Icarian: Kindred Spirits to feature....
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SupremeAC (10m)
Leaves more money in your pocket to buy MadWorld!
this sums it up very well for me. UC worked like it did for the reasons dvader says plus at least back then ... the lightgun idea was somewhat original (as there had only been ports up to that point). supposedly UC was capcom's test for how a so called hardcore game would fare on the wii. like the guy on gaf said: it seems we passed the test well, and the floodgates have opened for more light-gun games.
does it make me a hypocrit to want Overkill to do well and Extraction to fall flat on its face?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
No not at all HotD has always been a lightgun game and a really good one at that. Extraction is clearly taking the easy route with the wii, making an easy dumb game to cash in on.
Damnit, where is that link checker thing?
But I thought you'd be happy. Now you get to play two great Dead Space games, a main game and an experimental spin off. It's a win win situation!
Just kidding man. I almost............ almost, blame Capcom for this with Umbrella Chronicles, they were the first. I just.... ugh, 3 years in and this is still the mindset of developers. Have you seen the reaction in comments on GAF or the IGN article? Nearly everyone hates the idea. It will probably end up quite good but its just not what people want. Adding up HOTD 2, 3, Overkill, Umbrella Chronicles AND now Dead Space, the horror lightgun genre is played out on the system now. It just is. No matter how good this could be.
I almost feel like Capcom are going to announce Resident Evil 5: Umbrella Chronicles Wii. All the best scenes from last years blockbuster with a guided cinematic experience. Look forward to it for 2010. Noooooooooooooo!
And you see the company reaction to our reactions "I honestly wasn't expecting this backlash?" this is the same kind of thing you saw with Chop Till you drop "Have we been putting all our hard work into a game no one wants? Give the game a chance"
The suits just don't get IT. I once asked Capcoms VP if they would ever consider making anymore RE4 style mature games on Wii (other than CTYD) and he replied "That's what CTYD is, a high profile mature game in the same style as RE4, we are fully committed"
Then before that he said that Capcom were making a "Lost Planet style game announcement for Wii". A couple of months later he says that he was talking about spyborgs???
Does this look like a Lost Planet style game? There was a funny quote I saw in a Dead Space comments section, it quoted that 'guided first person experience' bit from the Dead Space interview and said: after we rid the world of lawyers can the PR people be next?
How is that though? The credits have more than two people listed I'm sure.
This is the lose lose situation Wii gamers are faced with. If the game bombs then original mature games dont sell on Wii. If it succeeds then more light versions of big brother hardcore games are on the way. RE5 on rails? Mirrors Edge on rails?
RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles passed the test that Capcom's Vice President set for us, the test was passed so the reward was a bad port of a 3 year old game.
I think we all pretty much picked up Umbrella Chronicles out of fandom and because it was one of, if not the first? Lightgun shooter on Wii. HOTD Overkill looks really good, the comedy the original Grindhouse concept. But if I get it, I wont be in the market for another lightgun shooter come the end of this year.
Yeah GG its a mess, these people dont even seem to know what they want. Did you see that IGN article on the game, the EA guy didn't even want to mention light gun game cause he is ashamed to. If they are ashamed of the type of game they are making why make it?!
Its not hard, Dead Rising is a good template, personally I would perfer them to just make it a new scanario for DS seeing that they practically had to redo the entire game from the ground up but still its a game that keeps the core of what made DR work and adjusted it for wii. Thats what this game should be, thats what most of these games that get "ported" to the wii should be. I probably would have bought a Dead Space prequel on the wii if it was like Dead Space, this, no way.
Hey smart ass with the news story, how about you die already huh.
Is that the PSO dragon in Black Knight, lol. Combat looks slow (also after Unleashed even Sonic running in this game is a bit slow) still looks awesome.
I was online when the press release was just out and the sites didn't know what to call it from the press release. Some were calling it a FPS, others were calling it a first person game. They wanted to hide the fact that its an on rails game cause they knew they would get shit. In the PR text you dont see the words on rails or lightgun shooter anywhere at all. This game is launching at the end of this year, motionplus is out in Spring. This game could have used that make it really awesome, motion controlled saws? 1:1 melee? Proper physics control and statis abilities? Pixel perfect aiming? Just a complete lack of ambition.
That lava bit looked pretty cool. It does seem to slow to a crawl in combat. Which is weird.
there's statistical outliers and then there's sheer stupidity
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
*clutches chest in pain
Must reach keyboard, ughh
My final wish is that my good friend Vader, does all the updates in my place. Ughhh, don't worry about the news Vader will surely do a good job. Cough, it not like him to ignore a final wish.
*coughs up blood and dies, with a smirk on his face.
Xbox mag reviews RE5: LMAO....much respect to Xbox mag on that one, calling it like it is." Calling it as it is, right and the magazines giving it high marks are not calling it as it is, no they are lying to themselves. Such a weird mentality. And it doesn't only work one way, it can go the other way as well, someone just ignoring the negative reviews.
Now that I got that out of my system, lets talk about the negative reviews cause it seems there will be some big time issues that are we are getting details on right now. There are two UK reviews, one in a Playstion magazine and one in that Xbox magazine. They both basically say the same things about the game.
Main complaint I guess is that its a co-op game with a bonus single player component, thats how they describe it. Also its too much like RE4 and not as good (big surprise
). The final boss is a mess with the AI, apparently the AI was not made to deal with whatever you got to do in this fight.
Scariest thing are these reports of a cover system that comes into play for what they say is most of the final third of the game. I saw the cover system in a video review, basically its a pop in and out system, very ridgid, does not look fluid at all. It seems there will be enemies with guns or something where you constantly have to take cover and pop out and shoot them. Uhh what?! The whole point of RE4 was that there were practically no ranged enemies, it is all about getting right up to enemies. That has the potential of really screwing up the game if it really clogs up the ending acts. It might be one of the biggest bonehead design decisions we have seen.
The demo got me all excited, these reviews got me scared again.
Because that's what the corporate suits are FORCING people to do on the Wii. That's what they think they NEED to do, because they're corporate suits.
That's the only review I've seen. And based on what I've seen and played of the game I apploud them for telling it the way I saw it. What's weird about that? There will be plenty of places that give this AAA rating for no other reason than it is RESIDENT EVIL, just like people giving perfect 10's to fucking GTA 4.
4 years after RE4, this is exactly WHY it deserves the score they gave it. It applied to RE Zero when it copied REmake but wasn't as good, and it applies here as well. Its the most derivitive game I've ever seen in my life also. RE Zero wasn't even THIS much of a clone.
What's weird about that? LOL, dude you seem to get upset anytime someone says anything even remotely negative about the game. Like its not allowed because its "RE5".
If you liked the demo, you'll probably have no problem at all with the game. For me, the demo did the opposite just like it did for Davison over at 1up.
But this reaction of mine is mostly due to the awesome trailer and how much it reminded me of Doom 3, which I'm very fond of.
Having described my excitement, I must still express disappointment in relation to everyone elses'--and my own previous--points. This isn't the kind of game hardcore Wii gamers need or truly want, no matter the quality of the product (which I'm sure will be quite high). This is your experimental stuff, dvader.
Hey people pay attention to kororinpa: marble saga. The first one was awesome, but way too short. This one has more level, plus ability to create your own levels and share it with others.
Could be good!
True to an extent, it calmed my fears about the overall new gameplay mechanics, I feel they will be fine. It still never addressed if the game would maintain the same type of intense, amazingly paced and well made level designs and scenarios that RE4 had from start to finish. These reviews are starting to confirm that RE5 wont do that and in fact will try something really moronic at the end of the game. Maybe it works, maybe I am all wrong, its not like I wont try this game so I will just leave it now, I have lowered my expectations on the game for the moment.
In your case the game lost you from the demo so all this stuff is just pilling on the pre-release disappointment. But it is pre-release, I will not pass judgement on this game until I play it from start to finish, I am just going to show my concerns at the moment.
Anyway I wont let this ruin my excitment over a new RE game coming, new viral video is out today http://www.residentevil.com/5/kijuju/?fbid=l-_nDkswEVi. Its video 4 called bridge. Password is temple.
This game so backfired on me.
This is not what I had in mind, I explained why it worked for RE (though i still was angry when UC was first annouced) What I would have liked if it was a prequel, a different story, a different game but it was the same damn genre. I rather have that then just a port of Dead Space. But now we have this, the "experimental", yeah I didn't think this would happen. Oops.
Yes Iga I am watching starting now...
I guess the good thing about Dead Space Wii is that the shit has finally hit the fan with the Wii audience; people are pissed and getting sick of this shit and from all the comments all over the internet I don't see how companies can continue to NOT get that through their thick heads.
Yes, its true, the Nintendo audience would like more Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil style ADVENTURE games, just like they always have, and they don't want every game to be a mini-game or a hold- my- hand light gun game.
Man, I truly fucking hope Retro Studios have something coming this year.
It would be nice if the industry saw this reaction as an eye-opener, but being realistic about it, I think things are going to continue just as they have been, just with more quality games coming out for the Wii--and I'm really hoping that this spring is only the beginning for them, too.