Japanese mag scan collection
Darkside, DQVI, Tower of Shadow and more
true-gaming.net media
Men Dressed as Mario and Luigi Assault Taxi Driver
"First they jumped on my head" the taxi driver said, "then ate my mushroom lunch that I vomited up from the shock and pain."
gamepro.com news
Pre-Order Lost Planet 2 and get a Wesker Costume
Vader is putting his money down as we speak
blastmagazine.com news
Gamepro review Rabbids Go Home 4/5
"Rabbids Go Home is a very special game, and when I say special, I mean special like that kid in your second grade class"
gamepro.com impressions
1up review Darkside Chronicles B+
"this will probably be the closest thing to a complete RE2 remake in our lifetime"
1up.com impressions
1up review Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wii
A- wow, a review that doesn't half ass it?
1up.com impressions
Class-Action lawsuit being investigated on MS
Relating to Xbox 360 bannings
abingtonlaw.com news
Phantasy Star Sucks Up To Gaming Mag
Famitsu logo appears everytime you block.
andriasang.com news
Wii no Ma details: paid shows coming
Service will come to US eventually
andriasang.com news
Capcom Releasing RE5 Bluetooth Headset
Of course. Makes perfect sense. To Vader.
andriasang.com news
Brad Pitt Gets Film Rights to Dark Void
Capcom sci-fi game comes out Q1 2010.
newkerala.com news
Ubisoft Not Publishing No More Heroes HD
But they are still publishing NMH2
g4tv.com news
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You've pretty much described it! I'm playing it right now too (cracked and bought the PC version) and the campaign is just not blowing me away like the last game did. I thought COD4 was brilliant and well paced with each level really great stuff....but MW2 just feels like an uninspired cash-in. The levels aren't as memorable, the story is dumb...and all those things you mentioned feel worse than before.
Its still good but much like Halo 2, not worthy of the praise.
They really need to overhaul their campaign gameplay, open the levels up and actually let you PLAY around in them a bit, instead of being on such a tight linear path. And the AI needs to be given a more Crysis-like personality.
Yeah COD is made by Infinity Ward who made the original Medal of Honor games, its the same shit each time, this time in modern settings. Still trying to do Saving Private Ryan.
I can't get over the fact that Halo 1 has better AI. They make wonderful looking sets, but the gameplay in COD is basic point and shoot. Its the presentation where they try to impress you, but I need better gameplay, better story, better design. Simply making everything big, flashy and cinematic isn't enough. And they really need to get rid of the spawing and grenade lottery.
I saw this at gaf
Boy in trouble for refusing to pledge allegiance until gays have equal rights
Awesome kid!
Break over, back to work you!
Wow look at that!
Looks nice. I dont recognise the first pic, who is that boss?
Second pic looks very similar apart from the very slight mapping on the wood.
Third pic looks ace. I want to see some gameplay shots.
I wonder why Suda hid the development of these ports? Its good that in japan at least they are cheaper.
You can't recognize your fellow Brit, Death Metal?
I don't think they will show it, seeing that the gameplay pics, especially in the overworld, look like crap. Easier to impress people with cutscenes.
The games are full price in Japan and Suda has nothing to do with it. Marvelous is the one that decided to port it.
I heard the games are 2000 yen lower or something?
I want to see the N64 overworld in HD.
Suda must have known about it, he kept denying it etc for ages.
Check the threads hobos.
What the FUUUCK.....the PC version of Assassins Creed 2 was delayed to Feb?! I guess I won't be getting it before 2010 afterall.......
Get it on 360, bitch.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
And pay an extra $10 for an inferior version? NEVER!
Forklift Truck Simulator 2009
Farming Simulator 2009
Digger Simulator 2009
... Crane is still the best though.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Damn you PC elitist!!!! I knew you would never be the same after rising to gaming Olympus.
Is Digger Simulator a proctology training program?
it's a training program alright...
too busy fantasizing about crane simulator. man i'm not kidding, i'm a lifelong cranespotter (i have photos of crane-filled skylines on my wall and i travel deliberately to places I know are huge construction sites) ... this is like a wet dream come true for me
ps i lived in london while canary wharf was being developed and i would go there on the light railway a few times a week just to watch the cranes
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Do cranes remind you of erect phalluses?
nah. i don't see the connection there as i don't care for phallic symbols especially. now, the Gerkin building did remind me of my phallus ... but i still mostly went to watch the cranes
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu