Furry Legends DSiWare - first screens, art, detail
Something for the furries
Cursed Mountain GP Monthly review
"You’ll be immersed in a very atmospheric world, driven on by an interesting story"
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robio (4m)
Professor Layton is a far better detective than the Dark Knight. Though they both seem to have an odd penchant for young boys, don't they? I wonder if that's a detective thing.
Did the updates.
Yes, this is London life. I live it. Hence you ALL suck unless you live here.
Guess who's playing Shadow Complex?? - You!!
Guess who's not playing Shadow Complex?? - Me!!!!
Why?? - I suck!!
Who rules?? - Me anyway!!
Who's gonna play Batman instead?? - Me!!
Why?? - Batman isn't afraid to hang around with guys that suck!!
Focus people.
You all suck unless you watch:
Godzilla Final Wars
this movie has it all
Godzilla, Submarine with drill, Don Frye, Maser, Tampon head, Don Frye, Cyclops, Funaki, Gang rape, Don Frye, 2000 Godzilla, Garry Goodridge, Hot scientist chick.
Did mention Don Frye?
Updates done!
Apparantly someone fixed the HapticMaster. I guess you can fix everything with glue. So this is the last update I will do this week and maybe next week too.
Sony says PS2 broke the mainstream barrier, and Wii followed in step
Always with the back-handed compliments, Kaz.
RARE admits to battling against the Microsoft demographic
Poor Rare. They left most of their fans back in Nintendo's camp. I have no doubt in my mind that they would've been far more successful if they were making games for Wii right now.
I certainly would never say that PS2 didn't break into the mainstream audience, but if you really want to play the honest game as far as the hardware sales let's take a poll and find out how many PS2 owners had to buy more than one. Let's face it, the original PS2 had a failure rate that is only surpassed by the the 360. I personally played through two PS2's and the only reason I haven't bought a third is because I'm foolishly waiting for the PS3 to get BC.
The moral of this story! People are dumbasses
Plus, Raven would really love this game. There is a HAMSTER mini-game.
When I get a hold of it, I will be renaming my hamster to Ravenprose.
I have BATMAN!!
You are wise.
BTW voice actor of the year goes to Mark Hamill, its no contest.
That has always been Rare's problem since first going to MS....it was so obvious it wasn't even funny. The only game they make that really fits into the Xbox image at all is Perfect Dark. And I honestly think MS wanted Rare just to get PD away from Nintendo in case it stole any of Halo's thunder back in the day....as PD was the console standard before Halo.
Rare would be much better off being exclusive to either Nintendo or Sony, than MS...because of the type of company they are and the kinds of games they make.
Agreed. He is amazing in the intro.
Phew! The baby was going ape shit, but now he's asleep. Batman time.