Reggie looks up and screams "Give us Mother 3"
Iwata looks down and whispers "NO!"
Dylan Cuthbert not interested in StarFo
calls the Wii a toy, and says Miyamoto makes what he wants, not what fans want
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Yeah that cover is horrible, the pose, the character, the facial expression.
I wonder if this is the game Matt C was talking about in the podcast, down for an April reveal? I have never played a Silent Hill game so this will be a first and a welcome move.
I'm not familiar with how well this series does commercially though and it's mainly a PS franchise, so I'm wondering if finanically its a good move for Konami?
Updates done!
I think it kinda makes sense GG. The series sells after all. Partner it up with a console where ANYTHING sells...easy enough.
The Rabbids news makes me cry. Why? Rayman Am Dead. Though I loved this comment from GAF: No arms, no legs, no starring role.
Good to also hear the Vesperia is a comin' to the PS3. I've heard many a good thing about the game. Interestingly enough, I checked out a few of the achievements for the 360 game...and there's one on there that kinda hinted at a PS3 version. The achievement in question is "Vesperia Master", which you get after unlocking all the other achievements...kinda like a Platnium Trophy. SF4 also does the same thing.
I'm more than prepared to pay for the game, but I pray this isn't a case like Symphonia where Namco release the same game onto another console and don't even bother localizing it. Also I pray that if Namco do localize it, they don't screw over Europe like they did with the 360 game.
Frankly, given the day it surfaced I didn't think it was real.
WOW SH news out of nowhere, and on the Wii. The first Silent Hill is easily my favorite in the series, its an absolute classic and what I still consider to be the scariest game ever made. That game messed with my mind more than any other.
I am thrilled to see them going back to the roots of it all. Some things scare me thought, like no combat at all. Seriously, they are going to make us run the whole game, thats just horrible. Unless there is some seriously great gameplay mechanics that fit with this strategy its going to be a bad move. I like that it will be different, if it was just all the same mind fucks as the first game it wouldnt be scary anymore. There are some neat ideas they got with the wii mote.
Best of all it looks incredible.
Very excited for this.
Yeah SH just went from a "who cares" to a must-buy for me.
Hmm...Silent Hill Wii-make looks good! I hope they do a good job of it. They can't make it too differently though. But more extras and different paths would be great for past SH and new SH fans!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
But I'll be getting my money back as soon as they announce it's on rails. In fact woudln't that have made a great April Fools joke? Or perhaps a proper wii-make of RE2. That might've been too mean, though.
Briliant. yeah there are four types of Wii games now:
5. Niche games
But anything doesn't sell. Or doesn't sell well, depending. No More Heroes sold something like what was it? 340'000 which was enough for a sequel. But in Silent Hill terms would they expect a million? Or 750'000? Is the Silent Hill audience a 360 or PS3 owner? How many people who own a Wii will be familiar with it? Will it be seen as a side project or just another remake?
I've got to read this Rabbids news. And Tales of Vesperia is great news. I love how Namco share the love to all consoles and handhelds.
Where are you getting this info. Damn, must read updates.
Hey man! *waves frantically*
Crap, still can't update in IE7 Yo 
GamesRadar - reviews, previews, featuresLiberty City landmarks: GTA IV vs Chinatown Wars
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director’s Cut - review
FFCC: Echoes of Time - review
Spectrobes: Origins - preview
THQ outlines future projects- a possibly final Pixar-based game for the publisher
- a “new animated kids” game
- unspecified action game from Relic
- unannounced racing game
- Juice Games (maker of Juiced) “new racing concept”
- Kaos Studios (Frontlines: Fuel of War) “new shooter”
- Blue Tongue (de Blob) new Marvel series
We know that THQ has a very niche Wii title in the works…they’ve said so in the past. Do you think any of the mentions above could end up being that game?
Reggie a huge fan of Mother 3, wants to see it localized
MTV Multiplayer: We used to talk about “Mother 3” [the highly-regarded 2006 Japanese role-playing game that has never been released in America, despite a fervent Internet fan movement]. And then I stopped asking you about it after a while.
Fils-Aime: I’m a big “Mother” fan. I have to set the record straight on this topic, because I have seen all of the hate comments. I’m a big “Mother” fan. Huge “Mother” fan. I would love to see “Mother” localized in our market. In fact, I’ve talked to [Nintendo president] Mr. Iwata about it because this is a game he has some history with. [pauses] But it is not on our announcement schedule. [laughs]
Check out the full piece here
More Silent Hill Shattered Memories info - no combat-Harry is moved using the control stick, the Wii remote is used to aim the flashlight
-When you look at something Harry will vocally respond
-No load times
-The Wii remote acts as your cell phone, and the static noise comes out of the Wii remote speaker
-Combat has been removed from the game, you can only flee
-When the monsters chase you the Z button will allow you to break through doors, climb fences, through windows etc.
Boom Blox Bash Party - GDC 09: Amir Rahimi Interview
Saboteur: From Paris with love
Pandemic took the time to send us these three new images of the very late
Opinion: Resident Evil 5 - How Does This Make You Feel, 'Partner'?
In this opinion piece, writer Tom Cross discusses questionable and offensive imagery and themes in Resident Evil 5, and how these elements undercut the rest of the game
The-Punch-out-predicament Uh oh, better read this everyone.
EDGE-online talk to Kaigler of Nintendo
By making the Wii’s control interface almost completely incompatible with traditional controllers, Nintendo has virtually guaranteed that third parties will have to create games specifically for the console.
This is interesting from the EDGE article:
Third parties wake up
Virtually all third-party publishers have performed a rapid about-face in support of the Wii, which, to the surprise of many, turned out to be massively popular.
The company won’t deny that its first-party products sell very well on its hardware, but Nintendo says the ability for third-parties to also find success on its platforms is improving.
Some analysts expect the Wii to follow the trend of the DS, in that first-party Nintendo software drove initial sales of the handheld, creating a massive installed base that allowed third-parties to sell commercially successful games on the platform.
Today, third-parties have acknowledged the opportunity that a console with such a large installed base has to offer by putting more resources into Wii development and publishing.
Now, franchises like Rayman Raving Rabbids, Petz and My Coach are lumping millions of dollars in sales on top of successful “core” franchises like Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip, which used the Wii Balance Board to great effect this past holiday, is also a million-seller, and an example of Ubisoft’s adeptness in the Wii market.
Yet four top-selling games across all platforms in the U.S. last year were first-party Wii games—not a single third-party Wii game made the top ten. But now we’re beginning to see the late investments of third-parties who were caught flat-footed by the Wii’s success.
Nintendo consciously removes itself from the ongoing “console war” that is a staple of the games media. “People like to put us in this whole rivalry, the videogame wars, where all these platforms are fighting each other. But we don’t do that. The media loves to do that because it’s fun, it’s sexy, and it sells, whatever.
“We don’t play that game because it is important that we understand that it’s not about that necessarily. It’s about trying to understand what we believe will make videogame players happy.”
She says that Nintendo has no special formula that it can use over and over again to guarantee future success on the Wii—the business is mainly about trying to deliver fun at a decent value, putting that in front of consumers and, to some extent, hoping for the best.
More from Reggie:
Fils-Aime: I am a fan of a lot of different products that aren’t on our announcement schedule.
MTV Multiplayer: How could there be something you like, but it’s not on the announcement schedule? Take me into the psychology of that.
Fils-Aime: Maybe I’m going to burst some people’s bubbles, but just because I’m the president of NOA doesn’t mean that every game that I love gets published in our territory. We run a business. And so, in order for a title to be published, the development, localization, launch, volume, all needs to make economic sense.
Which is why Nintendo is who they are and Atlus, XSEED and Working Designs are who they are (or were in WD's case).
So what about Disaster Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame 4 doesn't make sense? Asses. They should at least put mother 3 out on the Virtual console.
LMAO, this Rabbids go Home game reminds me of what the original Wii Rayman game was suppossed to be like:
TRAILER from May 2006
- action/adventure game
- Rabbids have decided they want to go home, but they don’t know where home is. For whatever reason, they decide that the Moon is their destination
- Rabbids goal is to collect enough junk to build a tower to reach the moon
- control two Rabbids at once: one sits inside a shopping cart, another pushes
- push cart into various junk to collect it
- some items require extra steps to collect
- use ‘BWAH!’ attack to scare clothing off of NPCs, then collect to add to your tower
- other items are used to give rabbids new abilities, power-ups for their cart
Still sounds like shovelware. Push a shopping cart into people while yelling BWAH! ??? Ugh. Is that bottom pic a screenshot? Looks great.
"So what's the story behind this Rabbids adventure? The Rabbids want to go home. Where's home? Not even the Rabbids know for sure, but the moon has caught their attention—and become "home" in the process. Now the Rabbids must collect and build a pile of junk high enough that they can reach the moon. It's an odd setup, and from what we can tell, the story is the sanest part of the game."
"When playing the game, you control two Rabbids at once: one who sits inside a shopping cart, and another who pushes it. Collecting junk is as easy as touching it ot make it fly into your cart, though some pieces require an extra step. For instance, if you want to collect the clothes off one of the many human citizens in the world, you use your "Bwah!" attack to scare the clothes right off of their bodies, leaving them shivering in their underwear."
"Items aren't just for building a mountain to the moon. "Lots of the stuff the Rabbids snag throughout the adventure will give players new abilities for moving or attacking with the shopping cart."
Iwata opens his palm out flat to Reggie and says "I will take your name."