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wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
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Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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Archangel3371 (9m)
Be sure to buy the superior Genesis version.
OMG one Castlevania game out of like 50 billion. I know there is platforming in old Castlevania, that doesnt mean its not an action game.
What makes the Genesis version superior?
I had the Sega CD version back in the day.
Extra level not found on the Snes and some stuff I can't remember.
It means that it is an action/platformer. Because you have plenty of action and plenty of platforming. It's not rocket science dude.
Oh and even if they are forced to make it a platformer because of the technical limitations, it was still an action/platformer.
Its an action game thats the genre it falls into, it can be described as an action/platformer, but again back then every freaking game was a platformer. If it makes you feel better I can describe that trailer as an action/platformer too as it shows him jumping and climbing and such.
But its an action game.
I guess it could also be because it's the "original" version as well.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah you are right all games were platformers back then. Like Double Dragon, Final Fight, Golden Axe and Gunstar Heroes.
I hope you can sense the sarcasm here!
Nostalgia? Sense, it does not make!
The Genesis version was released in August 94 and the Snes version in October 94. Two months is a bit short to build nostalgia, don't you think?
@ Hamster
Yeah, forgot about the Mega CD version. I think that one is superior! The most superior one is the PC version according to Wiki.
"I think that they may see sales suffer, and certainly will see sales down year-over-year. So we have to see if they cut, unbundle and cut, or rebundle (with Wii Sports Resort plus Wii Motion Plus). They’re hard to figure out." - Wedbush Morgan analyst, Michael Pachter
Hmm, didn't he say the same thing when 360 Arcade dropped to $200? I don't recall Wii suffering significantly.
I do agree with him that they need to bundle WSR and MotionPlus with the Wii this holiday. The original Wii Sports has definately aged.
I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.
Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.
Sales are slowing regardless of what the rivals do. The recession has hit and the new software Nintendo is introducing isn't compelling enough to boost US sales. In Japan MH3 boosted Wii sales to outsell the PS3 10:1 in one week then it dropped but still outselling by multiples the rival home consoles.
Wii needs a price cut or new bundle/colours/software as much as anyone else these days.
I agree with what you're saying. I just don't agree with Pachter in that PS3/360 price drops are affecting Wii sales whatsoever. That's like saying if Captain Chrunch cereal dropped its price, then the sales of Oatmeal will suffer; they're different markets.
Perhaps that will be true when Natal and Sony's Wand come out, but not until then.
Yeah I agree with you too.
COD4 Wii info from Cav at Revogamers, nice bloke.
- nothing taken down from the original version, everything included: every multiplayer map, every multi mode, all the original IA in single mode, all campaign mode from PS360
- DLC not included. Neither Wii Speak/Motionplus.
- Keep evolving Treyarch’s engine is one of the port’s reasons. Graphic improvements in some textures resolution, general performance, new particle effects. (It looks pretty similar to WaW to me ATM). 30 fps.
- WaW connections numbers on Wii over any expectation, complete surprise and one of the reasons for this game/multi
- online improvements: now up to 10 players, host migration and possibility to invite connected friends
- team is similar to WaW’s: from 25 to 30 people
- IW’s role: giving engine code last year, MW code now and some supervision
- control: everything is configurable, ala Conduit. Smoother and better. All parameters, new scope setting. Up to 6 presets: from “greenhorn” to “insane”
- squad mate mode is back. Zapper also compatible with single player
- CG/VA/sound effects/ OST from PS360.
- no camera allowed, more stuff soon.
Some other dude posted pics of the PC version on minimal settings:
CoD is a big failure
Both Red Steel 2 and Metroid Prime 3 look better and they run at 60 fps!
Only took 3 years. LOL
Really, WHAT were they THINKING?!?!
Most of those are beat em ups, not the same family of action that Castlevania comes from. Castlevania is like Mega Man, Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, you know the type... all of those are action games. If they remade Mega Man into 3D today it wouldnt have a bunch of empty holes of death that you had to avoid, it would be mostly about running around shooting things and will probably have a world full of obstacles that you need to use items to get by, like this Castlevania game.
It looks like what a 3D Castlevania should look like.
GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.
I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.