Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
Order by:
The deal may be through HubbaGames, but it’s still a nice price. Grab yours here
GameStop - Zombie BBQ price drop
Grab the game here (thanks Rey!)
Keep track of the thread guys.
Well, I've finally become part of the World Ends with you owners club. I just ordered it. Anyone care to join me?
It's Bugs and my birthday this week (no we're not twins). I'm getting Little Kings Story and Broken Sword. After trying the awesome demo on the Nintendo channel, I want Rhythm paradise too.
Still no online play?
Did anyone else play Rocky last gen?
Just in case anyone missed them in the thread:

I did. Wasn't too bad.
Though I'm a Fight Night fan. CANNOT wait for Round 4.
What perspective do you play those games from? Is anyone here a real life boxing fan?
Sony has told VG247 that it’s “captured the hardcore” with PS3, and while it will serve that central user with titles such as Heavy Rain and God of War III later this year, it plans on pushing further into the casual space with the console.
“There’s certainly a line-up of very strong family-friendly titles that we’re looking at for PS3 in our continuing effort to appeal to that casual consumer,” said SCEA hardware marketing boss John Koller, speaking at GDC.
“We’ve captured the hardcore. The install base we have now tells us that the hardcore’s purchased. We’re moving on now to continue to support them with a tremendous line-up of games, but also look at softer brands that maybe we had with PS2 franchises we’re bringing over to PS3, or new IP.”
Koller told us to look to the past for hints to PS3’s future.
“Think of some of the latter-half PS2 franchises,” he said.
E3’s not that far away, is it?
Did you guys know you share your birthday in the same week as the Gameboy?
20 years old today! Woot!
Thos FF screens look great! (I can see them at work for a change!
The Gameboy should buy us presents.
You can see the pics probably because they come from a japanese site, your work filter can't get the weird named sites like degenki or famitsu. Nice.
Ahhh, Gameboy days. I remember when I got mine for the first time. I had a huge bar of chocolate which I ate through out the day while playing it solid for about 6 hours. Good old Mario Land 2! Then I was violently sick that evening probably due to eating crap and intensley staring at a tiny screen for so long.
What are your fave GB games then guys?
I'm playing Oracle of seasons at the moment which is great, but untill I complete it I think I'll stick with Mario Land 2 as my number one.
Edit: Scrap that, I just remembered how much I played Pokémon when it came out! That easily ranked up the most amount of hours on my GB
i'm getting Little King's Story too for my birthday, as well as BlastWorks (if gameplay ever send that to me) ... anything else will have to wait until after tomorrow to see what presents i get from people (though i doubt it'll be any games)
3rd person if i remember correctly (but you don't always have the camera behind you). i played a bit of round 3 on the 360 almost three years ago when i was in new york as the friends i was staying with wanted to play that all the time. playing that game with the 360 analog sticks gave my thumbs bad blisters. i am a boxing fan but i don't enjoy watching heavy-weights. i like fights like ricky hatton's etc
thank you buddy. mine is tomorrow. cool about the gameboy ... mine is gone but never forgotten. my parents wouldn't get me one, so i bought it second hand off a rich kid who was nice enough to let me pay him half his asking price then whatever allowance money i had saved every week. it wasn't a bad deal. i got games with it too. i had it (in very good working order) until a few years ago when my sister's godchild dropped it on the floor and brutally murdered it.
you guys still visiting with me on animal crossing for my birthday? stupid nook is going to be closed ... of all days he does that to me on my birthday
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
i really loved super mario land 1 & 2, metroid II, balloon kid, motocross maniacs, elevator action and of course tetris. i think the GB version is still my favourite tetris
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
First person FTW, biatch. No HUD. Only you and your opponent. I'm pretty fucking hyped for FNR4, especially after that physics video.
Besides, it'll have fucking Pac-Man! I'm going to beat the living shit out of the virtual Ricky Hatton there, sorry Jamie.
Sweet. Quite a lot of great stuff show at the MS Japan showing. I'm definately amped for Halo 3: ODST, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2, Tekken 6, Mark of the Wolves, King of Fighters stuff, and Banjo-Tooie just to name a few.
Oh yeah and happy birthday guys.
Ground-up for Wii isn't always a good thing.
I thought this was a mobile phone game ported over?
If your Nooks is closed dont you want to visit us?
And does Steel even have his Wii back from his in laws?
I need to sell some turnips guys so watch those prices!
I would say that Tetris or super marioland. And Pokemon Yellow, even though I played it on N64 with Pokemon stadium. Awesome. Such luddite visuals yet I played it for like 40hrs+ . Oh, oh, or that Star Wars game.
Thanks for the best wishes guys
So how do you play the game in the first person then? I haven't played many boxing games in my time so I only know of the Punch out style or the side camera rocky style.
Oh and I played gears of war 2 today. Finally, its been in my closet for weeks. And it er..... uh.
Well, I played the training, I got into the hospital, I shot the exploding canisters, they started swarming. And I turned it off. I just find it so boring. The movement is so slow, you either trudge about like you're walking through mud, or you run really fast with no control. Otherwise you sit around awkwardly moving a cursor around with dual analogue and crying that you can't light gun style some ass. All the while surounded by macho posturing. So basically the same as the first game. It was okay the first time but I dont need more. Sorry guys!
Graphics are slightly better though, nice that the grey has been turned down a (slight) notch and the lighting is more golden. Just not my thing anymore.