Red Steel 2 has power assesment mode
Also, Yuji Naka was too stupid to work at Namco
Red Steel 2 building a destructible gameworld
"We’re also building a gameplay mechanic around destructible objects…..but I can’t say more than that at the moment.”
Gamepro Punchout review
"Little Mac has stepped out of retirement and is ready to rumble in this fantastic reboot of the beloved boxing series!"
Extensive Madden NFL10 Wii preview
What is better about this version than the rest?
Punch Out Gamespy review
"I’m calling it right here: Punch-Out!! is destined to become one of this generation’s top classics, right up there with Super Mario Galaxy."
independent studios will always be more creative
So says Johan Kristiansson of Starbreeze
Boom Blox Bash Party 1up review
A: "Even if you already own the original, you should buy this game "
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Nor should it!
Atlus wins the world, woooo!!! I will get to play it later this year, awesome.
I changed it, black means important news. You can still see the blue line to the left. So it's important Sony exclusive news.
The black looks better with the new site design, but I still prefer the gold; it was more noticable, IMO.
So a still frame of "Trico: Still in Development" would have served the same purpose
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAgain, there never was any purpose. This was not meant for public view.
I agree with Foolz. I bought and played Ico used with no knowledge on the front end about the game and played ti through in one sitting (with my wife and non-gaming father-in-law. The game is a piece of literature. Period.
Of course you played it in one sitting, its like 3 hours long. And all it is are simple puzzles and hand holding some NPC. You want liteature READ A BOOK. I demand an actual game, I didnt get much of anything with Ico.
I would reply, but it's hard to reply to somebody who no longer exists!
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSeen many times before, but remains awesome every single time.

Oh, and Linux remains the answer to everything. People sharing and collaborating is its lifeblood. So much for the "END OF THE COMPUTER AGE!" The Apache Web Server powers about half of all websites, and is free and open-source
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileTwas me. Why are you still pre-ordering these games you will play for 10 minnutes?
So it's almost like there are tiers within blockbusters.
You realise he was just 'tolerating' you right?
Did the updates.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu