Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
Bungie dont want to use gimmicks in the series
Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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travo (4m)
Prey. I tried to play it three times, but wen I get to fooling around on the space sip I get a little motion sick. Was that te only game other than Doom3 that used the Doom3 engine? Quake4 I guess as well.
Hey, has anyone tried Matt Hazard Eat Lead. For reasons I have not explored I want this game but am waiting for it to drop below $15 before I get it. It's the game about a fake 8-bit action video game character that is brought out of retirement and put into a modern game. I was oping for lots of in-jokes with my carnage (eg The boss is a parody of Japanese RPG protagonists (specifically Cloud Strife) who speaks entirely through textboxes that require Matt to press a button to continue.)
Wow. Now that's a shock.
Let's just hope that anyone involved with either Backbone Entertainment or Sonic Team don't even go near this, and we should be groovy.
Ummm, sorry to state the obvious but your game is obviously "Throbbing Hobo zone" no?
That is frigging awesome. I would buy a game like that.
Nice Muramasa review Leo.
Sonic news? ................. *tumbleweeds*
The only Sonic game in recent memory I was interested in was the DS Role player. And I still couldn't give a crap.
I got this name:
Masters of the Chicken - The Gathering Storm
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I wasn't able to finish my round of updates earlier
Famitsu scores:
SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny (NDS, Square Enix): 9 / 7 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
Ys Seven (PSP, Falcom): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Forever Blue 2: Umi no Yobigoe (Endless Ocean) (Wii, Nintendo): 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)
Tantei Jinguuji Saburo: Hai to Diamond (PSP, WorkJam): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 4 (PSP, Konami): 10 / 9 / 8 / 8 - (35/40)
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena 2 - Spirits Burst (PSP, Marvelous): 7 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Ookami to Koushinryou: Omiowataru Kaze (NDS, Media Works): 7 / 7 / 7 / 8 - (29/40)
Motto! Hamster to Rasou: Akachan ga Umare Tayou (NDS, Interchannel): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Kintaihi Shounen no Jiken: Kyakusen Eris-Gou no Sangeki (NDS, Creative Core): 6 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (25/40)
Crash King (NDS, Genterprise): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)
Idolmaster: Dearly Stars (NDS, Bandai Namco): 7 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (30/40)
Tears to Tiara Gaiden: Avalon no Nazo (PS3, Aquaplus): 6 / 6 / 7 / 7 - (26/40)
Wet (PS3, Bethesda Softworks): 7 / 7 / 8 / 8 - (30/40)
Velvet Assassin (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 7 / 7 / 8 / 6 - (28/40)
Fuel (PS3/Xbox 360, Codemasters): 8 / 6 / 8 / 6 - (28/40)
Terminator Salvation (PS3/Xbox 360, Taito): 5 / 7 / 7 / 5 - (24/40)
I aint bothered to post these individually:
CLICK PICTURE -1- (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)
CLICK PICTURE -2- (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)
CLICK PICTURE -3- (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)
CLICK PICTURE -4- (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)
Those are epic^ get into the thread and check them out
Updates done.
Anyone checking out the GAF Cursed mountain thread? It's getting some great impressions.
Q. The original LostWinds drew some criticisms for being “too short”. Will Winter of the Melodias be any longer than the original?
We prefer to think that people didn’t want it to end. Obviously we are aware of people’s perceptions of the play time of the first game, and have been able to learn a lot from our experience of developing it. We’ve worked hard at the design to concentrate as much quality gameplay as possible in each environment; there are significant optimizations which have really helped us to save space, and therefore add more content, and new and different types of gameplay. I don’t have a hard figure for you, as it depends on the player, but we’re confident that Winter of the Melodias will be significantly longer than the first game for any given player.
Q. Is there any particular reason you opted to develop the sequel for WiiWare as well, instead of developing it as a retail game?
The distinction between WiiWare and high street retail sales is really just one of how it is distributed. Some game types need to be disc-based, simply because of the size of their data set, others do not need to be. Selling through WiiWare is a much more straightforward, purer process than distributing physical disc boxes to the dozens of different territories LostWinds has sold to already, and so is much more practical for a company like Frontier, but this does not mean you should think less of a game as a result.
No. The story of Winter of the Melodias is self contained. Obviously there are a number of story / character references which may be lost on those who haven’t finished it, but that won’t spoil the experience at all, and how to play the game is still explained for those who need it. Hopefully players new to LostWinds will be motivated to get the first game, too.
Yes, it is. In general we’ve tried to push every aspect of the game forward, from innovating again with the gameplay, to larger, more visually varied environments, and story and character interaction is another area, with the addition of cut scenes where we feel they help. It’s not rammed down the player’s throat, but there is a lot more depth to the story for players who want it. The first game’s story was very straightforward, whereas Winter of the Melodias is a little richer, offering a couple of entwined arcs: the search for Magdi (Toku’s mother, who has gone missing on one of her explorations), and uncovering the fate of the Melodia people who disappeared from Mistralis centuries before. Entwined with this is the story of Riveren – where Toku found Enril, he found a piece of the evil Balasar – so his story is a sort of dark mirror image of Toku.
Q. The Summer and Winter transitioning mechanic looks very intuitive, and opens up a whole realm of possibilities for the game. Will players discover any other abilities similar to this in Winter of the Melodias, or is that something reserved for potential future sequels?
Switching seasons is a very big new mechanic for this game, and is intrinsic to the gameplay, so the player will have to use the different characteristics of each season in order to progress. There is another major wind power in cyclone, which itself has a whole host of uses throughout the game. In addition, there are many other new and improved features large and small. But Season switching is the ‘poster child’ mechanic of this game.
Q. Will Winter of the Melodias also feature two-player co-op like the first game did?
In the same way that the first game did, yes — we’re not advertising it as a two-player game and there is nothing specifically designed for two players, its a single player game. But we did get a significant number of people who really liked the ability to play with their child or partner, and that ability is still there.
Q. What do you think of the MotionPlus accessory? Will there be any MotionPlus enhancements in Winter of the Melodias?
MotionPlus is great for games that can benefit from the extra precision, like sports for example, but doesn’t really change the use of the Wii Remote for pointing. The gameplay we offer mainly relies on pointing at the screen, so there isn’t anything in Winter of the Melodias that needs MotionPlus.
Q. What do you think of the DSiWare platform, and have you considered releasing any LostWinds games via DSiWare?
We think DSiWare, in common with all digital distribution, is great. It allows developers like us to make innovations which would otherwise be more difficult to bring to market. At Frontier we are fortunate in that we have been able to fund the LostWinds projects ourselves and therefore retain complete creative control, which is a fantastic experience.
The challenge currently for all involved is to get the awareness / acceptance of the various digital distribution services as high as retail disc / cartridge.
When we’ve finished Winter of the Melodias, the team will sit down and plan / prioritise which of the many directions we can go with LostWinds next. DSiWare is an option that could be in the mix.
Q. Finally, when are you hoping to release Winter of the Melodias?
I can’t give you a specific date yet, but it should be in the next couple of months.
So this is notable but it wont mean anything to someone who hasn't played Medal of Honor Heroes 2 on Wii.
COD modern warfare wii seems to have the analogue lean feature from that game, which was f******g awesome.
You can tilt nunchuck while sniping to lean back and forth if you turn on this option. my note: this actually refers to leaning while in ADS mode like on the PC version.
And you can rotate your weapons gangster style like in Red Steel.
And I guess no one checked out the Shadow Walker screens earlier in the week. Gamearts are making this for WiiWare.
This game is the shit.
Closing Comments
Super Return of the Jedi never earned much of my attention in the SNES age. I'd been hyped to play Super Empire Strikes Back most of all, since it was based on my favorite of the three films -- but its incredibly brutal level of difficulty quickly squashed my desire to spend any more time or money on the trilogy as a whole. Well, that was my mistake. I should have given the series another chance back then, because I would have discovered the considerable improvements made in Super Return 15 years ago, instead of 24 hours ago.
With its toned-down difficulty, depth and variety of playable characters, more polished presentation and inclusion of Leia in the gold bikini, Super Return of the Jedi is, in my view, the best of the three Super Star Wars games. Though it's based on my least favorite of the original three films, I have to give it the nod here in game form -- if I were only going to recommend one to download, I'd pick it. I actually recommend all three, since each one is fun even amid the frustration -- but if you're looking to spend just eight bucks, instead of 24, Return of the Jedi is the way to go.
Yup, I agree.
It may very well be the best of the three -- thanks to its refinement of each important game mechanic, its added polish and variety of level design, and the fact that, finally, Luke, Han and Chewie aren't the only ones getting to step into the playable spotlight. This time, we get Leia.
And she's wearing the gold bikini.
Striking with her length of slave chain like a Castlevania whip, Bikini Leia is an agile and intriguing addition to the Super Star Wars character roster -- and not just because she's the most nearly-naked mainstream 16-bit playable protagonist from the whole SNES era. She lashes out against Jabba's henchmen, spins herself in high-speed pirouettes across the ground like some kind of assassin ballerina and leaps through the air like a helicopter, twirling around in tornadic motion to do constant damage to any airborne enemies foolish enough to try to swoop in for the kill while she's busy hunting Hutts.
This is a woman who's been denied cuddle time with her handsome smuggler boyfriend for months thanks to his prolonged carbonite cryo-sleep, you know. You don't want to get in her way.
So Leia's playstyle is unique, and would merit a look at Super Return on its appeal alone -- but there's more where that came from. Leia actually has a couple of other costume changes beyond the famous slave girl outfit, and each one brings, essentially, another entirely unique playable character into the mix.
The first outfit you see her in, actually, is the Boushh bounty hunter disguise from ROTJ's opening moments. You know the one -- she walks into Jabba's throne room with Chewie in handcuffs, negotiates payment with the gangster and threatens to blow everyone in the room back to eternal communion with the Force with her thermal detonator. Classic stuff.
The detonators become part of her playable arsenal in the game, too, along with a striking staff -- she can bash Gamorrean guards with the blunt side of the stick, or hold it in a blocking motion to absorb their assaults before counter-attacking, or spin through the air in a tight circle, lashing out with it to do damage across the full diameter of her rotation. Again, this is a wholly different style of character than Luke, Han and Chewie, and also different from her bikini look.
And then, later, Leia changes looks again when the story shifts settings to the forest moon of Endor -- there the princess dons her camo gear and cape from the film and finally picks up a blaster.
People. A reply!
Is it a mirage?
That's a lot higher than I would expect from Famitsu. I wonder if the western press will be as kind?
Tales of Graces. Have you seen the trailer? Just type it into our search box.