Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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You should ask Leo about that
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
And fucking Lampard. >_<
we did baby ... YEAH!!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Bethesda motto: "Ship it now, and fix it later. Then again, why fix it later? We already got your money! Muhahahahahah!"
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
LOL! So true!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
And I don't even like the game!
The one place I thought that I wouldn't need to avoid spoilers on.
But it was the right result so who cares? LONG LIVE AUSSIE GUUS!
Oops got in a argument with Carnage!
You can see it over here!
I have a urge to troll Grammaton, but it would not be worth it I think
It is only a matter of time. Sorry to say it.
Thanks Iga. Where the hell is everyone else today?
I don't know about the rest, but I am going to Belgium. I'll be back in 6 hours.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
i think that may have been GG. i have mario kart but it's still unopened and probably will be until the summer. have a stream of deadlines coming up, both work and university related and then exams (both to prepare and to mark as well as to prepare for and to sit) in june. so talk about hectic... and i've never been great at mario kart but i always enjoy it so once i get going i'll be sure to play with you.
i liked phantom hourglass a lot for the most part. it's just a slightly less fully realised Zelda than the games that came before it. more concerned with being a DS showcase than with giving us a huge world to explore with many secrets and sidequests to discover. not even solving puzzles for heart-pieces. and the timed dungeon you had to play through over and over ... yeah not the greatest idea. so while it was really enjoyable and while there was a lot to like about it, it was also a little disappointing compared to say twilight princess ... or even minish cap if you want to compare it to another handheld zelda. having said that i was very excited to hear the spirit tracks announcement and i'm very much looking forward to it... but once again slightly disappointed it wasn't a Zelda wii announcement.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu