Reggie looks up and screams "Give us Mother 3"
Iwata looks down and whispers "NO!"
Dylan Cuthbert not interested in StarFo
calls the Wii a toy, and says Miyamoto makes what he wants, not what fans want
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Enough of HG
It's time for Achmed und Salim
Sons of a terrorist, so awesome!
Hey I am all about the Hard Gay. Been a fan of his for years. Straight man pretending to be gay and thrusting his junk in people's faces. That's brilliant.
Though I do have to ask, who is this Fedor guy?
He thrusts in little kids faces though
How is this allowed in Japan?
Fedor you ask
Some say he is a cowboy
Oher say he is a gigolo with a nice aquarium
Or perhaps he is Jean Claude van Damme's boy toy?
or maybe an assassin?
There are even people that say he is the Lord of the Geese
Whatever he might be, the fact remains that you still have no clue who Fedor is.
Fedor has many stalkers, all these pictures are from the Fedor picture thread at Sherdog.
BGE2 interview, (old)
Stormbringer as a thread bump no one cared about, and since not caring about Beyond Good & Evil is sooo 2003 I thought it needed its own thread.
There's this recent video interview with Michel Ancel, where he first says nothing about a new Rabbids game (seemingly the one that has now been announced), and then goes on to discuss the first BG&E's inspirations and some BG&E2 tidbits.
It's from a french event, so obviously it's all in french.
Basically about BGE2:
* A lot of returning characters, they really want to keep the spirit of the first game and the same atmosphere/topics (medias, army, etc). However, the general presentation will differ (nothing more than what we saw in the teaser).
He explains the reason for that is, the first BGE was supposed to be much more cinematographic to begin with. He remembers when they were making a document for Sony about BGE1 to get a developpement kit, they had to say why their game was original and different from the others, and the first words of the document were things like "immersive" or "finally we get to feel like in a movie while playing a game", and then then when they received the kit, playing around with the hardware they realized Emotion Engine wasn't as technically awesome as it was promised or at least not awesome enough for what they had prepared, so they had to tone down their vision of the game to make it possible on the 128bits.
Now with the next gen consoles they have the necessary horsepower to do what they originally wanted to do.
He says that even though to the public it may seem like a different game, it's really what they wanted to do at first, and it totally keeps the spirit of the first game.
The universe will be a lot more dense for example.
* Interviewer asks if that means they're automatically ruling out the Wii. He says there's always a possibility of ports or even specific versions for "those consoles", but right now their focus is on next-gen (note : next-gen obviously refers to this gen. Yeah, I know.).
Asked if the title is scheduled to be a 360/PS3/PC mutliplat, he doesn't say anything relevant either.
* Also :
Interviewer : "Is it a direct sequel or more like 10 years after or something" ?
Ancel : "Well that's a nice thing to discover when you'll play it"
Ancel : [laughs]
Though he does say it is a continuation of the first one's story, with lots of references to its key events.
* The game is still in pre-production.
Gameplay-wise, the game will be different from the first one. If they were to make the same game with just a new story, the game would already be out as they've been working on it for more than a year and a half.
They want to do what they weren't able to do last gen. The game was supposed to be bigger, more immersive, it was supposed to have more investigations, etc. and that's still their exact focus. They really want the player to be in another universe, and make the limits of said universe seemingly invisible (note : if you played the first one, you know it had a much more clever approach to exploration limitations than invisible walls, that's what they're going to push forward).
All of this means they have to invent new processes, new tools (all from a technical standpoint). They're not going "we need that game out in 2010 so let's do as much as we can in that time frame".
They know what they want, and the actual developpement of the game won't begin as long as they're aren't satisfied with the tools they have. (note : So apparently Ubi as an editor isn't rushing anything, which is always nice to know.) It takes a lot of planning, a lot of thinking, a lot of engineering, a lot of testing so it takes a lot of time.
He compares it to the creation of a new camera system, or Nintendo's new interfaces. Sometimes you have a promising prototype, but it doesn't really work well, so you don't know if it will be able to do what you want, and if it doesn't you'll have to create something else, so you can't tell people "okay it's coming !" because you're not even sure you're on the good track. Basically, they don't know when they will be done with the technical stuff, so they don't know when they'll begin the actual production, let alone when it will be finished.
That's why they don't have a set release date.
A new character, a new universe, good critics, and it sold a lot.
And they though it would be the same for BGE. "It was the team that made Rayman, it also had the new characters and universe, so we thought it would work out the same way"
"We overlooked the fact than, ten years or so after the first Rayman, obviously the market was very different, and we didn't realize the marketing side of things was so much more important than it was back then".
"Ubisoft was looking at the sales, waiting for them to pick-up, not knowing if they should up the marketing dose or not, and there was also Prince Of Persia at the same time"
So that's why it bombed.
He adds that even though it was a disappointment (obviously), the team didn't live it as a terrible failure or anything. They knew the game was great by the critics, they hadn't rushed it to the market.
When asked if it will be fixed for when Beyond Good & Evil 2 releases, he compares the two games.
"When we first showed the game (the first BGE) at E3, we had absolutely zero feedback from the press. They had to cover a lot of games at the same time, big blockbusters and highly anticipated games, and BGE wasn't one of them"
The difference is, he explains, the game has now kind of snowballed along the years, and people are actually asking for BGE2, it's now an anticipated game, and a lot more players know about it.
So the first one, even though it failed at first, acts like a pedestal for the next one.
As if you hadn't had enough Nintendork quotage today:
"You saw the install base," says Kaigler. "We have a 100 million DS worldwide install base with 50 million shipped Wiis. That's an incredible silver platter that we're handing to the development community. Have at it. Here you are. We're giving you, between Wii and DS, a 150 million install base. We want the development community to design and develop into that install base."
"we're hopeful that the development community will take that, go back to their offices, their teams, download the teams who weren't here, 'Okay, guys, we got this sort of step-by-step guide on what to do.'"
"Now it's up to them to do it... having Mr. Iwata himself say, 'Guys, here is what, from my experience, will help you develop games that will succeed on our platform.' I don't know what else it is that he can do."
It's been pointed out that Nintendo can sell its platforms on its games alone; yes, the company makes money on every game sold regardless of who developed it, but why the interest in fostering third parties?
Says Kaigler, "Because the industry needs it. Consumers need it. The more creativity we have -- the more creative minds and teams and people there are developing games for any of our platforms, the consumers are going to be the better for it, right? The industry is going to be the better for it. We can't do it all, and we don't want to do it all."
"So, we're giving the development community, 'Here you go. Take this and give the consumers something that they would love more out of.' So, who does it benefit? It benefits Nintendo, it benefits the industry, it benefits consumers. We need the development community to support our platform, and we recognize that."
Heads up Euroscum.
Madworld £17
No More Heroes £10 here:
Littlebig planet £13!
Fable 2 £18
Prince of Persia £18
Amazon UK
Bully £8.20
GTA DS £18
LBP £13
Ahhh what is that in real money?
what bastards! my madworld arrived only 2 days ago and i ordered it from this very website for £28. the fact that's it's worth every penny is immaterial. aarrrrggghhhhh
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah I got it for around £26 so I guess it has bombed.
Well put it this way, Little Big Planet was probably £40-50 in store at retail and now its £13. Madworld was probably £30-35 and is now £17.
This is what Capcom should be doing or EA with Dead Space and RE respectively. Weird that it takes an outsourced UK team to do this. I like this group, they are doing Overlord Dark Legend and they seem to have a good attitude, pushing proper games and pushing the tech too - there is an interview snippet I put in the Factor 5 thread they did.
Torch wielding makes it seem like a western fragile with horror. And beyond the whole remake hoopla that psychological profile thing means replays will be really fun. Fill in the form in a completely different way and see what happens on a second playthrough.
EDIT: Here we go
Overlord Dark Legend HD video
Another Revogamers interview with the Overlord Dark Legend Wii team.
(Visual effects) There’re a couple of things that we did to help, there’re separate processes like the really good shadowing system on there. It would generally be a “next-gen” games and PC hardware, effect, but we matched to get it working on the Wii hardware. We’ve tried to make it pretty much for the environment, to give that rich and lusterous feel. (Shadows from trees and leaves)
Walker: yes, our real-time shadow system, that’s exciting, different; it gives us a really nice look. We’ve got bloom effects, 20 minions, 10 enemies on screen. We’ve worked to push the hardware, and there’s a lot going on.
(Use of the TEV unit, we saw advanced effects on GC, nobody using on the Wii)
Yeah, we did use the TEV stages, which is essentially the graphic hardware of the Wii has. We did that quite a lot, especially to integrate: we had some real time code which generates them, so the shadows could work with that material like on the fly. That’s it, the way that we managed to get our interesting shadowing system was by manipulating the hardware with the TEV stages. (From scratch) It’s designed very much for the Wii hardware, it’s a custom code written specifically to get high performance out of the hardware.
TEV=Textured Environment Pipeline, Wii and GC's tools for custom creating shaders and textures.
(More on tech) Ric: The level of detail that we’ve got on Wii is probably unparalleled at the moment. It’s thanks to the engine that we’re using, but it also is thanks to the techniques that we’re using, as well. We’re using a lot of instant shading, we’re doing visual calling, so when you go around corners things are added on the fly. We’ve managed to pack in an abnormal amount of data in only 64 MB around, so it’s quite an accomplishment.
I think this is the game Matt C said was top secret to be revealed in april that was "really really, really good. You'll be suprised at how good it is." etc
Two-thirds of men prefer 'new games' to sex
According to a recent, err, pole, two-thirds of men say they'd rather play a new game release than have a rummage in the sack with their lady.
32% of the 1,130 men poled said they'd rather play games than sleep with their partners, most commonly because they were "hard to please" (or you just don't try hard enough, guys) or "not as much fun".
Upping the stakes to "new videogames", that figure rose significantly, with 72 percent saying they'd prefer a night with a new game release than with their other halves, according to this study.
Is Overlord Wii the same game as Overlord for Xbox 360?
EDIT: Okay nevermind. I got my answer.
"Set in a time before the original game, players take the role of a new young Overlord. As he revels in command of the Minions, our trainee tyrant will be able to take his growing pains out on the local fairy tale inhabitants as he protects his castle and lands."
--IGN Wii
I might pick up the 360 game one of these days. Both Amazon and Gamestop has it for $20.
Yeah the sequel looks much better to me.
Anyhow, I double rule. I made this:
Don't link it anywhere else!
Reggie is lame.
Reggie - Still no Disaster…not publishing Fatal Frame 4…and still no demosMTV Multiplayer: A couple of titles fans wonder about the status of coming to the U.S. “Disaster Day of Crisis.” It’s been out for a long time and didn’t do so well where it came out. On the table for a U.S. release or off the table?
Fils-Aime: It is not on our announcement plan.
MTV Multiplayer: “Fatal Frame 4,” published by Nintendo
in Japan. There’s been confusion and mixed signals about whether that’s coming to America
Fils-Aime: We are not the publisher of that title in the Americas. So I can’t comment on it… I don’t know if it has a publisher.
MTV Multiplayer: Finally, a reader asked me to ask that, now that you can download games for the Wii to an SD card and boot from the SD card, does that change any plans at all for there to be downloads of demos for games, be they WiiWare, Virtual Console or whatever else?
Fils-Aime: It doesn’t change our core philosophy. And our philosophy around demos has always been: how much demo do you provide to have the consumer excited but not so much that all they do is play the demo? That’s been an ongoing Nintendo philosophy.
Make sure to check out the full interview here, which discusses Reggie’s want for GTA on Wii, Fall lineup and more
MTV Multiplayer: Right. You said it to me a few years ago. It took five years to get a “Grand Theft Auto” on the DS. How long is it going to take for all the stars to aligned for there to be that kind of game? You’ve been talking to the publisher, right?
Fils-Aime: Our job is to create the installed base for that type of opportunity to be leveraged. It’s Take-Two and Rockstar’s opportunity to make the game.
MTV Multiplayer: You could give them marketing money. Isn’t that how Microsoft got those exclusive episodes on the 360?
Fils-Aime: We support publishers with marketing investment. We don’t buy exclusivity.
Uh huh...
MTV Multiplayer: Do you think you’ll have a better fall of new games than you did this past fall? If there was one thing people were disappointed about for the Wii last year, it was that “Wii Music” or “Animal Crossing” didn’t excite the way other games had.
Fils-Aime: Stephen, I think that’s a great question to ask me in early June at E3.
As Nintendo makes more money Reggie becomes more of an asshole.
Remember back when Nintendo was desperate for a change, to get control of the market, Reggie was saying all the right things, was trying so hard to be all about the gamer.
Loser blogs about HOTD: O and MADWORLD
I actually agree with him. Crude humor and/or excessive profanity are not a selling points to me. I won't buy a game that's filled with it. I also won't read a book or watch a movie like that either.