR Big Seller At Launch
Can "Tivo" while in standby. Watch recorded shows on PSP.
kotaku.com.au news
Fragile Dreams review from Nintendonow
"thanks to a touching story and unique atmosphere, Fragile Dreams offers quite the memorable experience."
e-mpire.com impressions
First Red Steel 2 review
9.2 - Overall, Red Steel 2 was able to come from a bad game to create a true masterpiece.
gbatemp.net impressions
McDonalds to Use DS as Training Tool
Decline of Western Civilization is complete.
andriasang.com news
Fragile Dreams 1up review
"this is one flawed gem of an adventure that perhaps only the most patient of us can enjoy."
1up.com impressions
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robio (7m)
soooo tired
P.S. I played the original Tomb Raider on a friends Saturn and quite frankly it was kinda clunky. Did not like it that much, was ugly too.
It appears your download speed is around 30 Kilobytes per second. 56K is around 6 Kilobytes per second, so you are downloading roughly 5 times faster than 56K.
Here's mine:
Mine's a bit slow today. I usually get around 6Mb/s or 700-800 Kilobytes per second download. With Comcast's Powerboost (which only works really late at night for a very limited amount of time), I can get around 12Mb/s or 1500 Kilobytes per second.
Wasn't the Saturn version worse?
Yes, much worse.
Dammit GG give it a rest. You think that by sending your British aircraft carrier near my work, you can intimidate me?!
It is not going to work!
Tomb-raider was all of what dvader said for gamers, but also for many many people it was what got them to overcome their "gaming is for nerds full of zits" complexes and got them to pick up a control without risking their image. along with a few other games like wipeout and sony's aggressive advertising it was what brought gaming to the mainstream for good imo.
also i think the saturn version maybe looked slightly worse, but was the same exact game otherwise (it was the version i got to play, same as wipeout)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I never played the PS1 version, but I have the Saturn one. It's unplayable.
Capcom's SF4 Fighter stick, now only $24
The Saturn version was the inferior version, but is was not as bad as Hamster describes. Was quite close actually.
Not in the same league as Mario 64. Not even close.
Not in the same galaxy. Tomb Raider and Mario 64? No way.
This is what I got.
Not in quality of game, in that 3D wow factor. Some people did not have an N64, Tomb Raider was the first giant 3D game.
You must have played it when it came out. I played it for the first time last year. I was planning on playing it back to back with the Anniversary edition. I had a hell of a time even seeing where I was supposed to be going most of the time.
I was playing it on a HDTV too, which probably did not help. The controls were fine, but I just couldn't see anything. It looked like this:
How so?
Yeah Mario had really smooth controls, but honestly can you see Lara controlling like Mario? That's the only area I can see anyone agruing for Mario 64 as a far superior game, but those controls wouldn't have felt right in TR. Plus TR wasn't even designed with analog controls. Sony still had 2 years to go before the Dual Shock.
In terms of level design and production values I found it every bit as good and sometimes better. Definitely more immersive at the time.
I spent my premium release money on Yakuza 3 this month
I wonder how long GoW3 is? The last ones where around 12 hours from memory.
I haven't tried it in years but now I have too.
Its on the way to my house along with Mass Effect 2!!! Now that's some back to back badass gaming.