Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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SupremeAC (9m)
In the meantime, let's try out the tech demo titled Ricochet. This is the one Kudo Tsunoda unveiled during the press conference, and he's here to guide us through a playable demo.
The basic concept is that your character, shown as a translucent avatar, is standing in a tunnel. Endless waves of balls get chucked down the tunnel and you use your whole body to deflect them. You can perform kicks, headers and handballs, for example. Or, if you're as co-ordinated and graceful as me, you can flail wildly about, using everything from your elbows to your high heels to try to whack the balls back.
There's no denying there's a bit of lag between your movements and those of your on-screen avatar. However, the discrepancy is so tiny that it never feels like the lag has cost you a hit. In any case, playing Ricochet is immediately instinctive and enormous fun. In fact, I don't realise quite how much I'm getting into it until I hear Tsunoda warning a bloke behind me to stand back.
Burnout With An Invisible Steering Wheel
The other tech demo on show initially looks familiar. It's Burnout - the original Burnout, to be specific, for the original Xbox. The difference is you can drive around without pressing a single button, or indeed without even touching a controller.
To accelerate, explains Project Natal director Alex Kipman, you just put your right leg forward. Bringing it back to the centre will put your car in neutral. To brake, you put your leg behind you. To steer, you hold up your hands as if holding a real wheel and twist.
Oh God that is horrible.
Would you really want to hold up an imaginary steering wheel for the length of an entire game? It's difficult to know the answer with such a short demo and in such controlled conditions. However, there's no denying this technology works. Twist your imaginary steering wheel left, and the car goes left. Step backwards, and you brake. It's responsive and it's intuitive. And this is just the start, reckons Kipman.
I think MS took Motion Controls a step too far with this. The technology does sound impressive but I think there may be too big of a disconnect here for gamers. Generally we like controllers. The Wii, for all it's motion control - good and bad - is still controller based. You can still sit on the couch and make minimal gestures to get by in a game. With this, it may not be possible. Exercise games will be great I'm sure, but for this generation I think Nintendo owns that genre and market lock stock and barrel. I just don't see this taking off for MS.
Did we know this already?
I find it amazing the range of people's expectations for what they were making, anywhere from Oblivion for Wii to Zelda for Nintendo...
...and we get this:
Hands up here, I posted this news a long time ago. However this is not thought to be the big game they are working on, which they talked about months later. They say that they have a couple of other products and 1 big game. So hopefully the big game is yet to come.
An Itagaki game with buxom wenches. They can spot when you have wood.
"Get your hand away from your pants."
Also Leo the game doesn't mesh with the interview:
We have huge respect for the Nintendo platforms, and from a marketing perspective globally they've been phenomenal. It would be churlish to ignore that space. We've had a couple of minor products that we've released there. Looking at the opportunities in the Nintendo space is interesting for us because it's more driven by getting the right product for the demographic and also the right quality. We're not going to do a hamster simulator, it's not us. We're not going to produce games for girls or pet-sim products. There's nothing to distinguish them from one another.
Q: You product is more adult-orientated, so you must be watching a company like Sega who are trying mature titles like House of the Dead and Mad World on the Wii. Do you see a market for product like that on the Wii?
Sean Brennan: House of the Dead is great brand and the product is great too. I think it's difficult, I've got consoles at home but I wouldn't sit and play an 18-rated game with my family on the Wii. Is there space in the Wii market for that? I think there is, but again, it' all about finding out how big that is. Is it 5 per cent? If it's five per cent of the market and you can own that space it's worth doing because you can achieve volume. If you can't own it at five per cent, it's not worth doing, quite frankly. We are going to make an announcement on a really big Wii game this year, we've got a couple of other things in the pipeline, and it's a format we're really looking at with the right approach. We're not going to establish a new range and call if 'My Girly Game Range' or whatever these other companies are doing, it's so me-too and boring.
Q: A number of publishers jumped on the Wii a little too early and didn't really know what to do with it, and now they trying to get back on it with an adult slant.
Sean Brennan: Yes, and it was a problem with the DS space as well, because as soon as you spot the bandwagon, it's already too late. People don't get that. There are still some people jumping on the bandwagon but it's not within our business philosophy.
Some more research shows that Medievil games is from the parent company and not a Bethesda game:
Vir2L Studios Announces Medieval Games for Wii
December 22, 2008 (Rockville, MD) – Vir2L® Studios, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today Medieval Games™ for the Wii™ home video game system from Nintendo. Medieval Games allows you to experience the excitement of days of old with up to three of your friends.
From battling dragons and storming the castle, to catapulting and archery contests, Medieval Games offers hours of fun for the entire family. Choose from a variety of colorful characters, such as the knight, princess, bard, or wizard as you compete in a variety of game modes. Tournaments and jousting await in this rich fantasy world!
Medieval Games is currently under development at N- Fusion Interactive and will be published by Vir2L Studios. Medieval Games has not yet been rated by the ESRB. For more information, visit
About N-Fusion Interactive, LLC
N-Fusion Interactive, based in New Jersey, has been creating computer and video games for over a decade. In that time, they have earned a reputation for bringing incredible graphics, unique gameplay, innovative features and a touch of magic to every game they design. Further information about N-Fusion can be found at
SWEET!! I love dungeon crawlers, and was hoping that we would get this game. Chocobo's Dungeon is the only half-way decent one that's been released in ages, so this is going to be a huge deal for me.
Came out ages ago in japan. It got great famitsu scores, something like an 8/8/8/8
Correction: 9/9/8/9!
"IRVINE, CALIFORNIA -- JUNE 2, 2009 -- Atlus U.S.A., Inc. today surprised everyone with the news that it has secured the North American publishing rights for Shiren the Wanderer™, the critically-acclaimed roguelike RPG for Wii™. As Shiren, a wandering adventurer with a penchant for exploration, monster-slaying, and item collection, you will trek across a beautiful and varied countryside with your companion, Koppa, a talking ferret. Randomly-generated areas, intense boss battles, extensive item customization, and a cast of intriguing and unpredictable characters translate into one of the most satisfying RPG experiences of the year.
Exceptionally reviewed by famed Japanese gaming publication Famitsu (9/9/8/9), this latest entry in the legendary series stands as one of the most addictive, highly rewarding, and endlessly replayable games available on Wii, not to mention the most accessible Shiren game yet.
Shiren the Wanderer is currently scheduled for release on Wii in Spring 2010."
Why is Spring 2010 the new X-mas?
When the announce it I thought this year at least. Its a translation of a game that has been out for ages in its native country.
1hr till the nintendo conference!
Simple. It's juuust long enough after X-Mas for people to be starving for new games --AND-- it fits right in line with stretching game releases throughout the year so unknown titles aren't buried under the weight of the holiday season and ignored!
Screw it, I want it now!! Oh wait. . . I have FFIV: TAY. Nevermind, my time is occupied.
Sooooo... my monitor is in for repair right now, and we had a thunderstorm last night that seems to have killed my friend's old CRT monitor that I was using. Not sure how much it'll cost to have repaired or replaced, but I'm pissed, 'cuz I was going to use the money from my Wii sale for a computer upgrade. Now I might end up using it on a monitor and an uninterruptible power supply. Argh. And I expect to get Shivering Isles in the mail this week, too....
Consequently, I'm on the family computer now. Not only is it probably incapable of playing even Morrowind, but the security software my dad has on it pisses me off. I can't log in to GameSpot (on the Login error page, it shows the e-mail address I'd typed as asterisks), even though I can log in to places like here and Facebook.
It's possible that I'll be waiting through the end of June or longer to get my own monitor back. Oh well. Maybe this'll force me to actually be productive. And if I have to forgo new computer hardware and games, at least I'll have the opportunity to mod Morrowind and Oblivion until they become my dream WRPGs.
*raises invisible wine glass* So here's to E3 and the resolution of shitty personal circumstances.
So you cant go to gamespot, so come crawling back here.
I see! We're the last resort
Are you going to watch the Nintendo conference live in 25 minutes? We have a thread.
IGN's Super Mario Galaxy 2 Trailer (link above) seems to be overloaded right now. Here's the Youtube version.