Little King’s Story was originally going to be..
....about a vegetable kingdom?
Ex-Nibris staffer reveals the smoke and mirrors
behind Sadness’ existence
Famitsu scans - Infinite Space, Inazuma Eleven 2
and Soul Bubbles’ Japanese makeover
Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler discusses
her first experience with Wii Music, Iwata’s GDC speech, core games (video interview)
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3D Realms has been shut down?! WTH? No more Duke Nukem Forever?! Well, this sucks ass! 
Chocobo's Dungeon was a great call for an "overlooked" wii game. I was shocked at how so many Final Fantasy fans ignored and refused to play it.
First of all it was a pretty solid dungeon crawler, a genre that sadly doesn't get nearly enough attention these days. And honestly one of the better ones I've played in a while too. Plus it had a unique spin to it by including Final Fantasy job classes. The chocobo can be a knight, black mage, white mage, dragoon, etc. It adds a lot of combat options that most games in the genre lack.
The soundtrack was awesome. It was full of remixed versions of classic Final Fantasy songs from the 8 and 16 bit eras. Going into the next dungeon and suddenly realize what you're listening to is a great treat.
And as a bonus, there's a excellent card game. It's essentially another watered down version of Magic or any of those card battling games, but you can play it online and it's a great distraction.
 Never heard of it. . . Oh, it's a Final Fantasy game! That explains it.
While normally I'd say, "Woo hoo! Sweet!" these kind of pale in comparison to Leo's recent 'rack-fest'._______________
On another note, speaking of NOT wanting to go on the internet to argue with people, I have attracted the attention of CarnageHeart. Now, generally, I have two rules: (1) Don't argue with GTA people and (2) Don't reply to a CarnageHeart attack... This particular topic made me break both. I think I am going to regret that. I do tend to overly attack GTA for some reason. I guess the gangster-aggressive nature of the game brings out the worst in me, but I still maintain that videogame creators have NO PLACE in being considered as "Influencial People" in the grand scheme of society. I am going to try my best to leave that topic alone... but Carnage is one of my most hated individuals on GameSpot and I find myself wanting to just endlessly argue with him and prove him wrong.
Unfortunately, that's the kind of crap HE lives for and I am playing right into his trap.
Gotta resist the urge to go back into the topic...
Thanks for the impression Rag.
Lol this quote from Evilore at Neogaf cracked me up. It's about his Infamous demo impressions
Played on hard.
The climbing feels really awkward because you basically just face a building and spam jump and you'll get to the top. Not really anything to take into accont there.
General floatiness. Character doesn't really feel connected to the game world. It's a little spammy with the enemies, and they're killed very easily. Energy recharges on its own so quickly that I only really used L2 when I needed health.Â
Basic attack is really boring, but somewhat useful at long range. Mostly energy grenade spam did the trick here, and shockwaves at close range. Melee did not seem useful.
Hard mode was only a problem when the rooftops were lined with enemies and I couldn't stand out in the open, since they seemed to have perfect accuracy. A little to take into account to tackle that sort of thing, but since they just seem to aimbot you kinda regardless of distance or movement, it pretty much feels like "okay, 10 seconds of health while I stand in the open, pew pew pew, back in cover or drain electricity from something, pew pew pew pew."Â
Karma system: wonky? Was it for the purposes of the demo that it would shift around so extremely at a whim? *shrug*
No screen tearing, as mentioned by others. Framerate didn't get too awful for this sort of game. Atrocious image quality.
Not too hot on it overall. Would've benefited greatly from being on better hardware, heh, but as it is I won't be buying.
Wii and DS total million sellers thus far
Don't knock it just because of the FF label. Trust me I pretty much loathe the series these days but this is not a regular FF game. Much better than anything in the main series for quite some time.
 Yeah, like I said, I fucking hate the guy.  I hate the way he posts a blind link and an angry rant pretty much every time he makes a thread.  I don't click his links, because I don't want to see whatever hateful wingnut websites he gets his news from.
Ah... you are one of those poor bastards that just doesn't get GTA. Â That is too bad. Â Maybe some day you will have good taste.
(That said, I get your point just fine, and I agree... there are things in the world far more important and influential than the Housers, even if they did make the best game to come out in 2008!)
Huh? What did the Housers have to do with Metal Gear Solid 4?
...or were you referring to The World Ends with You?
I thought both of those games were made in Japan?
 No, he's clearly referring to Mario Kart Wii. But I never knew the Housers worked on that game?
Good god, what the hell is up with these two? I enjoyed Shame-Us's rants in the NPD threads but lately he justs creeps me out. And I just joined RoF.
 Part of me wants to go in there and make a 'Who's with me?' thread, and see if other people there are tired of Shame-us using the board as his personal blog, but I really just need to give up on that place I think.
(I apologize to all of you VG Press people for talking so much about another board)
There's your answer right there!
...and in further news...
(Ask just walked into that "Influential GTA" topic and threw a gallon of oil onto a potential inferno!)
I purposely downplayed Miyamoto's position on the list (if any game developer should stand a chance of being on that list it is HIM or Hideo Kojima --BUT--)...
...countering a Carnage argument with a Nintendo defense is like asking Lark Anderson and GG to have a hospitable discussion on the good and bad points of Fire Emblem for the Wii!
This is ONLY gonna get U-G-L-I-E-R ! ! !
... Thanks though, it'll probably take the attention off of me!
...but still...
...awaiting the anti-Nintendo, Carnage shit-storm in...
Oh and my previous post got mysteriously erased. Glitch?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
You can come hang out with me at OT.
I demand a link to the webpage!
A Union on Gamespot that focus's mostly on GGD members.
One of the site's forefathers.
 That's cool. This isn't Gamespot after all...
And hey, I'm not a member of RoF, so this is my way of knowing just what the fuck is going on.