Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
Bionic Commando Rearmed Patch Incoming
Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
Wii being used to help doctors.
No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
Infinity Ward rejects MMO styled system for MW.
Can they handle Activision pressure?
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Miyamoto enjoys working on two Mario games at once, as it allows him to share ideas between the two...and Nintendo loves making games for traditional gamers
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Ellyoda (2m)
You lie! Blacklist yourself!
A genius mind like yours is born but once a decade.
So, you don't think it's a gorgeous game?
Its a flight combat game, you cant point and shoot, if you could then what is the point of the ship. The whole point of the game is to steer the ship so you can shoot the target, it has nothing to do with aiming like a gun. The wiimote would be useless.
The game controls fine with a controller and it would be much more amazing on a 360 or a PS3 than a Wii. Those systems are really lacking in Star Wars games, I would love to see what space combat looks with their graphics.
Okami is no joking matter, blacklist yourself damn you!
It might depend on the view. It would work in first person. They did sky crawlers - that was supposed to be ok.
Myself, I would want a fixed reticule and focus on just crazy acrobatic flying with the remote tilting. I know lots of gamers like to push the pointer over the waggle but excite truck convinced me that tilt steering can work great.
It could always be used like a Natal-esque joystick.
Pointing, though, seems like it could work to me. Might be a bit weird to begin with but I seem to remember playing a PC futuristic flight game where you could aim all over the screen with the mouse while still controlling where you fly and it was a lot of fun.
Huh? Firtly you could tether steering to aiming if you wanted to. Secondly you could steer with the nunchuk and get pinpoint accuracy with the wii remote. Because the wii remote would have no impact on the camera or turning you can get super accurate and fast aiming with it.
And how are the other systems Star Wars deprived? Force Unleashed and this new Clone wars game? Battlefront was the chance for your next gen star wars and Lucasarts canned it. But you are going to see Force Unleashed 2 if rumours are to be believed.
Besides, their focus on the Wii games in development weren't just on engine and graphics.
"But one of our main focuses is the innovation around the controls. I really, really love the pointing aspect of the remote. Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now."
"I'm also hoping we're going to pay respect to what the console is all about, which is the innovation in terms of controls, in terms of accessibility, new experiences, things like that. We're really, really trying hard. I hope it's going to pay off."
Plus Rogue Squadron already looked next gen:
And with their understanding of the Wii technology could be even better.
"you would have insane fill-rates with Wii"
"If you connect you can get a lot of shader effects which would've been on the 360 or the PS3."
"I mean, think about it: it's got so much more power compared to the GameCube. If even with the extremely similar shader hardware, the system clockrate is so much higher, you can do so much more advanced things.
RG: And with much more memory...
JE: Aside from the shaders, our main limitation which we always found on the GameCube was the memory: the memory was a struggle the whole time; it was a very hard struggle. That was actually our biggest struggle. When we got the Wii specifications we were excited because we said "wow, this is actually the amount of memory which we needed"
RG: The memory problem you had before
JE: Yes, exactly, that would've been our "dream memory". (laughs)
Rogue squadons 1 through 3 were on Nintendo platforms. Why take that away from them? Let's make MGS5 a PC exclusive next.
First, they need to save their framerate. 6.9

Framerate problems? LMAO this is the same problem in the Wii version. Really playing this made me wish they were doing these graphic adventure style games the way they should be: fucking 2-D!
Some of these pics are new:
I think Cursed Mountain will be the horror game of the year.
So, I know what you're saying: "But Colette, there's a new SILENT HILL game coming. Did you see it? Isn't that the game you are most excited for when it comes to horror?" Well, I hate to say it, but as sure that I am that I will be playing Shattered Memories when it comes out, I've played a lot of the Silent Hill formula (pretty much all of it that's available, in fact), and I'm ready for something a bit different.
The impression I got within twenty seconds of holding the controller while playing Cursed Mountain is that is reminded me of the Fatal Frame series, which I hold in the highest respect when it comes to survival horror. The only title I hold higher is Silent Hill 2, in fact, so to have a reaction like that so immediately is a great thing in my book.
As you may already be aware, Cursed Mountain dabbles heavily in Tibetan lore. Even in the few minutes I spent walking up the mountain, I saw the faces of trapped souls and heard their pleas for attention. I'm always sketchy about any game that features ghosts because the line between campy and genuinely frightning is a thin one, and it's often crossed in the wrong direction. The ghosts of Cursed Mountain, however, are just human enough to remind you that they once were living beings, and it's in that aspect that the seeds of fear truly lie.
The control scheme uses both the Wiimote and nunchuk, and they both feel pretty natural. The analog stick controls movement, while you use both controllers to perform mantras -- sacred prayers meant to keep the evil spirits of the mountain at bay. Developers Deep Silver have said that this was designed to open the player's body language. Not only does it do that, but it stands out as one of themost unique things I've done in a horror title to date.
I alos got an earful of the audio, and both the voiceovers and the music are top notch. This is one of those things that makes a huge difference in a game, as I'm a total audiophile and will only play a survival horror game while wearing headphones. Instead of going for the chaotic orchestral atmosphere, the soundtrack is sparse, with the lingering of bells and chimes sounding as if they are far away in the distance. It perfectly communicates the isolation and forces you to face your own fears -- and as this ascent continues, they are bound to only get worse.
If Cursed Mountain is anywhere near as good as it seems like it's going to be, this could truly be the definitive survival horror title of the year. I'll be waiting patiently to find out the answer when it hits store shelves this September.
Ghostbusters wii scored higher than the other versions.
Which version will you be getting Archie?
I think it was pretty even, but there is a clear choice here. Realism + graphics or stylistic + IR.
The realistic one looks more true to the movie, the cartoon one looks closer to the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Which is what they should have done.
How come the fucking Wii gets all these neat horror games and the other systems get a penis? Silent Hill, Fatal Frame 4, Cursed Mountain, Ju-On. All PS3 and 360 get is the craptacular Homecoming, which I haven't touched because of bad buzz. Of course I'm getting the ones that get western publishing, but I long for a proper horror game with the highest production values, like SH2 in its time.
Well with the added power, they make the environments much bigger. Then they add co-op, then they add BLOOM!
So basically you get RE5!
I was going to do a thread asking this question. Has Survival horror become a niche? Is a low budget exercise outside of Resident Evil? What is going on?
With regards to Fatal Frame, Ju on and Silent hill, I guess the attraction was that you could use a virtual torch. The Cursed Mountain devs say that their concept was to do gestural prayers, they didn't bandwagon jump on wii, it suited their design concept.
I guess the survival horror games like Ju on and FF are japanese games and the Wii is the main platform there.
Insane Nintendo fan carves joypad into leg.
You guys have NOTHING on this retard.
With the RE franchise turned more into an action oriented type of games, the only high profile survival horror games released on HD consoles are the Silent Hill ones, besides that PS3 Siren remake. If the level of awesome of the HD titles is on par with Homecoming, we might as well stop getting SH games altogether on those platforms.
Over in GS' System Wars Kevin V was responding to the Ghosterbusters Wii score and why it got a .5 higher score than the HD versions. It's interesting because this is the first time I've seen the differences discussed between the two versions:
They are different games, on different systems. The story follows the same path, and 3/4 of the dialogue if not more is the same. However, this is not even close to a port. Some of the environments are the same, but they are designed completely differently, with some similarities like the Stay Puft fights, which look sort of the same but play differently.
If you ARE looking for things to directly compare, here is my take on why the Wii version is better:
1: The bosses are better. They are just as easy, but they are more creative and use the different weapons in more clever ways. The bosses on the 360/PS3 are cool, but they really don't vary much in terms of how you defeat them. The Wii version requires you to use more clever tactics.
2: The puzzles are much better. Almost every puzzle on 360/Wii require you to use the slime tether, and none of them require the stasis stream, which is a missed opportunity. On the Wii, the puzzles are better, and require you to make use of every proton pack mode.
3: The pace is better. There is less down time while you wait for dialog to trigger, and you don't spend nearly as much time reviving teammates or waiting for them to revive you. The downside is that the game is easier. The upside is that you get to spend more time playing, and less time waiting.
3: The controls add to the experience. The game isn't no No More Heroes, but the secret of the controls' success is similar: the game mixes regular old buttons with motion controls in a really pleasant and appealing way. You get to slam the ghosts around, but it isn't a wagglefest.
The other side:
1. No online multiplayer on the Wii. The co-op is cool, but the online play on PS3 and 360 is really really good.
2. It's shorter. But some of this has to do with the fact that there is less padding. Because it keeps you moving, it makes for a fresher experience, but it ends sooner, which sucks.
3. The art style isn't for everyone. I am not a big fan of the character models (especially Dan Aykroyd, who doesn't really look right), but the package comes together well visually, so it's easy to overlook it.