Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
Bungie dont want to use gimmicks in the series
Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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They said spring next year so this is a pleasent suprise. I'm coming to like Rising star alot, they are like the european X-SEED.
But it's this game, the one everyone was saying was horrible:
Konami has another ReBirth title in the pipeline: Castlevania the Adventure. The title just picked up a Teen rating from the ESRB and should arrive on WiiWare, the same as its Contra and Gradius siblings.
Here is the ESRB listing:
Looks like Dvader has to pass another Castlevania game!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
It's hard to really say that this game was horrible. This was a first generation Gameboy game and it was pretty basic. Even moreso than the original Castlevania. So that's the thing. . . I don't know how much there is to remake here. There was virtually no story aside from what was in the instruction manual (I think you had to rescue your son from Dracula). To make a game that's acceptible by today's standards, this game is going to end up being unrecognizable from what it originally was.
So it really doesn't make sense why they're even announcing it as a remake. There's just nothing to recognize. I could see them trying to remake Castlevania Adventure 3. That game was a little more fleshed out with some actual characters and even a guest appearance from Alucard, though I believe it's been officially removed from the canon storyline. Guess it's time to wait and see.
That way Vader would've been pissed.