Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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robio (3m)
Yeah weird difference in estimates. I hope it does well.
What I dont really understand is the objection to drug dealing. If you play Vice City there is a mission where you drive around in an ice cream van supplying people drugs. In Chinatown wars, it's not even as bad as that as you never supply the public, you are basically a stockbroker between dealers and the cops are always on your ass to show you what you are doing is wrong. And there is so much other objectionable content in GTA full stop that I can't see how you can object to this and not to everything else in a GTA game.
If you aren't interested in the Conduit or whatever, I think you guys should at least check out some of the previews, because they might make you become interested. For instance the G4TV and Gamedaily previews are saying it might just be AAA.
IGN just said: " it's a top-notch first-person shooter, and easily in the running for the system's best in the genre."
While the Gamereactor and NGamer previews say its generic and boring.
It's interesting just to read.
Welcome to the world of Bethesda. In Oblivion I spent a good half an hour floating in midair like Superman.
Memories are made of this.
Cool thanks. I will check it out.
I'm here now, had a nightmare night, awake from 4am till 8am.
I concur. They are asses.
BTW I am thinking of starting a weekly Mario Kart thread so I want a quick tally of everyone here who owns the game and would be interested.
Basically it would be like the competitions only between ourselves, we would have a time trial of a particular track to compete in per week and post our best times. We would get virtual points like in the Mario Kart cups, 10 points for first place, 8 for second etc.
And we build up a score.
And of course we can use the place to arrange online matches.
I actually enjoyed it more than TP, probably because I was so hyped about TP before it came out though and was less interested in PH. The timed dungeon thing was something I thought was going to be a crappy idea to begin with because I don't like being rushed but when it came to actually playing it I thought it was genius.
I def feel like there should have been more side quests though, and collecting parts for your ship wasn't exactly the most rewarding task. I'm worried I'm not going to like spirit tracks so much because of this whole train thing (please let us walk around the world!) but fingers crossed they'll put more into the side quest side of things.
I'm in!
You know you can check peoples time trials on the Mario Kart channel? Might be a good way to track and compare and see how you're doing?
I hated the timed dungeon at first, but came to like it more and more. I hope you can create the train tracks yourself with the stylus in this new game, rather than predefined routes.
I do, I will use to to easily determine the rankings. Thread is made, first track, Luigi Circuit.
I did the updates.
Along time ago, before Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, Tecmo made a sumo wrestling game. Today, Tecmo is going back to their roots with Tsuppari Oozumou Wii Heya (loosely: Slap Attack Sumo Wii Stable).
Players hold the Wii remote NES style and push/toss their rival out of the ring. There are ten sumo wrestlers to fight, not including the ones you create. Miis are used to make custom wrestlers. Aspiring sumo wrestlers can use their caricature as a base and test their might against my rotund Admiral Ackbar. In between bouts there are two mini-games to play: a practice mode and meal game where you stuff a junior sumo wrestler.
Tsuppari Oozumou Wii Heya is out now for 1,000 Wii Points ($10), but only if you have a Japanese Wii. Even though a screenshot shows wrestlers battling in New York City I wouldn’t count on Tecmo to bring this game overseas.
From Monday to Monday, but we'll start late this week as its a wednesday. We can do the tracks in order, from the first cup, first track etc.
At SuperVillain Studios I did several props for the Wii title Order Up! then began work on environments and effects for an unannounced rpg, also on the Wii.
Since no one is reading the Conduit thread, pretty much I thought I'd crop some quotes to show you why you should at least be interested in seeing how it turns out.
It feels like GoldenEye... essentially what this means is this game filled me with optimism that it could be something special, an AAA title as they say.
This game could be a real system seller and while we played an early build it still managed to impress us all. This game has the potential to be huge…if it sells
It’s the biggest compliment that we can pay to developer High Voltage to say that they seem to have actually balanced the game perfectly.
It’s the way that you keep switching between gunplay and puzzles that we find most reminiscent of games like Half-Life too, as the idea of breaking up otherwise continuous gunplay is something that Valve has historically excelled at too
- bit tech
Thankfully, The Conduit may deliver an action adventure experience that's so good, it might turn into an A-list game.
With the impeccable amount of detail and frenzied combat, The Conduit should heat up action hungry Wii players when it arrives this summer.
As far as I'm concerned the real successor to Perfect Dark belongs on the Wii - and that's where it will appear come June. It's The Conduit.
The Conduit shines. With glistening bump-mapped textures and impressive lighting, it's clear The Conduit is squeezing a lot out of Nintendo's console
In the end, The Conduit shows a ton of potential. It could finally be the Wii shooter we'd all hoped to get when the console was unveiled some three and a half years ago.
It has 12 player multiplay online matches with wiispeak
Virtua tennis Motionplus hands on at Eurogamer
With this week's MotionPlus announcement from Nintendo out of the way, SEGA is finally able to own up to supporting the enhanced motion-control add-on with Virtua Tennis 2009. It is also able to step out on to the court and face its "competitor", EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis. This is set to be an almighty grudge match: SEGA has a near-impeccable pedigree in tennis games which EA, having largely steered clear of the sport, lacks; but the US giant is bringing its mighty Sports brand, better licensing, and the explicit support of Nintendo to bear.
I found I was naturally sending balls down the right of the court, which became a particular problem when serving to the deuce court; double faults galore. In the end I learned that really quite definite, to the point of exaggerated, swings to left or right would send the ball where I wanted it. As soon as you've made the subtle shift in perspective - as soon as you've understood that the machine is no longer reading sign-language in your gestures, it's actually following your movements from one microsecond to the next - it clicks. And it's extraordinarily natural.
Lobs and slams or drop shots are easily executed with, again, slightly exaggerated scooping and slamming motions. You need to point at your player to re-calibrate the controller between shots, but aside from that, it's entirely transparent. It would be going too far to say that the veil between player and machine has been lifted - with the player's automated movement, you still feel like you're issuing commands rather than playing the shots yourself - but it's definitely a huge step forward. The subtlety and skill in each stroke ushers in a new era for tennis videogames.
Virtua Tennis 2009 handles very well without MotionPlus too, thanks to its willingness to wear its mechanics on its sleeve. In fact, it's the most precise and predictable Wii tennis game I've played. Dissatisfied with their efforts on SEGA Superstars Tennis, SEGA and developer Sumo reverse-engineered Nintendo's shot-accuracy system from Wii Sports Tennis - and then put it on the screen.
It's a handsome enough game on Wii, eschewing Grand Slam Tennis' toons in favour of realistic representations of the stars (now including the likes of Andy Murray and Ana Ivaonvic, as well as legends Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg) and the familiar, hard, bright, arcade-machine look of Virtua Tennis. And here's the best part: controls and graphics aside, the Wii version has 100 per cent of the content and modes of the PS3, 360 and PC releases, online included.
Playing the PS3 version raised nothing at all to concern the VT fan or casual tennis enthusiast. It's as crisp and accessible as ever, presenting a slightly more natural, flowing game of tennis. The high-contrast, over-saturated graphics are maybe on the gaudy side, and the players' faces are muddy masks that shift between recognisable and alien like the clouds that ostentatiously pass across the court - but presentation is superb, with a plain, clear-cut, Rez-influenced graphic design for the front-end.
There's no reason to suspect this won't automatically be the best tennis game available on PS3, 360 and PC when it launches in May. On Wii? We're not going to call that before the match with Grand Slam Tennis begins in earnest. But with a handsome, full-featured conversion and excellent controls - with or without MotionPlus - SEGA is certainly putting its best foot forward.
Ooooooooooooooh. Not many/any? reason(s) not to buy the Wii versions of these gams.
I have a tennis elbow, so I'll skip them altogether.
Lol. Not really. But I'm not too much into tennis games. Maybe I'll rent it. Maaaaybe.
Use it as an excuse to hurt someone you hate. Invite them over and then whack em.
I'm sure I wonly want one for the excuse of having M+ on day 1 though lol
I'm sure I only want one for the excuse of having M+ on day 1 though lol
Everyone here on this site should check the reviews and make a pact on which one to buy. If we all have the same game we can play online and stuff.
More Virtua tennis Motionplus hands on at Eurogamer
"I understand our competitors are using... buttons?" The SEGA producer demoing Virtua Tennis 2009 to us on Wii (also PS3, of which more later) allows surprise and a hint of scorn into his voice. This, his tone implies, is the brave new world of MotionPlus. Buttons are so last year.
In the end it might just come down to the buttons. The EA game uses A and B to modify your swings into lobs and drop shots. This, reckons SEGA, is weak. "To do a lob, you just... do a lob," says my coach, as he generously allows me to be the first journalist to try the game's MotionPlus controls.
It takes a little getting used to, especially immediately after using the regular Wii controls which, like Wii Sports Tennis, use timing accuracy within a fairly generous range to determine the positional accuracy of your shot. Now, timing is just that - timing - meaning the window for nailing each ball is a little narrower. Positional accuracy is determined entirely on your swing.
You can add topspin or slice by rotating your wrist through the shot, but before you get that far, you'll just want to get the hang of aiming the shots properly by concentrating on the direction your arm follows through.
This not being a family knockabout, but an arcade game with mini-games that demand razor-sharp shot placement, they included an optional shot indicator that shows the exact relationship between timing and placement. A bar representing the width of the court appears over your character's head when you're about to hit the ball; a pointer moves across it (faster the harder the ball's been hit at you); the ball goes where the pointer is when you strike. You can see that a forehand struck early will go down the line, a fraction later cross-court, and later still, out. It's a marvellously clear system that helps you get great results out of the basic remote.
Uh oh
But sadly, no licensed courts or tournaments. The blessing of Wimbeldon and the other Opens bestowed on Grand Slam Tennis will undoubtedly be a mass-market draw for that game
Hey, Hobo Gourmet, Mario kart friend code. NOW
You too Bugs.
Don't make me tell you twice.
Mario Kart (Wii) Weekly Championship Thread: I challenge JOO!
Just found the HQ scans for FFCC crystal-bearers!
EDIT: Put pics in the thread.
yeah i will get one of the two as well. then i can pwn all o yous online with my mad skillz
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu