Reggie looks up and screams "Give us Mother 3"
Iwata looks down and whispers "NO!"
Dylan Cuthbert not interested in StarFo
calls the Wii a toy, and says Miyamoto makes what he wants, not what fans want
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SupremeAC (8m)
It said anos. What is anos then in Spanish?
Anus means years? 
Open world playability? What do they mean by that? More zelda exploration and less FF town to town stuff?
Kaepora I am online and waiting in Mario Kart.
20:34 pm UK time. I got to go online with steel for animal Crossing at 9pm but can probably fit in another match at 21:30 pm for half an hour.
Anyway the game is looking very good. When's it coming out? It feels like forever on this one. I'll be picking it up for sure barring some catastrophic failure.
Steel, step away from the keyboard!
My turn to do some updates!
Shit, Iga. Don't burst in yelling like that. I thought I had a spider or something on the KB.
UPDATE - quotes from the article…
“The characters play different roles, things don’t necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions. You still play as Harry Mason, you’re still looking for your daughter, and you’ll see familiar elements, but they’re all twisted to betray your expectations.”
“One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors.” “In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head,” say Hulett. “But now, it’s getting inside YOUR head.”
“We’re using the Wii Remote to interact directly with the environment, so the puzzles are all based around that idea,” says Hulett. “You’re not just hitting buttons to choose things.” He also notes that the solution to a puzzle is always in the immediate vicinity, and assures us there’s a lot less backtracking then in previous games.”
“Longtime fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there’s a way through every locked door; no more checking dozens of entrances only to find that 90% of them are permanently barred shut.”
It's animal crossing time steel. My gate is opening now.
Hmm. I'm still at work. It's 2 pm here. I bet your ass is opening as well, but I have a good 45 minutes before I get back home. Wait for me, use some lube in the meantime.
Perverted minds do think alike
Sonofabitch I keep editing my posts inadvertently.
This is a post within a post.
Oh that's right you f**** head. You ballsed up your timezone on the online table. You're -7 hrs GMT.
So I have to hang around past 10pm? You ASS.
Got to be this year, I'd say autumn. They have translated the game, site is now up, release must be imminent. They mentioned a thousand anus'. The Hobo Gourmet II will dine well tonight
Damnit K man, I hung around waiting and got whopped, lost 500 points or more. Bowser bike has no accerleration whatsoever. I need a new standby. And the asses picked rainbow road. I. HATE. ASSES. WHO PICK RAINBOW ROAD.
And now Robio comments on the news update. Please take your seats:
1. Sega was hyping a Puyo Pop game. . . for the DS? I love Puyo Pop. Hands down my favorite puzzle game. The first one that came out on the DS probably got more gameplay out of me than any other single DS game. That being said, this isn't the kind of series that needs more than one installment per platform. A new WiiWare one would have been cool, but this seems to be a waste.
2. Bonsai Barber got an 8 and IGN and apparently an 8 and WiiWare World. Better than I expected, but come on. . . $10 for this game? Try again. I'll use that for hooker money instead.
3. The Crayola game looks interesting for the kids, but I don't think it's the right time. One is too old for the game, and the other is too young. Maybe in another 2 years I'll pick it up used.
4. I may very well pick up DK Jungle Beat Wii Control game thingy... Looks like a good quality platformer and I never messed with the original due to the bongo controls.
5. Excellent score on Muramasa, but no surprised. As I said in the main thread I'm now going to avoid any extra information on it. I've already seen so much and I want to something left to surprise me when I get the game.
6. Penis.
Is everyone hitting the HIDE button on my Silent Hill post?
Hello? *echo*
I only saw the covershot, and somehow I thought it was a badly rendered Harry Potter