Little King’s Story was originally going to be..
....about a vegetable kingdom?
Ex-Nibris staffer reveals the smoke and mirrors
behind Sadness’ existence
Famitsu scans - Infinite Space, Inazuma Eleven 2
and Soul Bubbles’ Japanese makeover
Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler discusses
her first experience with Wii Music, Iwata’s GDC speech, core games (video interview)
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It's Chinatown wars. That is what the next Red Steel should look like. Or a cel-shaded GTA with that style would be so cool.
I'm just watching the Indy Chinatown video 1
Have to say it looks much better than I thought. In gameplay terms it doesn't look that much different from that euphoria cancelled version. The lighting is superb, lovely warm, rich colours. You can't tell much about the texture quality or anything though. That's what the screens are for I guess. It looks solid and fun if unremarkable. But it comes with one hell of an extra.
Just watched Chinatown video 2. Nice fire effects. This could be Disaster Indiana of Crisis. Doesn't seem anywhere near as cheesy, but it has some random aspects that remind me of that game. I'm sort of looking forward to it now, not because of what it is but because it comes with Fate of Atlantis too. I got Broken sword a full price retail game of a graphic adventure I used to love. Fate of Atlantis as a bonus with a half decent looking game on top? It's very tempting to me.
These are Wii pics, PSP pics on the page before this one.
Wow, so this is how the chinatown section looks like in that video. Not bad at all for the system, nice colours.
Ugh, what is with these pics, I've seen video of this area and it looks much better than that.
Some of these pics have scanlines? What monkey ass is responsible for distributing media at Lucasarts?
LOL whut? Look at the first pic I posted from this room and then look at this shit? What the? I do not understand the range of quality in these pics. Unless some ass has mixed PSP screens, PS2 screens and Wii ones.
Wow, do you guys remember the old version of this pic? This is like 40% worse looking and its the same damn area.
Okay this picture is pretty damned funny.
In all seriousness all these pics are suppossed to be from the Wii version and look at the difference in quality. Same areas for comparison:
Overlord 2.
Leo, I just saw this!
I need to know what this is:
Nintendo DSiWare USA
- Animal Crossing Calculator (Nintendo, 200 Nintendo points
- Animal Crossing Clock (Nintendo, 200 Nintendo points)
Finished MGS4 this weekend, overall a good experience. And got back to BioShock, which is giving me a harder time than I thought, since I hardly use plasmids and ammunition seems scarce. I found some crazy ass dude who wants me to kill three other dudes, the first one of them inside a frozen tunnel. Let's see how things unfold.
I can't get excited for those Indy screens. What will this game offer beyond the scope of your regular Tomb Raider game? A waggle whip?
Maybe those uglier screens were from a pre-alpha build. Or the "good" ones are from target renders.
You're slower at playing Bioshock then me. If it weren't for the arrow pointer I would get lost in this game endlessly.
Indy will be, well Indy. That's about all it will offer over Womb Raider. I don't expect it to be a good game, just a servicable one which will fit into rental territory for most people. But this free bonus might push some over the edge:
You should try watching the Chinatown 1 video though, it looks alot better than I expected based on the awful screens before.
I don't think the good ones can be target renders? Targer renders would look better right? Besides, you can see in the videos, the higher quality videos that it looks more like the good screens.
Yeah, I know. It was fun to go back to one place while trying to collect bee enzyme or some shit, only to watch a splicer fall in a trap I set in october.
And I was joking about the target renders.
I was merely adressing the horrible, abhorrent quality of the fugly screens. Although I am interested on the point and click game. Which one is that? From what system? Is it wrong that I find that one more interesting than the uninspired TR clone without teh boobs or the glorious Nathan Drake half-tuck?
Holy crap man, you never played Fate of Atlantis? Way back when Lucasarts were at the top of their game in Graphic Adventure terms, this was one of the best on PC.
Good read in the Final Fantasy XIII interview. I've always loved the FF games because they are so huge and epic in scope taking you on a grandiose adventure. Man I'm so pumped for this game to come out. Arrrgh! Hurry up already!
Yeah, mang. Too bad we are not getting the BluRay AC/FF demo over here. I would snatch that one instantly.
No YouTube now, but I take your word for granted regarding certain genres, one of them being vintage adventure games.
Here you go Steel:
A game that stands the test of time and technology. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is such a game. Although the game is released back in 1992, it is still regarded by many critics as among the best adventure games ever made. This game is made at a time before the graphics revolution overtakes the world of PC gaming by storm. As such, you shall not find the high resolution, jaw dropping SVGA graphics but only 256 color VGA graphics that are state of the art for its time. However, what this game lacks in its looks is more than made up for by its creativity.Â
This is not an adventure game worthy of Indiana Jones if a couple of crucial elements are missing—the Nazis and a quest to discover some fantastic long buried treasure. In Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, you play Indy as you guide the intrepid archeologist in a race to beat Hitler’s agents to the grand prize—the fabled lost city of Atlantis. The Nazis believe the city contains technology that may help them in their worldwide conquest. In this game, Indy visits countless exotic locations all over the world, dig through numerous ancient ruins, and solve many unique puzzles in his quest to find Atlantis before the Nazis do!Â
In contrast to the dated graphics, the audios fair in this game much better even by today’s standard. Although the voice of Indy is not that of Harrison Ford, it is still a very good imitation by Doug Lee, the actor that LucasArts hires to play the part. Every character in this game has a speaking role. All the voices are well done. The actors are all believable for this game and they have done a good job acting out the different dialects and accents. The digitized sound effects are used liberally and are played in situations to which you expect them. They are not groundbreaking but are effective in enhancing the gameplay. The soundtrack further ups the ante with great themes throughout the game if you are lucky enough to own a wave table soundcard. If you own a soundcard with only FM synthesis, the sound quality suffers. LucasArts has implemented its unique iMUSE music system in this game. The theme music is well incorporated with the action. The famous movie theme of Indiana Jones plays whenever Indy discovers something important or solves a particularly difficult puzzle. This is one of those rare adventure games where you are searching for the mute button! Some of the music is scored by John Williams. The story is moved forward with the inclusion of beautifully animated cut scenes that is another LucasArts trademark. The game is released in both Floppy Disk and CD-ROM versions. The CD-ROM version is enhanced with the addition of more than 8,000 lines of spoken dialogue and new digitized sound effects not available in the original version. The CD-ROM version also includes a hint book.Â
Gameplay is the most important element in any adventure game. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis oozes with it. The game, despite being fairly linear, has 3 different paths to reach the end. Each of these paths offers different locations to visit, people to meet, and puzzles to solve. So once you reach the end of a path you still have the other paths to play. These different paths diverge in the middle part of the quest, with the beginning and ending being identical no matter which path is followed. Each of these paths stresses a certain element of gameplay. If you like to fight then you may take the FISTS path. If you want to exercise your intellect then choose the WITS path. Finally, if you want company on your travels, you may choose the TEAM path so that your partner can offer some hints whenever you get stuck. You choose the path by selecting among 3 responses in a dialog tree, but this does not occur until a valuable item is found at the beginning of the game.Â
The interface is very intuitive and uses a variant of the SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) engine. There are numerous interesting puzzles to solve in the game, ranging from the easy to some head scratching ones. It is necessary to switch control to another character during the game in order to get through certain puzzles. Another important aspect in the gameplay is the arcade/action element. Do not flinch! This game contains only a few. None of them are too difficult to overcome, except maybe the fighting. If you despise these tasks in your adventure gaming (I am not a big fan myself either), then I have some bad news for you—you cannot skip them! Fortunately, no ultra fast joystick twitching reflex is required here! All actions are controlled through the mouse or keyboard. The fighting scenes are the most complicated, mainly due to the number of moves available. They are controlled through the keypad. If you are not up to the fighting (which occurs in all three paths), then you can use the sucker punch cheat (keypad 0) to beat your opponent, assuming you do not mind sacrificing some points!Â
In most adventure games there is usually only a single way to solve a puzzle. This game is different. In this game you actually get rewarded with points called IQ (Indy Quotient, get it?). The more inventive way you solve a puzzle, the more points you are rewarded. Therefore, not only do you have 3 different ways of getting to the end but you also can see how high a score you can attain. There are a couple of different ending scenarios. All these ensure more replay value for this title than other competitors from this genre. The game even features an intro sequence that is interactive, allowing the player to have limited control of Indy while watching the opening credits!Â
On the positive side, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis has a great story, enticing atmosphere, and addictive gameplay. There are over 200 locations to explore. The interface is effective and easy to use. Each of the 3 distinct paths contains different locations, people, and puzzles. There are many interesting puzzles to solve with multiple solutions available. The voice acting is decent and the sound effects compliment the excellent multi-theme soundtrack. On the other negative side, some puzzles require the dreaded pixel hunting. The arcade/action sequences may not appeal to purists of the adventure genre. There are also a few annoying but easily navigable mazes.Â
Once again, LucasArts has created a very satisfying gameplay experience by putting the player in the shoes of the iconic Indiana Jones as he goes on another heroic quest to quell the forces of evil. His trek is aided by an excellent and intuitive interface that makes solving the many interesting puzzles in thr game a pleasure. The plot is exciting, with a number of distinct paths to follow and ways to earn points. All these elements make this game an adventure that you want to come back to experience over and over again. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis definitely makes a classic in my books and is a title that should be in the collection of every adventure gamer
So I saw Wolverine last night, I will go into spoilerish territory so be warned.
The movie started off good. They completely made up Wolverine's past, made Sabretooth his brother, but I accepted that cause it made the relationship between the two work in a movie. Liev Schreiber nailed the role, I was shocked, his Sabretooth is as believable as Jackman's Wolverine and the two are perfect opposites. Jackman as always was perfect, he was born to play Wolverine, I can't even picture Wolverine without seeing Hugh Jackman anymore. In the movie more than any other, Jackman brings out the more human side to Logan, he is in a conflict over what he is good at, which is killing and doing what is right. He doesn't want to kill, he doesn't want to give in to his rage, he wants to be a normal guy. Sabretooth on the other hand enjoys the killing and totally embraces his animal side. I loved the conflict that came between the two.
The start of the film was cool, part of that was Ryan Renolds role as Deadpool which was perfect... for the damn 5 MINUTES he was on screen. WTF! You have this awesome character, perfectly cast and you thorw him away immediately. The worst part is that the rest of the team, a bunch of boring crap mutants stay throughout the film.
So its all good until Wolverine gets his adamantium skeleton, then the movie decides to throw a plot twist, Sabretooth isnt really rogue he is just following orders under Stryker. Logan's girlfriend isn't dead, it was all an act. They didn't want Logan for Weapon X they wanted to make Weapon XI that just so happend to be a deadpool by name. It became a series of pop-ins by different characters, hey look its cyclops for no reason! Remember that guy at the start, he is fat now, haha look they called him the Blob, isnt that funny. One of the little girls will be Emma Frost, for no reason, just to have a name. Hey looks its Xavier with horrible CG. Oh and the fans like Gambit so lets throw him in there too. What the hell happend to this movie.
On Gambit, they basically showed all his action scenes in the trailers. He only uses the cards once, after that his stick is like super powered or something, its stupid. It never gets across that he has the power to charge any object. At least the actor they got to play him fit, it would have been a good Gambit if he had a proper role.
Stryker is as slimey a villain as ever, even though he is all over the place in this film. He hates mutants, but he wants to have have a team of them. It sucks that there is no resolution with him in this film since that happens in X2, its one of those things you know they have to leave open.
The movie is ok, but like the last film there is a noticable drop in quality overall from the first two X-Men movies to these movies. I dont know what went wrong with some of the effects, Wolverine's claws looked worse than they ever have, really crappy CG in some scenes. The action was good but nothing on the level of the Wolverine versus Deathstrike fight in X2. The way I see it, Wolverine and Sabretooth was great, everything else was meh. It really sucks that now when you see the first X-Men Sabretooth is a giant hairy moron.
I think they do not show Wolverine's struggle well enough. They show him saving a bunch of civilians and then Sabretooth kills one and he leaves. They should have shown wolverine killing civilians also and then slowly feeling remorse after he kills more and more. He is too clean.
 Yeah, Wolvie was mad at Sabretooth for killing his wive, but he didn't so why is he mad at him again? He lost all his motivation right then and there. Agreed on too many characters, Deadpool was awesome though.
 Actually Gambit uses his stick in the cartoon and comics too. He charges it with potential energy that is converted in kinetic energy when it hits stuff. The same thing he does with his cards. Ask Bugsy if you want a detailed info about potential and kinetic energy. Agreed on the fact that his role is stupid. Another example, why does Gambit breaks up the fight between Sabretooth and Wolverine. And start to fight Wolvie, Why? Does not make sense.
 The first two X-men movies are good, but the comics and cartoon are so much better. Magneto is way too weak in the movies, he is so much cooler in the cartoon and comic. I share your opinion about the movie.
I'll just leave my opinions brief. The movie sucked. Started off pretty well up until he left Weapon X. From that moment the movie went from good to bad and never made it back into what I'd call a good movie ever again, though there were a fun moments here and there. Too many wasted characters again, and sorry Liev Schriber just didn't intimidate me for a second. Is Sabertooth really that hard of a character to portray?? Still could have been worse. He could have been Gambit....ick.
Really, they are just AC-themed apps, nothing more!
Animal Crossing Calculator (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 Nintendo DSi Pointsâ„¢): Need to figure out what you owe Tom Nook or the amount in your savings account? Animal Crossing Calculator features the full functionality of a traditional calculator, including a Memory key and the ability to display up to 13 digits, adding a layer of atmosphere unique to Animal Crossing. Use the Unit Converter to turn one unit of measure into another (such as length, weight, volume and age), or track the history of calculations you've performed. Listen to the Animalese pronunciation of numbers when you press them, and watch for a favorite Animal Crossing character to appear when your result meets certain criteria. Get ready for an inventive and practical way to experience the charm of Animal Crossing.
Animal Crossing Clock (Nintendo, 1 player, 200 Nintendo DSi Points): Enjoy the atmosphere of Animal Crossing in a whole new way with Animal Crossing Clock. Select from either an analog or digital clock and set up to three alarms (with snooze functionality for those who need it). Make your own Town Tune or use sounds created in Nintendo DSiâ„¢ Sound, then assign them to the alarms you've set. Use the system's internal clock or offset the time however you like. Then sit back and watch as different characters from Animal Crossing appear and the color of the sky changes as time passes. You'll never miss an important appointment with one of your Animal Crossing friends again.