Capcom bringing MT framework to wii
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Dad kills son over videogame at birthday party
Unsurprisingly, alcohol and guns don't mix news
GameStop To Hire 15K Seasonal Part-time Advisors
Ensuring that 15,000 idiots will have jobs this winter news
Gamepro review Lost Winds 2
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Spector explains Epic Micky Steampunk art
Sounds like it was too far for Disney impressions
Iwata: "Wii has stalled"
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Bioshock 2 1up preview
"Everything gets twisted here in good ol' Rapture, and even ideas that start with the best of intentions can go astray." impressions
Bayonetta 360 vs PS3 a 1up feature
"12 hours split between the two versions, and I've ended up very disappointed the PS3 game"
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If you did that for me, Thanks. That was probably the stupidest thing I've done in years.
I never meant to disrupt conversation. I really don't know what came over me.
I ABSOLUTELY HATE seeing a Lock on this site, so it does mean a lot.
Do the opposite of what this man says.
Yeah listen to the man that has Wesker's cock stuck so far up his ass, it is messing with his brains.
I care for neither game, but from previews of REDC, it seems that Extraction is superior.
Brother site? I think not
What?? Oh please, screw Extraction. Seriously, it was not that much fun. If you're a fan of the series stick with RE DC.
You did not disrupt the conversation, because it was fully on-topic!
I do not agree with locking the topic, a more elegant way was to delete some posts.
Yeah, fuck Extraction. Come to think of it, fuck all lightgun games up the ass with a veiny dildo.
An even more elegant way is to tell you to fuck off.
Maybe you should try searching the word elegant in the dictionary Steel.
Start a different topic if you feel the need to discuss it further...(?)
I think I should search for the word "dictionary" first.
Dude nothing you could have said would make us not like you.
I never said RE would be the better game. Not listening to you usually works out for the better, I was just giving general advice.
That 1up Assassin's Creed preview got me all giddy. More varied mission types and structure, an assassin's career spanning 30 years, you can buy a villa!
I am ready to become Ezio Auditore di Firenze. As a matter of fact, I will get back home tonight by running across rooftops and pushing beggars.
Guys, I locked it and told you to PM me so we wouldn't be dragging this across the site as a point of discussion. If I left it open, it would just be a bunch of posts of "Where did this go?" I also locked it so you can direct your comments and concerns about the decision to me.
It's closed, if the topic itself is still relevant, make another thread. As for the locking, no further posts on it, please.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThat's what I told them but nobody listens to me anyway.
*kicks a rock*
Yeah Steel I'm pretty amped about AC2 myself as well. I keep forgetting how close it is to being released.
I just pushed a beggar and he flung poop at me.
Yay! Thanks Yoda, that would have been a fair amount of change.