Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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I'm not waiting on price cuts to get LKS, I'm waiting on money. I aim to get it in early to mid September. The baby doesn't go to daycare till late next month and there would be no way I could get any good time with it till then. When a game is supposed to be this engrossing, I don't want to have to play twenty to thirty minute chunks at a time.
You should sell your baby for this game.
Just watched the Metroid Prime Trilogy interview. Interesting, they say that they went in and surgically replaced some textures with higher resolution versions in Primes 1 and 2 and tweaked the bosses as well as redesigned the HUD.
I hear there is bloom in Prime 1 and 2 now as well as the updated controls.
Getting more tempted.
sarcasm in games journalism. we've come a long way baby
anyway is the SNES version good/worth getting? i used to own pilotwings64 and i liked it. think i will just wait for that maybe since it must be coming soon now they made a start
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
If someone would like my copy of LKS I'd be happy to share. Send me a cheeseburger and we'll call it even.
Ahahahahahaha. I'll wait here right by the dumpster.
Poking fun at Miyamoto?!
That's like flinging poo at Mother Theresa! That's just NOT right!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You know, Miyamoto and I were out picking wild blackberries last weekend. He has a fantastic recipe for homemade berry jam. He won't share it with me, but one of these years I think I'll coax it out of him.
Anyway, we talked a bit about this article and he confided in me that it does indeed hurt when someone speaks badly of Wii Music. It sold 3 million copies, and while that didn't reach the internal expectations, it still put a lot of money in a lot of people's pockets. He has his regrets about the game (he really wanted downloadable content for new songs, but that bastard Iwata said NO), but overall he's still pleased with the final product and wishes it wouldn't be ridiculed so much.
He ended up calling the journalist who wrote this piece "the son of a syphilis infected goomba whore" and then moved on back to picking black berries. He also mentioned that the berry picking reminded him of some new levels in Pikimin 3, but he wouldn't share any other details than that.
...and why is it being discussed on video game sites?
What are you laughing about mister?! I blame it ALL on you!!
Jamie Foxx has a huge wang, and a pic of him in the n00d was leaked into the internet. It turned half of GAF gay and much hilarity ensued. Now Vader is obsessed with the mighty pen0r.
...and it's not that huge...
I was laughing about Robio and Miyamoto.
His stories always crack me up.
Ah! I see! Just a poorly placed smiley... Vader needs to get better taste in pen0r...
...wait... that didn't sound right...
GAF OT is like Pandora's Box.
And look at you! You have thunder between your thighs as well?
Ever hear the expression that Thunder is the Hammer of the Gods?
...yeah well... that can be used to describe me too...
Next topic!
I'd bring you a cheeseburger.
Then ram it down your throat whilst yelling "Hail to the Little King! Hobo!"
Dvader already said he has that seat. He put tacks on it, so you better watch out.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu